Summary: It's easy to become complacent in our faith journey, allowing our lamps to run low on oil. life's distractions - busyness - worldly temptations can lead us astray if we're not vigilant.



I sat in Sherman, TX on Wednesday to have my vehicle serviced. It was just that time, especially when I saw a code appear on the screen saying only had 20% Oil Life remaining. I do realize, as you do, that the engine in our vehicle is a pretty complex machine. It has numerous moving parts that are all under intense stress. Nevertheless, the motor provides the power to transport you and your vehicle down the highway. Therefore, when your car engine needs oil to function correctly, it is vital to get regular oil changes.

• When oil gets old, it loses its effectiveness

As it is in the natural, so it is in the spiritual.

• How do you gauge your spiritual strength?

• Are you thriving or surviving?

• As believers, we need fresh oil!

Before we delve into the Scriptures, let's take a moment to understand the metaphor of the lamp and oil.

• In biblical times, lamps were essential sources of light

• They provided illumination and guidance in the darkness

• Oil, on the other hand, was the fuel that sustained the lamp's flame

• Without oil, the lamp would flicker and eventually go out, leaving one in darkness

In a spiritual context, the lamp represents our faith, while the oil symbolizes our relationship with God and our spiritual preparedness. The challenge for us to examine the state of our faith and our closeness to God.

Oil in the Bible is symbolic of the Holy Spirit, and the word ‘Anoint’ means to “Pour Over” and “To Smear Into.”

• So, anointing with oil represents the Holy Spirit poured out and smeared into God’s child

• The anointing is the specific application of the Holy Spirit on an individual, bringing transformation and enablement

• That’s why we now here people say ‘The Oil is on Him/Her’ when they encounter someone operating in the power of the Holy Spirit

In this Gospel reading, Jesus shares the narrative of the parable of the ten bridesmaids. Some had extra oil as they waited for the wedding to start. But the others ran out of oil and never made it into the wedding. This narrative is a parable Jesus told to get his followers to prepare for His return. He tells us in ST. MATTHEW 24:44 “SO YOU MUST BE READY BECAUSE THE SON OF MAN WILL COME AT AN HOUR WHEN YOU DO NOT EXPECT HIM.”

As we read in this Bible narrative, those who are wise have lamps full of fresh oil.

• In other words, they are filled with the Holy Spirit and are ready for Christ’s return

• The foolish have a lamp, but they are out of oil, meaning they lack the power and presence of the Holy Spirit in their lives

• Therefore, they aren’t ready for Jesus to return

• Are you among those who are Wise or those who are Foolish?

In this parable of the wise and foolish virgins, the oil is often assumed to represent God's Spirit, yet it indicates much more.


• For people in the Middle East, oil had the value of gold

• Oil played a major role in the transforming of Jacob from a Scoundrel to a Patriarch

In our text, ten bridesmaids wait for the groom so the party may begin. Five women were wise, and five were foolish. It sounds like a metaphor for America after this last election. Half of America is looking at the other half with incomprehension, thinking how utterly foolish and immoral the other side is. I’d like to think I am with the wise half, but no matter how certain, I’m disconcerted about where we are. I wonder, have we lost our empathy for foolish people.

In this parable, the ten virgins represent us, the believers, waiting for the bridegroom, who symbolizes Christ's return.

• The lamps are our faith

• The oil represents our spiritual preparedness

The consequences of unpreparedness are clear in this parable. The foolish virgins, despite their initial faith and anticipation, missed out on the joyous celebration because they had neglected to ensure their lamps had enough oil. This serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of spiritual preparedness. Now, let's unpack what the oil symbolizes in our lives.

• The oil represents not only faith but also the depth of our relationship with God

• Just as oil sustains the flame of the lamp, our connection with God fuels and strengthens our faith

• Without this relationship, our faith can wither and dim

PSALM 119:105 reminds us of the role of God's Word in maintaining our spiritual oil -- "YOUR WORD IS A LAMP FOR MY FEET, A LIGHT ON MY PATH." Regularly immersing ourselves in Scripture and seeking a deeper relationship with God through prayer and worship is essential to keep our lamps burning brightly.

It's easy to become complacent in our faith journey, allowing our lamps to run low on oil. life's distractions - busyness - worldly temptations can lead us astray if we're not vigilant. PROVERBS 4:23 offers this admonition - "ABOVE ALL ELSE, GUARD YOUR HEART, FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO FLOWS FROM IT."


• Guarding our hearts means prioritizing our relationship with God and nurturing our faith continually

• We must be intentional about seeking Him, studying His Word

• We must be intentional about surrounding ourselves with fellow believers who can encourage us on this journey


• The Spirit came where the oil was placed

• It was the Spirit of the Lord that enabled David to kill THE LION - THE BEAR -THE GIANT

The anointing enabled David to become all God proclaimed him to be. And it is the same for you and me. We cannot accomplish our destiny assignments without the Spirit of the Lord strong in our lives.

• We need the anointing of the Holy Spirit

• Our prayer should be, “God, please give us fresh oil!”

Why is “Fresh Oil” necessary? It isn’t because there is anything wrong with yesterday’s oil (or anointing). It was perfect for that season. But we are entering a new season, and every new appointment requires a fresh ointment from God.

• Far too often the church tries to deal with today’s challenges by using yesterday’s oil

• But new challenges demand fresh empowerment

We see this truth lived out in the book that chronicles the first days of the Church. ACTS 13:9 says, “THEN, SAUL, WHO ALSO IS CALLED PAUL, FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT…” The Greek text indicates that this “filled with” is a fresh infilling at the moment. When Paul faced a situation unlike any, he had faced, and with the Sorcerer withstanding him to his face, He received a fresh filling of the Spirit to do what was needed at the moment.

Make sure your oil stays fresh. A time may come when a crisis happens in our life –

• A sickness

• A death

• A loss of finances or a job, or persecution

• And we will find that we do not have fresh Oil to get through it

In such times, we may look at those who made it through similar trials and say, “I wish I had your faith. How did you get so much faith? Can’t you give me some of your spiritual strength?” And of course, they cannot.

• Faith and spiritual strength comes only through day by day discipline

• It comes only through constant reading and studying of the Word

• It comes only through praying without ceasing

• It comes only through personal preparation

• It comes through Fresh Oil

I wonder my brothers and sisters is it ‘TIME FOR AN OIL CHANGE.’

• Going to church is good - coming to Christ is better

• Being baptized is good - being born again is better

• Giving money is good - giving your heart to Jesus is better

• Being religious is good - knowing Christ as Savior and Lord is better

Contaminated oil is the reason so many Christians are not giving out Heaven’s light, not lighting the way for people to come to God in this final hour. Their oil has become tainted with –

• The oil of self

• The oil of self-indulgence

• The oil of your own opinions

• The oil of what others think

• Oil from Heaven is the only acceptable grade

The human spirit needs proper care and attention for the body to produce light. I am not just talking about not sinning; you have to go beyond that to address self and the human spirit. Your human spirit must be properly maintained, or the light of God will grow dim in your life and eventually be quenched. Your human spirit must be brought under subjection to the Holy Spirit in order to maintain the proper Oil in your life.

Anointing by the Holy Spirit cannot be stored up.

• You cannot handle today’s problems with yesterday’s anointing

• You certainly can’t handle the problems you’re going to have tomorrow, next week, and next year with yesterday’s anointing

• Stay in touch with God so that he can constantly fill you with his GRACE - LOVE – POWER

• Ask for God’s anointing again


--When was the last time you checked your spiritual oil light?

--Have you been trying to borrow oil from someone else?

--Has someone been trying to get oil from you?

--It’s vital to know that you cannot live off yesterday’s oil, and no one can live off another’s oil!

--You need your OWN oil!

--So how do you know when it’s time for a spiritual oil change?

--Is your prayer life more PATHETIC than POWERFUL? – It’s TIME FOR AN OIL CHANGE!

--Find yourself growing SOUR and cynical about life? – It’s TIME FOR AN OIL CHANGE!

--Are you making PEACE with your secret sin—you accept your addictions instead of waging war for your soul? If so -- It’s TIME FOR AN OIL CHANGE!

--Do you find yourself growing frustrated with others - It’s TIME FOR AN OIL CHANGE

--Do you find yourself Cussing and Fussing? - It’s TIME FOR AN OIL CHANGE

--Have you stopped praying and reading the Bible? - It’s TIME FOR AN OIL CHANGE

--Are you missing more Church every month? - It’s TIME FOR AN OIL CHANGE

--You feel you just don’t want to be bothered with people - It’s TIME FOR AN OIL CHANGE

--Holding back on your giving of Tithes and Offerings – It’s TIME FOR AN OIL CHANGE

--Allow God to cleanse you from all the debris that have infiltrated your spiritual walk with Him

--There’s no need to give up

--Instead, receive FRESH OIL

--A fresh filling of the Holy Spirit – from your Heavenly Father!