Don’t Lose Your Identity
Bishop Melvin L. Maughmer, Jr.
SCRIPTURES: - Genesis 27 1-5 & 34-38, John 10:10, Matthew 4:6 & 8-10, Proverbs 6:31
OPENING: - Donald Trump began February 2025 with a proclamation that Black History Month offered “an occasion to celebrate the contributions of so many Black American patriots who have indelibly shaped our nation’s history” sounds good but immediately I was reminded of the story of the scorpion and the frog. The scorpion asked the frog to carry him across the river the frog said no at first because the scorpion would sting him, the scorpion said if I did that we both would drown after some hesitation and thinking about it the frog agreed to carry the scorpion across the river, half way across the scorpion stung the frog, the frog said I thought you wouldn’t sting me the scorpion said but that is my character. The morale of the story, listen to a person’s character more than the words coming out of their mouth, because they will show who they really are regardless of what they say. In the closing days of the month, he hosted a Black History Month reception at the White House where he promised he would fight for Black Americans. However, what he did not mention during his remarks was that the proclamation and reception came amidst a systemic crusade to dismantle the civil rights infrastructure that Black Americans helped build and that sustains our hopes for equal citizenship. The resegregation of America by those who fear racial equality have always understood the importance of silencing history that gives people hope, determination and the means to build a better future. The Whitewashing is clear and extremely dangerous to an inclusive democracy and with his oligarchy and cabinet of extreme loyalist they will attempt to destroy Black history and Black and Brown futures at the highest levels taking away our liberties, rights, history and anything else they can strip from us.
Just look at what is happening:- Medicare and Medicaid messed up, Social Security is being tampered with, Federal Employees livelihood interrupted, the stoppage of USAID which is to help people basically of color with the ability to have health care and food and helping countries to respond to infectious disease outbreaks and other public health crises, the Department of Education being dismantled the Education Department disburses Title I funds to elementary and secondary schools with large low-income student enrollments; collects data on schools; oversees the recognition of accrediting agencies and programs that support higher education institutions; protects students against racial and sex-based discrimination; and manages student financial aid assistance programs, including loans and grants, other schools are told they will lose funding if they teach Black History, affirmative action programs have been abolished, called illegal and racist, the Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff an African American 4 star General Charles Q. Brown Jr. the nation’s highest-ranking military officer, and the principal military advisor to the President, Secretary of Defense, and National Security Council, who served in a variety of positions at the squadron and wing levels, including an assignment to the U.S. Air Force Weapons School as an F-16 Fighting Falcon Instructor. His notable staff tours include Aide-de-Camp to the Chief of Staff of the Air Force and Director of the Secretary of the Air Force and Chief of Staff Executive Action Group. His joint assignments include three assignments to U.S. Central Command as Air Operations Officer, Current Operations Division; Deputy Director, Operations Directorate; and Deputy Commander, is fired after installing the least qualified and an embarrassment to any member who was ever in the military uniform, the Secretary of Defense to lead the Pentagon Pete Hegseth. Then you have the racist, apartheid grown and bread, south African Elon Musk running around with a chain saw on stage dismantling everything in his path under the lie of government efficiency now has the audacity and blatant ignorance pushing to have Derek Chauvin pardoned which would literally send us back over 400 years. They have moved swiftly to censure Rep. Al Green, the only Democrat to stand and speak out against the lies Trump was telling in his address to congress on Tuesday they even had 10 Democrats vote with Republicans to have him censured.
This systematic resegregation has grave implications for people of color and sadly, the enemies of freedom, justice, and the standard of equality have sought to erase history so that past injustices cannot be connected to present inequities. If Americans do not reflect on slavery’s enduring legacy, on Reconstruction and its violent backlash, on Jim Crow and its transformation into modern mass incarceration, on the Charles Lynch laws, then they cannot fully understand why racial injustice persists today and they will not be equipped to fight it. That is why it is imperative that we fight to keep our rights and most of all not lose our identity.
UNDERSTAND: - The fight for racial justice has never been won by laws alone. Legal rulings can declare rights, but they cannot enforce them. Legislation can assert equality, but it cannot guarantee justice. What makes racial justice victories real is the broader infrastructure that brings together the power and rights embodied in law, the enforcement mechanisms of both our laws and our social norms and customs, and the strength of the people to maintain their identity, for communities to fight threats to their families, friends, and neighbors. It is this infrastructure of togetherness and identity that allowed the pioneers to lay the legal groundwork for Brown v. Board of Education. It was the infrastructure that allowed the Voting Rights Act of 1965 to not just outlaw discriminatory voting practices but also mobilize communities to claim their right to vote. It was the infrastructure that opened doors to education and economic opportunities that had long been denied to Black and Brown people by uniting and standing together determined that we shall overcome. Today, this infrastructure is fragile at best we are losing our jobs, our positions of influence, our voice but we must never lose our identity.
The Identity Crisis Right Now. An identity crisis happens when a person/people loses a psychological identity, emotional identity, when they lose a self-concept; when they lose a way, they used to define themselves. In most cases, an identity crisis is a result of losing an identity that serves to increase a person’s/people’s self-worth, purpose, and determination.
Identity: is the distinguishing character or personality of an individual. Your identity is the most important part of who you are. Your identity is the doorway to your destiny. No doubt you have heard the phrase your circumstances or your situation doesn’t determine your destiny, or your past doesn’t determine your future and that’s true; however, your identity differently does determine your destiny.
Our identity is our sense of self and our knowledge of who we are. When we are confident in our identity, we know who we are, what we believe, and why. We make decisions based on our personal values and belief system and surround ourselves with people who reinforce what we believe about ourselves.
Currently we are being stripped of so many things, our freedom, our rights, our history but we must never lose our identity. Spiritually, our identity is found in Christ. We have value because He created us, we have purpose because we were created on purpose for a purpose. Our identity is in Christ Jesus and our decisions are based on the Bible and the teachings of Jesus Christ. Example: - Romans 8:37 says, “Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us”. Philippians 4:13 says, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me”. WATCH THIS: - Because I understand my identity in Him, I know who I am, whose I am, and what I can do.
The terrible thing about losing your identity is you can spend your whole life building your reputation, building your positive character, but in the moment your identity is lost your future is destroyed.
The same thing happens in the spiritual realm. You can spend your entire life building your spiritual identity but in one moment the devil robs you of your identity and you find yourself in a situation where you didn’t even realize why because you lost your identity.
Genesis 27 - We find the first documented case of stolen identity. The story goes Isaac, the promised son of Abraham was now old, he was about 138 years old, and his eyes were dim so that he could not see. We call this condition today cataracts. So, he called for his eldest son Esau that he may bless him. Understand that the first-born son received a special blessing, he received a double portion because it literally was his responsibility to take care of the family after the death of the father. The eldest son was responsible for carrying on the traditions, customs, and occupation of the family. He was responsible for making the decisions that would affect the family; therefore, he would receive a double portion blessing because of the responsibilities that were to be placed upon him after the death of his father.
Isaac realizing that his days were soon to be over called for Esau that he may bless him. However first he told Esau to go and hunt a deer and cook it and bring it to him and he would eat of it and bless Esau for his time of death was soon to come. So, Esau being obedient went and did what his father asked him to do.
Rebekah, his mother, who loved Jacob his brother more than him, heard what Isaac her husband said and knew that Esau was about to get a blessing, so she told Jacob to go and kill two kid goats, which wasn’t even what Isaac asked for. She said she will make his savory meat and you give it to your father because he can’t see and say that you are Esau and steal his blessing. However, Jacob said surely he will want to touch me and see if I am Esau, because Esau is hairy and I am smooth. Then instead of a blessing he will place a curse upon me.
Just like the devil, Rebekah said upon me be thy curse just go and do as I said. She took the skin of animals and placed it upon Jacob to make him feel and smell like Esau, in other words she knowingly and without lawful authority stole his identity in order to get something that didn’t belong to him. Jacob went into his father under the false identity of Esau and Isaac discerned it not. Isaac touched Jacob to see who he was, He said the voice is the voice of Jacob, but your hands are the hands of Esau and your smell is the smell of the field which God hath blessed; therefore, because of your identity I’m going to bless you.
After Isaac blessed Jacob and he left from the presence of his father, here comes Esau and he says “Let my father arise and eat of his son’s venison that thy soul may bless me.” Isaac said “Who art thou”. Esau said “I am thy first born son Esau.” Isaac trembled and said where is he that hath brought me venison and I blessed him. In other words, where is he that has stolen your identity? Esau heard the words of his father and cried with a bitter cry, because Jacob had stolen his identity and took what didn’t belong to him, but what Esau had waited all his life to receive.
Because Jacob took the identity of Esau he also took his blessing. Well, this is just what the devil wants to do to the people of God today he wants to steal your identity. If he can steal your identity he can kill your joy, if he can steal your identity he can steal your blessing, if he can steal your identity he can destroy your destiny. The Bible says in John 10:10 “The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy”.
The devil knows your identity is the key to your destiny; therefore, if he can cause you to lose your identity he can cause you to miss out on what God has for you.
The devil understands that your identity is a very powerful resource, because when you know who you are nothing is impossible for you. My mind goes to when Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River by John the Baptist. The Bible says, the heaven parted, and a voice came from heaven and said this is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased. The voice of God didn’t go on and tell of all the things that he would do, but he just simply said this is my beloved son, it established his identity, once His identity was established nothing was impossible to Him.
Understand that Jesus didn’t turn water into wine until after His identity was established. He didn’t raise anyone from the dead until His identity was established. He didn’t heal the sick until His identity was established. WHY, because His identity was going to lead Him to His destiny. When Moses was in front of the burning bush said whom shall I say sent me, God said say I am that I am, He established His identity. In other words, tell them whatever they need me to be, whenever they need me to be it, I am because that is my identity. He is a way out of no way, a will in the middle of a will, He is Jehovah Jireh my provider, He is Jehovah Nissi in Him I have victory, He is God. That is His identity.
When you know who you are, when you understand your identity, your confidence rises up in you.
The Bible says in Proverbs 18:16 “A man’s gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men.” I don’t have to try to impress you or anyone, all I have to do is know who I am and my destiny will work itself out, but I must first know my identity.
The Bible tells me that I am a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people. Understand that because I am a royal priesthood, because I am a child of the king, because I am chosen, because I know my identity. I can stand in confidence and say I am more than a conqueror. I can say with surety that No weapon formed against me shall prosper. Because I know my identity, I can say to the mountain be thou removed and it must be done. Because I know my identity I can lay my hand on the sick and they shall recover, I can open up blinded eyes. It’s not because I am someone special, but I know my identity, I am an heir of God and a joint heir with Jesus Christ. Do you know your identity?
If we go to the 4th chapter of Matthew, we find that after Jesus was baptized and His identity made known, He was led into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil.
Matthew 4:3 says: “And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.” This temptation was first an attack on His identity, if thou be the Son of God. In other words, do you really know who you are? The devil will always try to tempt your identity because if he can cause you to lose your identity steal he can cause you to miss your blessing. If he can cause you to forget who you are then he can cause you to make a stupid decision. That’s how Jacob got Esau the first time, he made him forget just for a moment who he was and he made a stupid decision. How many times have you heard in your mind this: If you really call yourself a child of God how come you had that thought? If you really were saved how come you said that. If you really were saved how come this or how come that? Understand he is attacking your identity.
Matthew 4:6 says: “And he saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.” Once again we see that the devil was attacking the identity of Jesus, because if he could steal his identity he could cause him to make a stupid decision. However, Jesus knew who He was, He knew His identity for he said in the 7th verse “It is written again Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.” In other words, I know who I am, I am the Lord thy God. I don’t have to prove myself to you so don’t even waste your time for, I know that I know who I am. I know my identity. I am the Lord thy God.
WATCH THIS: After the devil had attacked the identity of Jesus he didn’t just stop because he knew who he was, but he changed his attack. When you know who you are and the devil realizes that you know who you are, he will not stop attacking you, but he will change his attack on you.
Matthew 4:8 - 10 says: “Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them. And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou will fall down and worship me. Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence Satan for it is written, Thou shalt serve the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thy serve.”
The devil now wasn’t attacking His identity, but he was trying to see if Jesus would compromise His identity for pleasure. He said I will give you all these things. This is exactly what Trump did with his asinine attempt of celebrating Black History by having Tiger Woods and the other sell-out that has lost his identity Scott Turner on stage blowing smoke and telling lies along with all the other blacks that refused to stand up and make their voices heard, losing their identity and bowing down to the whims of Trump after he strips us our history, liberties, civil and human rights.
Mark 8:36 states “What would it profit a man to gain the whole world and loose his soul.”
Are you willing to take the easy road to achieve something now? Are you willing to lose your inheritance for a temporary fix? Are you willing to settle for fool’s gold?
For I know my identity and it’s going to lead me to my destiny. If I got to cry sometimes, I must hold on to my identity. If I have to fight to hold onto my identity, then I have to fight. Knowing that the afflictions of this world cannot compare to what is laid up for me. How do I know what is laid up for me, because I know my identity and because I know who I am, I know where I’m going, and I know what is waiting there for me. I know that I know that I know. Someone may say well you sure are cocky, they may even feel that you feel that you are putting yourself on some kind of pedestal. They may even feel that you feel you are more intellectually proficient then they are and that’s not true, you just know your identity and because I know my identity my confidence is built up in me because I know who I am. I am more than a conqueror because I know my identity. I know that the devil can’t do me no harm, because I know my identity.
We must remember who we are. I am reminded of a song we used to sing that said “We are soldiers in the army we have to fight although we have to cry, we have to hold up the blood stained banner, we have to hold it up until we die.” We don’t sing that song any more why because we have lost our identity.
It’s time to take back what the enemy has stolen from you.. The Bible says in Proverbs 6:31 “But if he be found, he shall restore sevenfold; he shall give all the substance of his house.” It’s time to take it back. Your joy, take it back, your peace take it back, your deliverance take it back. Whatever the devil has stolen from you it’s time for you to get your life back. Do you know your identity? Do you know who you are? Then tell the devil to get that hell out of your life because you are not going to take it anymore.
It’s time to take back your destiny. Don’t lose your identity.
Bishop Melvin L. Maughmer, Jr.