When was the last time you met God? Moses met God on a daily basis. Jesus met Father God on a daily basis. Most Christians have not met God for many months or even in some cases years. They attend church and participate in events, but they do not have a place to meet with God on a daily basis.
Met God means having a good conversation with God (for a long time) where you enjoy his company and he enjoys your company. Every time you meet God, your heart will be content and satisfied. Meeting God satisfies your current hunger and creates a new hunger to know him more. Every time after you meet God, you eagerly look forward to meeting him again and again. Meeting God is not a one-way communication where you repeatedly ask God about your prayer requests.
Moses had a place to meet God on a daily basis, and it was big enough for God to come in all His glory (host God). Do you have a place to meet God?
And they heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day - Genesis 3:8
God used to come on a daily or regular basis to meet with Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden. If the place is prepared, God will come on a daily basis. In Adam’s case, God only prepared the place for himself to come.
Moses took his tent and pitched it outside the camp, far from the camp, and called it the tabernacle of meeting. And it came to pass that everyone who sought the LORD went out to the tabernacle of meeting which was outside the camp. Exodus 33:7
Moses knew that - for God to come on a daily basis, a place had to be prepared and that place should be far from the camp. The place can be physical location or a specific dedicated time or place of prayer. Far from the camp means far from all earthly settlements, human disturbances, or distractions. Far from the camp means that – far from the things that disturb the heart. It's a place where we leave all of our earthly needs, requests, emotions, and relationships behind (on outside )and enter with the only intention of knowing and living with God. Moses was living with God physically in the tent of meeting. God was real - His presence was tangible and His face was there to be seen.
In today's generation, a place far from the camp means a place far from the social media, internet, and the latest technologies. It’s a place where we can meet God without any distractions. It’s the place where God comes to meet you, and he does not want to be disturbed while He is with you. He also expects the same from you. When you meet him, he does not want you to be distracted by anything earthly.
Moses used to spend the entire night in the Tent of Meeting. Tent of meeting is his home. God is a member and part of his family. Where we spend the night for many days is our home. Moses spent the night in the Tent of Meeting for many days or years, thus it is his home. He used to spend the night at home with God and then leave for his duty in the Israeli camp in the morning. His home was the Tent of meeting, and his workplace was the camp of Isreal. He spends the majority of his time at home with God.
For Moses, God is his home. When the Lord says, "Moses is faithful in all my house." Numbers 12:7 - He might have literally meant it. Moses was literally staying in God's house (Tent of meeting), with God in it.
What a privilege it is for him to literally live with God. He is physically living on earth with God. The privilege of living with God which we get when we reach heaven, he is having that privilege on earth.
If you want to meet God on a daily basis, you must first prepare a place to meet with him. The place cannot be prepared with your own strength; instead, seek the help of the Holy Spirit. It can be a physical place or a specific time for prayer. If you don't meet God on a daily basis on Earth, imagine how you'll spend eternity with him once you reach heaven. On earth, prepare a place where you can meet God on a daily basis and see his face.
Moses had a place and God would come daily to that place. When Moses entered the tent, God would immediately come to that tent. There was no struggle. God was waiting to meet Moses and Moses was waiting to meet God. The place which you prepare for God becomes your home, where you will live with God.