Summary: This sermon teaches the importance of divine help from people in positions of authority and how to position oneself to receive it.


By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Isaiah 60:10

"And the sons of strangers shall build up thy walls, and their kings shall minister unto thee: for in my wrath I smote thee, but in my favour have I had mercy on thee."

Supporting Texts: Esther 6:1-10, Nehemiah 2:1-8, 1 Kings 10:1-10, Daniel 6:25-28, Proverbs 21:1


Divine help comes in different forms, but one of the highest levels of help is when kings—people of influence, authority, and power—become instruments in God’s hands to uplift you. A king is a symbol of dominion, wealth, and decision-making, and when God moves in your favour, even rulers will work for your good.

The Bible records several instances where God turned the hearts of kings to help His people. In Isaiah 60:10, God promises that kings will serve and assist His chosen ones. This was evident in the lives of Nehemiah, Daniel, Esther, and Joseph, where kings played significant roles in their destinies.

As believers, we must understand that God has the power to touch the hearts of influential people to support our vision, promote our destiny, and provide resources for kingdom advancement. In this sermon, we will explore how God raises kings as destiny helpers and how we can position ourselves to receive such divine assistance.


God has the power to influence the decisions of kings and rulers.

a) The King's Heart is in God’s Hands – Proverbs 21:1 reminds us that God can direct the heart of any leader to favour His people.

b) God Can Turn the Heart of a King in Your Favour – King Ahasuerus honoured Mordecai after God orchestrated events in his favour (Esther 6:1-10).

c) Kings Can Be Instruments in God's Hands – Cyrus, a pagan king, was moved by God to rebuild the temple (Ezra 1:1-3).

d) God Can Use Rulers to Enforce His Will – Pharaoh was compelled to let Israel go after divine interventions (Exodus 12:31-36).

e) Biblical Example: King Nebuchadnezzar and Daniel – After witnessing God's power, he promoted Daniel and acknowledged God's supremacy (Daniel 2:46-48).


When God grants you favour before kings, doors that seemed impossible will be opened.

a) Divine Favour Grants Access to High Places – Nehemiah gained permission from King Artaxerxes to rebuild Jerusalem (Nehemiah 2:1-8).

b) Kings Have the Power to Change Your Status – Joseph moved from prison to palace when Pharaoh elevated him (Genesis 41:14, 39-41).

c) A Word from a King Can Change Everything – King Saul's decree made David a warrior overnight (1 Samuel 17:25).

d) Kings Have Resources to Support God’s People – Queen Sheba brought gifts and wealth to Solomon (1 Kings 10:1-10).

e) Biblical Example: King Ahasuerus and Esther – Esther’s favour before the king led to the deliverance of the Jews (Esther 5:1-3).


Kings and influential people are part of God’s plan to advance His kingdom and His people.

a) God Uses Kings to Finance His Work – King Darius ensured the completion of the temple (Ezra 6:6-12).

b) God Elevates His Children to Influence Kings – Daniel, Nehemiah, and Joseph worked directly with kings for divine purposes.

c) The Wealth of Nations Can Be Transferred to God’s People – Isaiah 60:5 speaks of wealth coming to God’s people.

d) When God Is with You, Kings Will Recognise You – Abimelech sought peace with Isaac when he saw God’s blessing upon him (Genesis 26:26-29).

e) Biblical Example: Pharaoh and Joseph – Pharaoh entrusted the entire land of Egypt into Joseph’s hands (Genesis 41:41-44).


To receive the help of kings, certain principles must be followed.

a) Walk in Excellence and Diligence – Joseph, Daniel, and Nehemiah gained favour through their excellent service (Daniel 6:3, Nehemiah 2:1-4).

b) Maintain a Lifestyle of Prayer and Fasting – Esther fasted before approaching the king (Esther 4:16).

c) Develop a Spirit of Humility and Wisdom – Joseph displayed wisdom before Pharaoh, which earned him promotion (Genesis 41:38-39).

d) Trust God’s Timing and Direction – God orchestrates divine connections at the right time (Psalm 75:6-7).

e) Biblical Example: Daniel’s Consistency in Righteousness – His integrity and faithfulness brought him before multiple kings (Daniel 6:3-4).


Divine connection with kings leads to supernatural advancement.

a) Your Struggles Will End – When Joseph met Pharaoh, his years of suffering ended instantly (Genesis 41:14).

b) Your Honour and Recognition Will Increase – Mordecai was remembered and honoured by the king (Esther 6:10-11).

c) Your Assignment Will Gain Divine Sponsorship – King Artaxerxes provided Nehemiah with everything needed to rebuild Jerusalem (Nehemiah 2:8).

d) You Will Experience Supernatural Speed – Elijah outran Ahab’s chariot when divine help came (1 Kings 18:46).

e) Biblical Example: Daniel Prospered Under Kings – From Nebuchadnezzar to Darius, Daniel remained relevant and highly placed (Daniel 6:28).


God is the ultimate helper, but He also raises kings—people of influence—to support His children. The Bible shows how God has used rulers, leaders, and people of power to lift His people and fulfil divine purposes. Whether through financial support, promotion, or divine positioning, God can use those in authority to bring transformation.

However, we must be prepared to receive such divine help. Through diligence, humility, excellence, and prayer, we position ourselves for divine connections that will elevate us to greater heights. May the Lord grant us divine encounters with kings who will fulfil His purpose in our lives.


1.  Father, direct the hearts of kings and leaders to favour me in Jesus' name.

2.  Lord, position me in the right place to receive divine help.

3.  Every door of opportunity that kings can open for me, let it be opened now!

4.  Father, grant me wisdom and favour like Joseph before Pharaoh.

5.  I declare that influential people will arise to support my destiny in Jesus' name.