As I have gone through the many paintings still in Sam’s art room, I have been amazed at how one man could create such a beautiful picture. God did not wire me to be able to do what Sam could do with a brush and some paint. He created this (painting) from this, a blank canvas.
How does a blank canvas become a finished work? The canvas cannot produce the picture on its own. An artist must be involved. Sam sat before his easel for hours carefully applying the colors needed to the right places on the canvas until he decided the painting was finished. Once it was ready, Sam placed the canvas into a frame and displayed it in a gallery, or a home, or a business, or a church. What was once this (blank canvas) became this (painting).
The Bible says in Ephesians 2:10, "For we are His workmanship (masterpiece), created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." Sam is God’s masterpiece. Or should I say, “A piece of work?” The Lord took a blank canvas and created something beautiful in his life and the Father is now displaying His finished work in Sam before all who surround him in Heaven.
For nearly ten years, the Lord was reaching out to Sam, then during that Vacation Bible School in his home, Sam trusted Christ as Savior. At that moment, the Lord began painting a beautiful picture on the blank canvas of Sam’s life.
With every brush stroke, God added more and more color and more and more detail. At times, the Lord needed to use a wide brush with stiff bristles to get Sam’s attention. At other times, the brush was small and soft. The picture which emerged, though, was more beautiful than Sam could have painted himself.
The Bible declares in Ephesians 2 we are God’s masterpiece not because of what we can create on our own. After all, a blank canvas cannot produce a beautiful painting apart from the artist. For by grace are you saved through faith and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works lest anyone should boast. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
The Bible promises in Philippians 1:6, "He who has begun a good work in you will bring it to completion until the day of Jesus Christ." Sam’s death this past Sunday marked the completion of something God began long ago the moment Sam called upon Christ as his Savior.
The blank canvas of Sam’s life is now a portrait of Jesus Christ. God’s work has been completed. Death did not defeat Sam last Sunday. Death died in an empty tomb. The resurrection of Christ assures Sam a place in heaven. He is alive today because Christ is alive today!
God wants nothing more than for you to be His masterpiece. Like Sam, it begins with a simple act of faith believing Jesus is God’s Son who died in order to pay the penalty for your sin which you cannot do on your own. Life for you, then, is abundant and eternal. Death is defeated.
For many, the Lord is in the process of turning your blank canvas into His finished work displaying Christ to others. God is at work in your life. You may not recognize it. You may not understand what He is doing, but I guarantee the finished product will be more beautiful than you could create yourself.
The good work our Lord began in you long ago will be completed when you close your eyes to this life and open them to see the face of Jesus in Heaven. Until then, be faithful to trust in the Lord with all your heart confident one day you will join Sam rejoicing in Heaven.
It is all possible because of the wonderful grace of Jesus.