Summary: Christians should be good citizens.


Titus 3:1-2

INTRO.- ILL.- A girl went into a Chinese restaurant in Chicago and told Wing Foo Sam, a waiter, that

she wanted an order of chow mein to take out. She said she wanted a first-class order because, as she

explained, “it’s for a mighty nice chap.”

Wing Foo Sam brought the chow mein, the girl took it away and a short time later the trouble began. The fellow who ate the chow mein thought he was eating liquid fire. When the complaint came back to the restaurant, Wing Foo Sam was immediately fired by his Chinese boss. But when Wing Foo Sam explained what happened, he got his job right back.

It appears that when the girl said the chow mein was for a mighty nice “chap,” Wing Foo Sam misunderstood her and thought she said, “a might nice Jap.” That’s when Wing Foo Sam’s blood pressure rose to the boiling point and he thought he’d fix that mighty nice Jap with three teaspoons-full of blazing red hot peppers.

Brethren, while we might not agree with Wing Foo Sam’s actions, we must appreciate that he was a passionate patriot of his country China.

I’m not in favor of persecuting people from other countries just because we happen to believe that our

country is the greatest country in the world.

ILL.- I recently heard a startling statistic about the state of California. Do you know what people in that

state are the minority? CAUCASIANS! The Caucasian population in California is now 49.9 percent.

California has been flooded with people from around the world. And this is has happened in practically

every state in the union! People have come to America with the idea that it is the land of plenty and there is freedom to do whatever a person wants.

And basically, that’s true! That’s one of the things that makes America so great. We have so much available to us. And if a person is committed enough and dedicated enough, they can do practically

anything they want in life.

Consequently, we are being invaded by people from all over the world! But in our patriotism we must not persecute other people! We must not be unkind to anyone for any reason. Why? Because we are Christians! And I don’t believe that we are to hate anybody. And that includes anybody from any other country of the world or any other race.

ILL.- I heard just recently that hate groups are making great gains into people’s lives through the

Internet. Of course, all kinds evil is making its way through the use of the Internet.

I heard an TV interview of some leader of a Neo-Nazi hate group recently. He is also a member of the Ku Klux Klan. He said that in the past he handed out thousands of leaflets, pushing his propaganda, but he said now they reach millions through the Internet. And it’s much quicker, easier and cheaper!

ILL.- Here’s an example of just one hate group. A Rev. Matt Hale, leader of the World Church of the

Creator, based in Peoria, IL, was interviewed. This “World Church of the Creator” is, of course,

anti-Semitic, racist and believes in white supremacy. There are parts of the interview which I couldn’t begin to repeat. And I believe this was the fellow who

came to Mattoon some months back.

Matt Hale said, “We believe that in order for white people to prosper, to survive, to expand, and

advance their own kind, they need to have a racial religion of their own. Rather than a religion such as

Christianity, which tells them to love their enemies, love the meek, and the inferior. We need a religion

which exalts our own people and our own people alone.”

Brethren, I don’t buy it!

I believe in being a patriot of America but not to the point of hating other people and other races! That’s not the way of Jesus and we believe in Jesus and follow Him!

If the Lord Jesus had been a racist we would never been saved in the first place! But Jesus died on the

cross for all mankind! For every race! For every tribe! For every nation!

Jesus said to “go into all the world and make disciples of all nations.”

The apostle Paul said in Rom. 1:16 “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes...”

The apostle Peter said in Acts 10:34-35 “I now realize that God does not show favoritism, but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right.”

Brethren, the promise of eternal life is for all people! We should never be selfish with the gospel or

anything that Christ offers. And we should never be prejudiced against any other people or race!

PROP.- In this sermon I want to talk about what it means to be a good citizen of our country since Tuesday is election day and we need to be concerned about our great country.

1- Be respectful of governmental authorities

2- Be diligent in your work

3- Be considerate of all people


V. 1 “Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient....”

ILL.- Theodore Roosevelt once said, “The times are evil; that is, there is much that is evil in them. It

would be to our shame and discredit if we failed to recognize that evil; if we wrapped ourselves in a

foolish optimism and failed to war with heart and strength against that evil.”

Brethren, most of us realize that all is not right with America nor in America! There is much that is evil in our world and in our beloved country.

ILL.- Donald Wildmon of the National Federation for Decency wrote these words some years ago. “Today, 4000 innocent lives of unborn babies were snuffed out. One and one-half million times each year our ‘civilized’ society will take an innocent life.

- 600,000 children, between the ages of 3 and 18, are involved in child pornography. 20,000 will disappear each year, never to be seen again.

- The television networks make of mockery of Christians, the Christian faith and Christian values.

Greed, materialism, violence, sexual immorality are standard fare.

- Teenage suicide is the highest it has ever been. The number of teenage alcoholics and drug addicts is

the highest ever.

- Christian morality cannot be taught in our schools, but atheistic immorality can.

- Rape has increased 700 percent in recent years. The FBI says that one in four 12-year-old girls will be

sexually assaulted in her lifetime.

- Pornography has become an 8 billion dollar business with some of the largest companies in America

involved - CBS, RCA, Coca Cola, 7-Eleven, Time, Inc.

- Rock music fills the airways, and our children’s minds with music which legitimizes rape, murder,

satanic worship, etc.

All is not right in America! And yet the Word of God still says, “Be subject to rulers and authorities.”

Rom. 13:1 “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities...”

I Pet. 2:13-14 “Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men: whether to the king, as the supreme authority, or to governors (for us, police officers), who are sent by him to punish those who do wrong and to commend those who

do right.”

ILL.- A policeman said to a woman, “Here is your parking ticket, maam.” The woman said, “And just what you do you do when you catch a real criminal?” The police officer replied, “I don’t know. All I ever catch are the innocent ones.”

Brethren, we must submit to governing authorities whether we like what they do or not and even if we

think they are wrong and we are right. That means the police, government officials, etc.

Even though we may not agree with what some of our elected officials do, we must show respect for the office, even if we don’t respect the person.

Tuesday is election day. And as Christian citizens we should have enough concern for God and our country to get out and vote!

I’ve heard it said that almost half of America’s Bible-believing Christians will stay home on election day.

That’s sad, because every Christian citizen should vote!

ILL.- I have read that...

- it was one vote that gave Oliver Cromwell control of England in 1656.

- it was one vote that gave America the English language instead of the German language in 1776.

- it was one vote that changed France from a Monarchy into a Republic in 1875.

- it was one vote that gave the Presidency of the U.S. to Rutherford B. Hayes in 1876.

- it was one vote that gave Adolf Hitler the leadership of the Nazi Party in Germany in 1923.


ILL.- In the Oct. 16, 1988 issue of the “Lookout,” a publication of Standard publishing, was an article

entitled, “What Difference Does My Vote Make?”

Ever hear of Pres. Charles Evans Hughes? No, you haven’t, but you would have if just one more voter

in each California district had voted for him, sending him to the White House instead of letting Woodrow

Wilson return in 1916.

In 1884 Grover Cleveland was elected as our President over James G. Blaine, when, out of over a million

New Yorkers who voted, just 1,149 more chose Cleveland.

And in 1960 John F. Kennedy was sent to the White House instead of Richard Nixon by an average of less than a single vote per election precinct.

Brethren, your vote counts! And a part of submitting to governmental authorities means you ought to vote! Don’t misunderstand me! I’m not suggesting that America will ever be saved by anyone who arrives on Air Force One! There is only savior for mankind and for America and that’s the Lord Jesus!

But a part of being a good citizen is voting. And as a preacher friend of mine says, “I tell my people to

vote the Word!”

1- Be respectful of governmental authorities


V. 1 “Be ready to do whatever is good.” RSV “Be ready for any honest work.”

I Thess. 4:11-12 “Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.”

Col. 3:23 “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.”

We are admonished in Scripture to work and to work hard at our work; whatever we do for a living.

ILL.- This sign was posted for workers: “To all employees: Due to increased competition and a desire to

stay in business, we find it necessary to institute a new policy. We are asking that somewhere between

starting and quitting time, and without infringing too much on the time usually devoted to lunch periods, coffee breaks, rest periods, story-telling, ticket-selling, vacation-planning, and the re-hashing of

yesterday’s TV programs, each employee should endeavor to find some time that can be set aside and known as the ‘WORK BREAK.’”

ILL.- Here was another sign posted for workers; although this one was written in 1858. “This store will be open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. year round. On arrival each morning, the store must be swept, and

counters, shelves, and showcases dusted. Lamps must be trimmed, pens made, a pail of water and bucket of coal brought in before breakfast. After 14 hours of work, leisure hours should be spent in reading.”

A hundred years ago people apparently worked very hard!

ILL.- One of our older members in the church in Anna, IL, said to me one time that if anything happened to America to cause us to have to live off the land again like our forefathers did, we couldn’t do it! He’s probably right.

ILL.- Patrick Henry shouted, “Give me liberty or give me death.” The next generation shouted, “Give me liberty.” And someone said, “The present generation shouts, ‘GIVE ME!’”

ILL.- Preacher John Wesley traveled 250,000 miles in 40 years on horseback. He preached 40,000 sermons, produced 400 books, knew ten languages. At the age of 83 he was annoyed because he couldn’t write more than 15 hours a day without hurting his eyes, and at 86 he was ashamed that he couldn’t preach more than twice a day. He complained in his diary that there was an increasing tendency to lie in bed until 5:30 in the morning.

Obviously, John Wesley was a rare breed of a man. But the point is: we Christians must never be slackers in our work; no matter what we do!

ILL.- Larry Burkett is a nationally-known Christian lecturer who conducts seminars on how to manage your money. He received a letter from a non-Christian woman who owned a small business one time.

She wrote, “I’ve had trouble with my employees for years. They will not do an honest day’s work. They are lazy and rebellious. I heard your radio program and decided to hire all Christians. I did, but I

have never had a more complaining, griping group of people. They were always mumbling about something. I’ve now replaced them with refugees. The refugees are so grateful to work, they’ll do everything I ask. They don’t grumble and complain. I think American Christians need to wake up.”

Brethren, I don’t believe what she said is true for all Christian people, but it is apparently true for some.

To be good citizens, we must good, hard-working people.

1- Be respectful of governmental authorities

2- Be diligent in your work


V. 2 “Slander no one, be peaceable and considerate, and show true humility toward all men.”

Gal. 6:10 “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”

To be good Christian citizens we must do good to all people and be considerate of all people.

ILL.- De Tocqueville of France once said, “America is great because she is good and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.”

Brethren, there are definitely people in America who are not good. They make no pretense about being

selfish or self-centered. They will lie, cheat, steal, deceive, maim, or kill in order to get what they want.

And it’s not always the person we think. It’s not always some addict from the ghetto who does these

kinds of things. Many times they are very prominent people who care about nobody but themselves.

But the Christian is to be different from the rest of the people of the world. The Christian is to be a

good person: thoughtful, considerate of others, kind to others, etc.

ILL.- In the old comic strip, THE WIZARD OF ID, one day, Rodney, one of the warriors, came in from

battle. He was bruised and battered, and his horse was crippled. The king said to him, “Where have you been?” Rodney the warrior said, “Out fighting your enemies on the west. I’ve pillaged, and I’ve burned, and I’ve killed your enemies on the west.”

The king replied, “But I don’t have any enemies on the west.” Rodney said, “YOU DO NOW!”

Brethren, it seems like some people are always looking for trouble, always looking for a fight. But the

Christian is supposed to be peaceable, gentle, kind, considerate of others.

Rom. 12:18 “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”

Heb. 12:14 “Make every effort to live in peace with all men...”

In other words, don’t go around stirring up people or trouble. Don’t be threatening your neighbor every

time he or she does something you don’t like or anybody else for that matter. Don’t go throwing your

weight around. Don’t go out of your way to cause trouble or make enemies. Don’t argue all the time

with people, thinking you are always right or you are always defending some righteous cause. You are

not Jesus showing righteous indignation in the temple by overturning the tables of the moneychangers.

ILL.- Two women were riding on a train together and began to argue over the window. They called the

conductor and one of them said, “If this window is open I will catch a cold and die.”

The other woman said, “If this window is closed, I will suffocate.” And the two women glared at each


Finally, the conductor didn’t know what to do so he asked the advice of a man who was sitting nearby.

The man said, “First, open the window and that will kill one of them. Then close the window and that

will kill the other and then we’ll have some peace around here.”

Brethren, that is not the way to make friends and influence people. Instead, we should be thoughtful

and considerate of others. We should be different from most people of the world. Be a shining

example of kindness and of selflessness. Always be looking for opportunities to do good to others; to

open doors for others, to smile, to speak a work of cheer or kindness to others, to open and close

windows for people!

Rom. 12:21 “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

Rom. 14:19 “Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification.”

Phil. 2:3-5 “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. YOUR ATTITUDE SHOULD BE THE SAME AS THAT OF


Being a good citizen is a matter of being a good person to others! Let’s be more considerate toward all



ILL.- An old Persian legend once pictured four angels watching God create the world. One said, “Why did God make it?” Another said, “How did God make it?” A third said, “Can I have it?” And the fourth said, “CAN I HELP TO MAKE IT BETTER?”

1st - philosophical attitude - why?

2nd - scientific attitude - how?

3rd - selfish attitude - can I have it?

4th - Christian attitude - Can I help to make it better?

Brethren, the United States of America is not what she should be. And far too many have the wrong attitude about America. Some question why she is becoming so corrupted. Others ask, “how did America get this way?” And others just want all they can get out of America, not thinking of others.

But the Christian person should be asking, “How can I help to make America better?” The answer is: be a good citizen, be a good Christian citizen.

1- Be respectful of governmental authorities

2- Be diligent in your work

3- Be considerate of all people