What's In It for Me? - Service
When you work for God - you work for the best!
Excited about the youth here at MCC. They are involved in Ministry and Service. They are involved in Giving - several have made commitments to our "4a1k" Campaign
Wonderful when someone at a young age gives their heart to God. But what about a person who gives a heart to God that is hard and brittle. Not innocent and young but tough and worn.
Let me tell you about Oswald J. Smith & Karla Faye Tucker.
"His Heart Will Go On"
Oswald J. Smith lived from Nov. 8, 1889 - Jan 25, 1986. He was a PASTOR, EVANGELIST, MISSIONARY STATESMAN, author, hymn writer, world traveler, poet, editor--Oswald J. Smith is one of the most versatile Christian leaders in the history of the Christian church. Perhaps never has one man done so many different things well. It all centered in Toronto, Ontario, where Smith pastored from 1915 to 1959.
His congregation numbered about 3,500. As a missionary statesman, he led his church in a program that by the mid 1970s netted over $700,000.00 annually for foreign missions, more than any church on the face of the earth. As an author, he published some 35 books which have sold over a million copies. As an editor, he published a magazine, The People's Magazine, for 36 year. As a radio preacher, his church services were carried by as many as 42 stations at a time. As a world traveler, he toured 72 countries.
Over 7,000 were converted in South Africa. Nearly three- quarters of a century and some 12,000 sermons later, he preached his last sermon at the Peoples Church in December, 1981--at the age of 92. His funeral was Thursday, January 30, 1986, at the Peoples Church in Toronto.
It featured the singing of George Beverly Shea and the preaching of Billy Graham.
"Her Heart Will Go On"
"Born Again" on Oct. 29, 1983 our sister, Karla Faye Tucker, was born November 18, 1959 and was born again October 29, 1983. She died on this earth February 3, 1998, and went to be with Jesus.
Karla found the Lord, October 29, 1983 in the Harris County Jail where she was awaiting trial for two murders she helped commit. A mission team from our ministry was presenting a puppet show in the jail. Karla came to the puppet show to avoid being alone in her cell. It was there she found Jesus.
The Parable of the Estate Owner
Matthew 20:1-16
20:1 "For the Kingdom of Heaven is like the owner of an estate who went out early one morning to hire workers for his vineyard.
20:2 He agreed to pay the normal daily wage and sent them out to work.
20:3 "At nine o'clock in the morning he was passing through the marketplace and saw some people standing around doing nothing.
20:4 So he hired them, telling them he would pay them whatever was right at the end of the day.
20:5 At noon and again around three o'clock he did the same thing.
20:6 At five o'clock that evening he was in town again and saw some more people standing around. He asked them, 'Why haven't you been working today?'
20:7 "They replied, 'Because no one hired us.'"The owner of the estate told them, 'Then go on out and join the others in my vineyard.'
20:8 "That evening he told the foreman to call the workers in and pay them, beginning with the last workers first.
20:9 When those hired at five o'clock were paid, each received a full day's wage.
20:10 When those hired earlier came to get their pay, they assumed they would receive more. But they, too, were paid a day's wage.
20:11 When they received their pay, they protested,
20:12 'Those people worked only one hour, and yet you've paid them just as much as you paid us who worked all day in the scorching heat.'
20:13 "He answered one of them, 'Friend, I haven't been unfair! Didn't you agree to work all day for the usual wage?
20:14 Take it and go. I wanted to pay this last worker the same as you.
20:15 Is it against the law for me to do what I want with my money? Should you be angry because I am kind?'
20:16 "And so it is, that many who are first now will be last then; and those who are last now will be first then."
Jesus Christ's Top Ten Reasons You should work for God!
Top Ten Reasons to Work For God
He wants you to do His work!
"the owner of an estate…went out early one morning to hire workers for his vineyard." Matt 20:1.
It would be like being hired by Ford in Dearborn. Or, like being hired by GM in Lansing. Or, like being hired to work at MSU in East Lansing.
It is a great privledge to be one of many involved in a great work. I have met people who are proud to have worked on the Mackinaw Bridge. I have met some who have built by themselves a camp in the woods.
The greatest work in the world is God's work. The Meridian Christian Church is part of that great work. The building of His Kingdom! What a privilege!
We are no backwoods; half-baked, mousy, milk toast, cheap, crummy, flea-bitten, tattered & torn, burnt out, weary, bunch of right wing fanatical wierdos - you know the Christian antagonist on the TV show that God tells to blow up school buildings!
I am part of the greatest work on earth! He wants ME to take care of YOUR needs!
"He agreed to a normal daily wage" Matt 20:2
Lord's Prayer includes a request for daily bread
God knows you have physical and emotional needs
The master knows our needs and meets them - day after day.
He's not going to make you rich Nothing in the Bible promises to make you wealthy! (or Healthy) He will take care of you!
He wants to take you the way you are!
"He saw some people standing around doing nothing." Matt 20:3
Probably had long hair. Probably painted "blue" and moussed to stick straight up in the air. Or maybe they just got up late because the night before was a party!Kind of people who most employers won't hire!
He doesn't care what you know, have done, or don't do. He takes you and gives you everything you need to serve him well. All are given belong to God and are given by to God as he wills to his own to do his work
Spiritual gifts to be used in ministry. Some are miraculous & evangelistic. Some are Leadership gifts
Some are gifts of ministry and encouragement.
He will make it right at the end of the day!
"He hired them, telling them he would pay them whatever was right at the end of the day" Matt 20:4
We all go to work on the basis of trust. Who here gets paid ahead for work that is to be done??? Very rare!!!
God says simply - do my work and I'll make it right at the end of the day!
Anyone here seen heaven yet? Do you know those streets of Gold? Me either! - But even though I don't know exactly what heaven is like I know that God will make it right at the end of the day
He will take you whenever you are ready to go!
"Early one morning…"; "At nine o'clock in the morning…"; "At noon and again around three o'clock…"; "At five o'clock that evening…" Matt 20:1, 3, 5, & 6
Buy now - last chance - today only! Not God! He comes around over and over. If not this hour - he'll be back next hour. The end of the day will come!
He will take you when no one else will!
"…Because no one hired us" Matt 20:7
Ever been last to be picked? - When the neighborhood kids chose up teams to play a game of softball. Ever been left without being picked?
Ever been left at the end of a month of looking for work with your family - hungry, scared and desperate and you still looking for work? Ever have a hard time getting a job? Ever looked at an application and seen the words. "Have you ever been convicted of a felony?" and your heart sink - because you have. Ever been told you "don't have enough experience" or you are "over qualified"? Ever been told that you are too old, too fat, too weak, too slow, too damaged?
Have you ever seen a fellow with a sign "will work for food" at the exit ramp of a freeway, eyes downcast, shoulders slumped in defeat. Untouchable, useless, hopeless, worthless, druggies, alcoholics, the dregs of society, burned up, worthless, scum, murderers, the Karla Faye Tuckers of the world we live in.
God takes them! - God will take you even if your are one of "them"
He will treat you right!
"he told the foreman to call the workers in and pay them…" Matt 20:8
You will never be treated unfairly or cheated in what is promised! I once worked all day for a man when I was a teenager. At the end of the day he came to me and said, "This is for the lord - right?!" And then he paid me $.50 and hour when the minimum wage was $1.25. This is not right!
God will never cheat you or let you down! You will get everything he promises: A new spiritual nature; Forgiveness from your sin; A New spiritual family; Adoption into the family of God - You have the right to cry unto God "Abba", Father!
He is kind!
"those hired at 5 o'clock, …each received a full day's wage!" Matt 20:9
Some bosses will charge you for everything they can. Late more than 10 minutes - dock your pay check. Ruin a company provided uniform - it comes out of your wages. Screw up an account - sorry, you are gone.
God pays the last man the full day's wage!
He is merciful even when others demand judgement!
"should you be angry because I am kind?" Matt 20:15
They are sinners! They shouldn't be allowed in Church!
Some people insist on being the spiritual moral cops of the universe! Have you heard of a church where divorced people forbidden to be a part of a church or to take communion. Have you heard of Christians that condemn smokers while they sit on oversized seats. Have you seen pastors who condemn immorality and are caught in seedy motels with prostitutes or leave their churches for a new life with woman from a church across town.
God gives sinners what they need - acceptance, salvation, forgiveness - not what they deserve
Should we be angry because God is kind to THEM?
Should we be grateful because God is kind TO US?!
He chooses the last and makes them first "…many who are first now will be last then; and those who are last now will be first then." Matt 20:16
Have you ever been honored at the Academy Awards? Receive a Presidential Citation? Been invited to Camp David? Been given a reception at the Metropolitan theater in New York? Been interview on Jay Leno or David Letterman or even by Conan O'brien? Have you ever even won the lottery?
Well, how would you like to sit at the table with Jesus at the greatest banquet feast of all time and eternity.
You will! Oswald J. Smith wrote the following:
I have seen Him,
I have known Him,
For He deigns to walk with me;
And the glory of His presence Will be mine eternally.
O the glory of His presence,
O the beauty of His face,
I am His and His forever,
He has won me by His grace.
When Karla Faye Tucker had only a few minutes left to live on this earth, even though she was very weak from fasting, she cheered up the guards and chaplains and witnessed to them as they assisted and comforted her. With her last words, she expressed her sorrow to her victim's family, and her love for all who had been "so good" to her. Then, smiling, she went to be "face to face with Jesus".