Summary: This message teaches us the value of following the example of Hur.

“And Hur Went Up”

Exodus 17:8-16


Dr. Steven G. Cook

I. Introduction

A. Read Text – Ex. 17:8-16

B. As Israel journeyed in the Wilderness of Sin, God allowed them to endure experiences of life that taught them great lessons of His power and grace in their lives.

C. In Exodus 17:1-7 Israel learned of God’s supernatural provision by receiving “Water from the Rock”.

D. In the remainder of Exodus 17 we find that the Lord teaches them other lessons as well.

E. The new Christian is surprised that the Christian life is one of “battles” as well as “blessings”.

F. Up to now, Israel has not had to fight; for the Lord fought for them; Now the Lord will fight through them.

G. The Amalekites were descendents of Esau, the brother of Jacob, Isaac’s son, and they represent the opposition of the flesh.

H. Israel had been delivered once and forever from world (Egypt), by crossing the Red Sea (picture of the blood of Christ), but God’s people will always battle the flesh until Christ returns.

I. Notice that the Amalekites did not appear until after the water was given (water pictures the Holy Spirit); the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and as long as we are in this fleshly body, we will have to do battle.

J. As a matter of fact, the Amalekites executed a “sneak attack” by coming up from the rear – This is why we ought to “watch and pray” lest the enemy come upon us unawares!

K. How Israel was able to overcome the enem?.

L. You will notice four (4) individuals in our story – Moses, Joshua, Aaron, & Hur.

M. Moses is a type of Christ, although not a perfect type because he grew weary; However, we see Moses up on a mountain with the rod of God depicting the Lord Jesus Christ as our heavenly intercessor seated at the right hand of God.

N. Joshua is a type of the victorious, Spirit-filled believer who is bold and obedient to obey the Word of God!

O. Aaron has been appointed high priest, and of course, his position also typifies the Lord’s priestly ministry.

P. But Who Is HUR? Hur is a person we know next to nothing about, yet he is mentioned in the company of three (3) great men of the Bible.

Q. People have long looked at Moses and Joshua as role models, and rightfully so, as they are true heroes of the faith!

R. However, there are two heroes of this story that are seldom mentioned! These two heroes are Aaron & Hur.

S. What happened every time Moses dropped his arms? The momentum of the battle changed against Israel – So what happened? Aaron and Hur held the arms of Moses up until the going down of the sun.

T. Today, I would like to pay special tribute to every HUR in the crowd at Etna Baptist Church! I would like to honor all of those who are willing to play second-fiddle and are willing to make up the second line! People who are often unnoticed, unthanked, and unrecognized for the most part of their Christian lives!

U. There are many people here at Etna just like Hur; they perform vital duties and do so without thought of recognition or applaud!

V. These Hurs of Etna make it possible that the rest of us can do what the Lord has called us to do; and without whose help we could never get the job done!

W. Allow me to share at least 4 Characteristics of people like Hur that make them very special to the church.

II. People Like Hur Are Absolutely Invaluable (Ex. 17:12)

A. In our story, Moses was unable to hold up his own arms, so Aaron and Hur held them up for him.

B. This may seem like a menial task to some, but if Aaron and Hur had not done what they did, Moses would have failed, and so would Joshua have failed.

C. In the church today, there is still a great need for people like Hur – people who are willing to allow others to get the credit; people who are rarely seen; people who are not concerned with recognition; yet they are people who are willing to do what needs to be done so that the battles can be won!

D. People like Hur are those who Pray Daily for the pastor, teachers, missionaries, youth, bus ministry, sick, lost, etc.

E. People like Hur are those who carry the load so that the first line people are able to do their work in reaching souls for Christ!

F. Illustration – “Military logistic support”

G. People who pray and seek God’s face and lift up the hands of the weary in the Lord’s work are INVALUABLE!

H. Every time I preach the Word of God, I sense that there are those in this church who have prayed for me! I draw strength and encouragement knowing that YOU are concerned whether or not someone is saved!

I. “Jesus also had those who held up His hands” (Read - Mark 15:40-41)

J. IF others helped the Lord, how much more do we need help of others?

III. People Like Hur Are Always Involved (Ex. 17:10; 12)

A. Hur was a great leader like Moses; he wasn’t a great general like Joshua; and he hadn’t been anointed like Aaron, yet HE was involved in the work of the Lord!

B. The same is true in the church today – Not everyone has been called to preach in a pulpit; teach in a Sunday school class; or go to a far away mission field, yet there is a ministry for every child of God!

C. 1 Cor. 12:4-27 clearly teaches that there are many spiritual gifts that are used in the Body of Christ – yet each gift is important to the whole!

D. Therefore, whether our job is highly visible or not, it is essential to the work of the Lord!

E. There is a song which reads, “Little is much when God is in it!”

F. This is what David meant in Psalm 84:10 – “For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.”

G. Thank God for those who are willing to stay out of the spotlight while they serve the Lord!

H. Thank God for those who know they can’t do everything, but are determined to do something!

I. 1 Cor. 15:58 – “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, for as much as you know that your labour is not in vain.”

IV. People Like Hur Are Often Invisible (Ex. 17:12)

A. This man Hur is not mentioned before this incident, and there are only a couple of others afterward.

B. It is rumored that he was the husband of Miriam, Moses’ sister, but we do not know for sure.

C. He was a man who obviously lived in the shadows of others; invisible to the crowds who look up to Moses, Aaron, and Joshua.

D. You can imagine that after the battle was won against the Amalekites that everyone congratulated Moses and Joshua, and possibly even Aaron, but doubtless anyone patted Hur on the back.

E. However, I choose to believe that while it is possible that no one else recognized his efforts, the Father in Heaven whispered to his heart, “Well done thou good and faithful servant!”

F. Being an Hur is a thankless job for the most part, yet these same people are laying up treasure in heaven where one day they will receive their just reward!

G. Illustration – A pastor in Jamaica one time had helped to erect a small church building. While working on the project, a violent storm delayed their work. The pastor and a Jamaican man sought shelter from the storm, and while they sat there, the pastor asked the man, “Are you an officer of the church?” The Jamaican man said, “No, I’m just one of the men behind the church.” We need more men and women who will get behind the church and support it without being noticed!

H. Illustration – William Booth, founder of the Salvation Army –

One day in London, England, he was so burdened about the need for someone to minister to street people that he went to a Methodist Conference meeting and asked the presiding bishop of the conference to be allowed to go into the streets and preach. The bishop heard the request and denied it telling Booth that he should not waste his education and talent on such people.

Upon hearing this, Booth sat down, resigned to defeat. His wife, seated in the balcony because women were not allowed to be seated on the main floor, leaned over the railing and told her husband to listen to God and not to man! She vowed to stand behind him in his decision! She came down from the balcony, Booth took her by the arm, and they left to begin their ministry to win lost street people! The rest is history.

V. People Like Hur Are Always Investors (Ex. 31:1-11)

A. People like Hur are always making an investment in the lives of others.

B. It is worth noting that when the Lord instructed Moses to choose workmen to construct the tabernacle and priestly garments, he chose a man by the name of Bezaleel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah.

C. No doubt Bezaleel had learned by watching his grandfather, Hur, in his service to the Lord!

D. Is not the same true of every child of God? Are there not some that are watching us to see how we conduct ourselves in the Lord’s service?

E. There is no such thing as an “unimportant service for the Lord!”

F. Illustration – a man asked C.H. Spurgeon how long it would be before God gave him a bigger church? Spurgeon asked, “How many members are in the church you pastor now?” He replied, “About 50 members.” Spurgeon then declared to the young pastor, “That will be more than enough souls to be accountable for come judgment day!”

G. People like Hur know that their lives are an investment.

H. As we do the little things God gives us to do, let us do them with all of the sincerity and earnestness we can muster for the glory of God!

VI. Conclusion

A. Maybe someone here tonight is about ready to quit because you do not think that what you are doing is important – May I say to you, “Don’t quit! What you do is too important to the work of this church!”

B. Maybe someone here tonight has been discouraged because you are not on the front line in service for the Lord. May I say to you, “Don’t be discouraged! It is your work that enables God to use those on the front line!

C. If the devil has been trying to tell you what you do is unimportant, don’t listen to him! He is a liar and a deceiver! YOU are important!

D. Maybe you haven’t been faithful to the Lord as you should be, and now you doubt whether or not the Lord will ever use you again.

E. Remember Peter – He denied Christ three (3) times, yet the Lord used him to win 3,000 souls in only one day!

F. Remember David – He committed adultery and murder, yet the Lord used him to lead a nation!

G. God desires to use you in His service as well – Why not come to Him right now and pray, “Father, I have sinned! I want to rededicate my life in service for you!”

H. If you have never been saved because you did not think that God would save you – let me tell you – that just is not so! Christ came into the world to seek and to save the lost! Come and be saved right now!!