Summary: This is the 14th Sermon from the Gospel of Luke Series, "Jesus- Son Of Man".

Series: Jesus- Son Of Man [#14]


Luke 5:12-16


In our text, we see an encounter that showcases Christ's deep compassion and the healing power of His touch. Jesus meets a man suffering from leprosy- A condition that not only affects the body but also isolates individuals from their loved ones and society. The leper's heartfelt plea for healing speaks to our own struggles and the universal longing for connection and acceptance. This touching story encourages us to think about the true meaning of compassion and how a simple touch can heal wounds that go beyond the physical.

This morning, we will reflect on the importance of Jesus' actions, highlighting His willingness to reach out to those considered outcasts. His gentle touch offers not just physical healing but also emotional and spiritual restoration. This narrative challenges us to embody Christ’s compassion in our own lives. Are we ready to extend our own "touch" to those in need, showing love and grace to the marginalized in our communities? Embracing this call to compassion allows us to reflect Jesus' heart in a World that longs for connection and healing.

Luke 5:12-16


1. Inviting nature.

Jesus encountered a leper who approached Him with deep need and faith, saying, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.” Jesus responded with compassion by touching the leper, (a significant act considering that leprosy made individuals untouchable and isolated from society). This gesture of invitation shows that true compassion goes beyond social barriers and includes those who are marginalized. It reveals how God’s Kingdom is welcoming, emphasizing that everyone is deserving of love and healing.

Practically, this calls us to reflect on how we can be inclusive and supportive in our communities, following Jesus' example. We are encouraged to reach out to those who are suffering or ostracized, whether due to illness or social stigma. This means not only providing physical help but also being emotionally supportive and creating safe spaces for others. By inviting people into our lives and communities, regardless of their backgrounds, we can embody Christ’s compassion, promoting healing and connection. Ultimately, we are reminded that compassion is more than just a feeling; it’s an action that can transform lives.


2. Healing power.

We see a powerful example of compassion through Jesus’ interaction with a leper. The leper seeks not only physical healing but also a sense of acceptance in a society that has pushed him away. Jesus, moved by compassion, touches the man, an act that breaks societal norms and emphasizes the value of every person. This moment shows that true compassion goes beyond emotions; it is a powerful force that reflects God’s love and brings holistic healing to both body and spirit.

The Church is called to reflect this same compassion in our daily lives. We must reach out to those who are suffering (physically, emotionally, or socially) by stepping out of our comfort zones. Like Jesus, we are encouraged to help those in need, whether through volunteering, supporting those facing difficulties, or simply being present for friends in distress. By embodying compassion, we not only demonstrate the healing power of Christ but also create communities of love and acceptance where healing can happen for everyone. This engagement with others truly represents the transformative Message of the Gospel.


3. Call to action.

We see Jesus’s powerful example of compassion in action. When He meets a man with leprosy, (someone shunned by society) Jesus doesn’t just speak comforting words; He reaches out and touches the leper. This act is significant because it shows God's love and acceptance, challenging societal norms. Jesus’ touch represents true compassion, which involves actively responding to the needs of others. Our faith should inspire us to reach out to those who are marginalized or in pain.

In practical terms, this call to action encourages us to reflect on how we engage with those around us. Today, this could mean supporting someone who is ill or simply offering a listening ear to someone in distress. Compassion is not just a feeling; it’s a choice to connect with and help alleviate the suffering of others. As we consider Jesus’ compassionate touch, we should ask ourselves who the "lepers" are in our communities and how we can be compassionate in our everyday lives. By actively showing kindness and support, we honor the compassion Jesus demonstrated and fulfill our calling to love others as He loves us.


4. Lasting impact.

Jesus demonstrated the lasting impact of compassion by healing a man with leprosy. This act goes beyond just physical healing; it restores the man's dignity and sense of belonging in a community that had ostracized him. By reaching out and touching the untouchable, Jesus shows that compassion is an active response to suffering, leaving a profound mark on both the individual and those around him. The healing provided not only restored the leper's health but also gave him the opportunity to share his story and inspire others, amplifying the impact of this compassionate act.

We can apply this lesson of compassion in our own lives by engaging with those who feel marginalized or overlooked in our communities today. This may involve volunteering at local shelters, supporting those with mental health struggles, or simply being kind and empathetic to those facing difficulties. By practicing compassion, we can create positive changes- Encouraging others to join in acts of kindness as well. True compassion builds relationships, empowers the vulnerable, and fosters a caring atmosphere that can transform social interactions in our communities and Churches. By embodying Christ's compassion, our actions can lead to lasting change, much like the healing that changed the life of the leper.


We see the powerful compassion of Jesus as He meets a man with leprosy. This encounter goes beyond physical healing- It represents the deeper connection and redemption that comes from true compassion. Despite societal pressures to shun the sick, Jesus reaches out to the leper, restoring not only his health but also his dignity and place in the community. This story reminds us that compassion has no limits, and we are called to offer grace to those who are marginalized or suffering.

As we reflect on this Message, let us consider how we can show compassion in our own lives. In a World filled with division, we are encouraged to follow Christ's example by reaching out with love to those in need. Every act of kindness and understanding can remind others of their value and God’s love. Let us create spaces of healing and acceptance, allowing God’s compassion to flow through us and touch those around us, just as Jesus did.