Summary: Because somewhere we have lost our hunger and thirst to seek God and see His face. When we pursue God, we will get glimpses of Christ’s Glory, and in that light, we will be drawn to know him more, and our desire for the world and its things, like grass, will slowly fade away.

Because somewhere we have lost our hunger and thirst to seek God and see His face. When we pursue God, we will get glimpses of Christ’s Glory, and in that light, we will be drawn to know him more, and our desire for the world and its things, like grass, will slowly fade away. The more we see and pursue God, the more we will see the Glory of Christ, and in that light our craving for earthly things will slowly fade away.

We shall gradually lose interest in earthly things because we will get to know that there are vast riches and treasures available in Jesus Christ. Only those who seek God will get to know that there are enormous riches available in Jesus Christ and it would take millions of years to dig or uncover them completely. These riches are available but in hidden form and requires extensive digging. It will require a pursuit of millions of years to uncover it.

The treasures available in Jesus Christ by Father God are so enormous, that compared to it, earthly things will appear insignificant or as if nothing. The riches hidden and concealed in Christ by Father God were so immense, enormous, and massive that digging them out would take millions of years with the help of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is the pearl of great price because his worth (pearl) can never be estimated or assessed, and if it were, all the gold or valuable gems in the heavens and on earth would be insufficient to purchase it.

When we seek God, we will experience glimpses of Christ's Glory, which will attract and draw us more closer to him. With these glimpses, we will be satisfied and hungry at the same time. We are satisfied that we are knowing him and hungry since there is still so much more to know about Him. The more we see him, the more the craving for earthly things fades away, and we will be satisfied in God and what we already have on earth. We will crave for more of Christ than earthly things.

These days, churches are producing a large number of believers who desire for more of earthly things rather than the riches available and found in Jesus Christ. There are so many treasures and mysteries hidden in Christ, and Father God expects us to seek, find and dig them out with the help of the Holy Spirit. The riches available in Christ are so vast that digging for the next 10,000 years will not be sufficient to extract them completely. Father God expects us to start on this journey to behold the Glory of Christ on earth and continue it in heaven.

Jesus Christ is Father’s treasured possession, and he wants everyone to know and behold the Glory of His Son Jesus Christ. We cannot take earthly blessings or possessions to heaven, but we can take God's holy desires or impressions, such as hunger and thirst to see Him, to heaven. Holy desires, such as hunger and the longing to seek and see God, are what we take to heaven.

Today don’t get tied with the ropes of craving for more earthly things. There is a difference between a need and craving. God will meet all your needs not your cravings. Craving for more earthly things makes you dissatisfied with what you already have. Start seeking God and ask the Holy Spirit to break the ropes of craving for more earthly things. God will provide for your needs, and your only craving should be to know and see Him.