Summary: 🗣️💬 Our words have more power than we realize! In this series, we’ll discover that our words matter, that there are consequences for what we say, and explore how we can use our words for God's glory.

The Power of Words

Proverbs 18:20–21 NKJV

20 A man’s stomach shall be satisfied from the fruit of his mouth; From the produce of his lips he shall be filled.

21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.

Proverbs 18:20–21 NLT

20 Wise words satisfy like a good meal; the right words bring satisfaction.

21 The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.


We’re kicking off 2025 with a brand-new series: ‘Truth or Trash: What’s Coming Out of Your Mouth?’

This series is all about one of the most powerful tools God has given us: our words.

How we use our words matters. Whether spoken, texted, or posted, our words have the power:

• To kill or create.

• To heal or harm.

• To build up or tear down.

Words aren’t just sounds; they’re seeds.

And the words we plant will grow into a harvest in our lives and the lives of others.

Words are powerful, and their impact goes far beyond what we often realize.

Here’s something amazing: There are roughly 800,000 words in the English language.

Most of us only know about 10,000–20,000 and we use around 5,000 daily.

Those 5,000 words shape how we interact with our families, friends, coworkers, and even strangers.

So here’s the big question: Are your words creating life, or are they sowing destruction?

Over the next few moments, we’ll explore how:

1. Words shape the world around us.

2. Words impact our relationships.

3. Words reflect the condition of our hearts.

My prayer is that God will open your eyes to the power of your words and inspire you to use them for His glory.

1. Words Shape Our World

1. Words spoken in faith can change circumstances.

a. Have you ever thought about the weight of your words?

b. The truth is, the reality you’re living in today might be the result of the words you spoke yesterday.

c. Think about it: what you say has the power to shape your circumstances, your relationships, and even your future.

d. Our words have power in them.

e. When you read the Genesis account of creation, you will see that words were the vehicle God used in the spiritual realm to make things happen in the physical realm..

f. Quite simply when God wanted something created, He spoke!

Genesis 1:3 NKJV

3 Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.

a. The method God used in creation was the power of His Word.

i. Over and over in the first three chapters of Genesis, we see the words “Then God said”

ii. This means, at one point in History, nothing was created until God spoke.

iii. When God created the world, He spoke.

1. He didn’t wave His hand or snap His fingers—He spoke.

2. 'Let there be light,' and there was light.

3. And every time God said something, it became reality… it came into existence!

b. Then God created man… Genesis 1:26-27

Genesis 1:26–27 NLT

26 Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us. They will reign over the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the livestock, all the wild animals on the earth, and the small animals that scurry along the ground.”

27 So God created human beings in his own image. In the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.

Genesis 2:7 NLT

7 Then the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person.

i. We are the only species on earth that can communicate our hearts, desires, feelings, hopes, and dreams!

ii. There is no other creature created with the ability to express the deep things in their hearts.

iii. God has given us this gift.

iv. When He breathed life into Adam, mankind became a living being, capable of communication with God and with each other.

c. See, words connect us to God and they connect us with each other.

i. Words are what build bridges to strangers.

ii. They are what keep the flame alive in our marriages,

iii. and they determine the quality of all our relationships.

d. Words are not just sounds or symbols; they carry immense power to influence, create, and transform.

e. Think about it: the way we speak to others sets the spiritual tone of our homes, workplaces, and communities.

i. Words can build bridges of connection or walls of division.

ii. They can inspire, give encouragement, and healing, or they can wound deeply.

iii. A kind word can lift someone out of despair, while a harsh word can break a spirit.

There is a story of a young boy, around 10 years old,

He grew up in a small, worn-down home.

Every morning, before the day even began, he heard the same things from his father: “You’ll never amount to anything.”

“Your just a failure waiting to happen”.... “I wish you weren’t so useless."

See, those words weren’t just words. They were chains.

Chains that wrapped tighter and tighter around his heart with every passing day.

Every time he spilled the milk at breakfast or didn’t get perfect grades, it felt like another link was added to the chain.

“You’re not good enough.”...."I don’t even know why I bother with you."

And before long, what happened was...he started to believe it.

By the time he hit middle school, those words had become more than just echoes in his mind— They were his reality!

“I’m not good enough”… “I’ll never make it.” … “I’ll never amount to anything”.... “Nobody likes me, Nobody cares about me, I am worthless"

And as those chains grew heavier, so did his spirit.

He felt invisible, and He thought, Why even try?

Every day, he walked through life believing he was destined for failure.

But then, one day, something changed.

He was sitting in class, head down, trying to blend into the background.

His teacher called him to stay after class, and he braced himself for more criticism, expecting the same disappointment.

Instead, the teacher looked him right in the eyes, knelt down to his level, and said, “I see something in you.— You are destined for greatness.”

Those words hit him like a lightning bolt.

For the first time in his life, someone spoke life into him.

For the first time, he felt those chains around his heart start to loosen.

Hope sparked within him… And from that moment on, he began to believe something different.

Years passed, and that boy grew into a man.

He was no longer hiding in the shadows of self-doubt.

He stepped into the light as a leader.

He returned to his hometown, not as the forgotten boy, but as the Governor.

He brought restoration to a broken community, hope to the hopeless, and vision to those who had none.

All because someone dared to speak life into him.

a. Think about that teacher for a moment:

i. What if they had kept quiet?

ii. What if they hadn’t seen the potential in that boy and spoke it over him!

iii. What if they had just let him fade into the background like everyone else?

b. Church, hear me today—our words have power.

c. They have the ability to unlock greatness, to lift people up, and to change the course of someone's life.

d. Just like that teacher, you have the power to speak life into someone’s future with the words you choose today.

e. “The tongue has the power of life and death.”

f. Our words aren’t just words—they’re seeds.

i. They can build someone up or tear them down.

ii. They can heal or they can hurt.

g. So let me ask you:

i. What are you speaking over the people around you?

ii. What are you speaking over yourself?

iii. Are you speaking words of life or death?

h. Who in your life is waiting to hear that they are destined for greatness?

i. Who in your life needs to know that they are more than what others have said about them?

i. Maybe it’s a friend who’s been discouraged by the opinions of others.

ii. A family member who feels trapped by their past mistakes, or

iii. A coworker who's struggling to find their worth.

j. Whoever it is, think about the power you have to speak truth into their life.

i. What if your words today could remind them of who they really are?

ii. What if you were the one to remind them that they are not defined by what others think, but by who God says they are?

iii. Or Maybe it’s you!

1. Maybe you’re the one who needs to hear that you’re more than what others have said about you.

2. Maybe you’ve been carrying the weight of negative words spoken over your life—words that have made you doubt your worth, your potential, and your future.

k. Today, I want to remind you: You are not what people have said about you.

i. You are not defined by your past mistakes or by the opinions of others.

ii. You are who God says you are—chosen, loved, and called to greatness.

l. Remember, your words have the power to change someone’s future—and your own future.

i. They can break chains, unlock potential, and bring freedom.

ii. They can heal wounds, restore relationships, and bring about breakthrough!

2. What We Say Today shapes Our Tomorrow!

a. The words we speak today are like seeds planted in the soil of our future.

b. Every word we utter—whether it’s about ourselves, others, or our circumstances—has the potential to shape what’s to come.

c. People often don’t realize the power our words hold, but they have more influence on our lives than we think.

i. In every area of your life—relationships, career, personal growth—speaking positively is like planting seeds of hope, trust, and faith.

ii. Even in the midst of challenges, those seeds will grow and bear fruit.

iii. But when we speak negatively, we’re sowing seeds of doubt, fear, and unbelief, which can hinder what God is trying to do in our lives.

d. We see this principle in action in Proverbs 12:14.

Proverbs 12:14 NIV 2011

14 From the fruit of their lips people are filled with good things, and the work of their hands brings them reward.

a. This is a reminder that the fruit of our lives will be a reflection of the words we’ve been speaking.

b. When we speak life—declaring God’s promises—we’re aligning with His plan for a future full of peace, joy, and blessing.

c. Words spoken in faith can change circumstances!

i. It’s not just what we say, but the faith behind it that invites God’s power to move.

d. In Mark 11:23-24…Jesus gives us a powerful lesson on the role of faith and words:

Mark 11:23–24 (NKJV)

23 For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.

24 Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.

a. Jesus wasn’t just teaching us to think positive thoughts—He was teaching us to speak words of faith.

b. Notice how Jesus emphasizes speaking.

i. He doesn’t say, “Think your way to success”

ii. He doesn’t say, just believe the mountain will move...

iii. He says, “Speak” to the mountain, and it will move.

c. There’s power in what we declare when we speak it in faith.

i. God has given us authority to use our voices to activate His promises.

ii. When we declare God’s truth over our situations, we invite His power to move.

iii. We create an atmosphere for miracles, breakthroughs, and transformation.

d. Now, let’s apply this principle to your life.

e. Remember, faith-filled words don’t just describe the situation—they can transform it!

f. Let me ask you: What are you speaking over your life today?

i. How are you speaking about your job, boss, co-workers, and salary?

ii. How often do you grumble and complain about these things?

g. It might not be easy to hear, but I’m telling you, your words are shaping your future.

h. But here’s the truth: God has you exactly where you are for a reason.

i. And if you’re going to gripe, complain, and constantly talk trash, you're cursing your own future.

j. Let’s talk about your job for a moment.

i. If you continually speak negatively about your job, you will reap the fruit of that negativity.

ii. So what, maybe it’s not your dream job.

iii. Maybe it’s not where you thought you’d be at this stage of life, but listen to me: God is working in that place, and He’s working in you!

iv. Stop saying things like “I’ll never get ahead here”, “I hate it here”, “This place is a dead end”.

1. All you are doing is cursing your future!

v. Instead, start speaking gratitude.

vi. Begin saying, “God, I thank You for this job!”

1. “Use it to shape me, to refine me, and to open doors that no man can shut!”

vii. When you speak life over your work, you unlock the potential for growth, promotion, and favor.

k. What about your boss?

i. Hey, maybe your boss isn’t perfect— news flash: Your not a perfect employee!

ii. Maybe you don’t always see eye-to-eye.

iii. But the Bible tells us in Romans 13:1 that all authority is established by God.

1. When you speak disrespectfully about your boss, you’re dishonoring the authority God has placed in your life.

iv. Instead of tearing down… pray for your boss...

v. Say, “God, Bless and honor my boss, I ask you to give him wisdom, and use him to shape my destiny.”

vi. That’s the kind of heart that opens doors for promotion and favor.

l. And let’s talk about co-workers.

i. How you talk about your co-workers matters.

ii. Gossiping, slandering, and tearing others down doesn’t make you better—it makes you part of the problem.

iii. When you speak negatively about the people you work with, you’re creating division and discouragement.

iv. But when you speak words of encouragement and kindness, you’re creating an atmosphere of unity and peace.

v. The Bible says in Proverbs 16:24

Proverbs 16:24 NKJV

24 Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, Sweetness to the soul and health to the bones.

i. Your words can heal, they can lift up, and they can change the atmosphere of your workplace.

ii. Be the person who speaks life, and watch what God does!

m. Lastly, let’s talk about your salary.

i. Maybe you're frustrated with your pay.

ii. Maybe you feel like you’re not making enough, or what you deserve.

iii. But listen to me: God provides for His people.

iv. Complaining about your pay is like rejecting the provision God has already given you!

v. Philippians 4:19 makes us a promise...

Philippians 4:19 NKJV

19 And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.

i. When you speak words of gratitude instead of complaining about your salary, you open the door for God’s provision.

ii. Begin thanking God for what He’s already provided, and trust that He will bless you with what you need when the time is right.

n. Your words are powerful!

o. They have the ability to shape the future you desire—whether it’s in your job, your relationships, or your finances.

p. Speak life today, and watch God move in your tomorrow!

2. Words Impact Our Relationships

1. Your words are the glue that holds relationships together—or the hammer that breaks them apart.

a. Think about the words you speak to your spouse, your kids, and your friends...

b. Are you building them up or tearing them down?

i. Are you speaking words of encouragement, love, and support, or words of frustration, anger, and criticism?

ii. Remember, your words carry weight.

iii. They have the power to heal wounds or deepen scars.

c. Choose your words wisely, because they shape your relationships and the future you’re building together.

Proverbs 16:28 NLT

28 A troublemaker plants seeds of strife; gossip separates the best of friends.

a. The truth is, Our words have the incredible power to either build or destroy.

b. You can speak life into someone, or you can speak death.

c. A kind word, filled with love and compassion, can lift someone’s spirit and bring peace to a weary heart.

d. But a harsh word? It’s like a sword to the soul.

i. It cuts deep, wounds the heart, and can destroy years of trust and relationship.

e. We’ve all heard the saying—"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me."

i. Let me tell you, church, that’s one of the biggest lies we’ve ever been told.

f. Words do hurt—They have the power to bring life and death!

g. But here’s the good news: There is a flip side to this.

Proverbs 25:11 ESV

11 A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in a setting of silver.

i. Words can heal.

ii. Words can restore what’s broken.

iii. They can bring life into relationships that feel dead.

iv. Words have the power to bring restoration, to rebuild, to breathe hope where there’s despair!

2. Are You Building Up or Tearing Down. (Pause)

a. Now, let’s get personal for a moment.

b. Think back to the last argument you had with someone close to you—maybe your spouse, a friend, or one of your kids.

i. What was said?

ii. How did it make you feel?

iii. And more importantly, how did it make them feel?

c. I’ll tell you this—those words didn’t just vanish.

d. They didn’t disappear into thin air.

i. They landed somewhere, if I had to guess, I’d say right here (point to heart).

ii. Words have a way of sticking with us.

iii. Whether they’re words of life or words of hurt, they stick.

iv. They stay with us—sometimes far longer than we realize.

e. Are the words you’re speaking into your relationships building others up, or are they tearing them down?

f. Are you using your words like glue to hold things together, or like a hammer to break them apart? (pause)

i. We all have a choice to make every single day.

ii. And let’s be honest, we don’t always get it right.

g. Sometimes, we say things we wish we could take back.

h. But hear me—with God’s help, we can learn to speak words that heal instead of hurt.

3. We have to speak Life Over Our relationships!

a. Ephesians 4:26 says...

Ephesians 4:26–29 NLT

26 And “don’t sin by letting anger control you.” Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry,

27 for anger gives a foothold to the devil.

28 If you are a thief, quit stealing. Instead, use your hands for good hard work, and then give generously to others in need.

29 Don’t use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.

a. Your words have the power to strengthen or destroy your relationships!

i. We need to understand this: every time we open our mouths, we’re either building up or tearing down the people around us.

b. Let’s make this real for a minute: Think about the people closest to you.

i. What if, instead of always finding fault, you began looking for ways to build them up?

ii. What if, instead of criticizing, you started strengthening?

iii. What if your words became a source of life, encouragement, and hope, instead of frustration, anger, or judgment?

c. Let me ask you: When was the last time you spoke life into someone?…(pause)

i. Not just compliments, but heartfelt words designed to lift someone up when they’re struggling, when they feel unnoticed, when they need a reminder of their worth?

ii. What if we could shift our thinking from finding flaws to focusing on their potential?

iii. I want you to hear this—your words could change someone’s day.

iv. Your words could change their life.

d. But it starts with a choice, doesn’t it?

i. A choice to be intentional with your words.

e. What I find it interesting is that in Proverbs 18, right after Solomon talks about the power of life and death, he follows it up by speaking about marriage.

Proverbs 18:22 NKJV

22 He who finds a wife finds a good thing, And obtains favor from the LORD.

a. Here’s what I’ve learned: Your marriage will never be better than what comes out of your mouth. (pause)

b. And guess what?—This is true for all relationships

c. If you want great relationships, it starts with the words you speak.

i. Think of it like building a house.

ii. A solid foundation is necessary, and every encouraging word is like a brick, strengthening the house.

iii. But here's the problem: every harsh word, every insult, every criticism is like a wrecking ball smashing everything you’re trying to build.

d. Do you want a great spouse?— Speak greatness over them!

e. Do you want great kids?—Speak greatness over them!

f. Do you want strong friendships and family relationships?—Speak greatness over them!

i. Start building them with your words.

g. Too many people spend too much time speaking death and curses over their relationships and then wonder why those relationships fall apart.

h. Here is a truth I want you to remember— Hostile put-downs act like cancer to your relationships...they will eat away and kill them!

i. It’s time to be intentional with our words.

j. Stop speaking curses and death, and start speaking life!

4. Raise the Standard in Your Relationships!

a. Speak greatness over your spouse!

b. Husbands, don't just say, 'She's a good wife.'

i. No, speak life over her!

ii. Declare out loud, "She’s a great wife, a compassionate mother, a woman of God who serves with all her heart!"

iii. Husbands, that’s how you build up your wife.

iv. Speak greatness over her, not just the bare minimum!

c. Wives, don't settle for just saying, “He's a good husband”.

i. No! Speak life over him! Declare, "He’s a great husband, a strong provider, a mighty protector, a man of God!"

ii. Don't speak in generic terms—speak the best you want to see.

d. Speak greatness, because what you speak, you will see!'

e. You might say, "But Pastor, I can’t find anything good to say about them!" (pause)

i. Well, let me tell you something—you can always find something good!

ii. Find it, and praise them for it!

iii. Here let me say it like this, negativity is simply the devils language spoken by those who have HIS perspective!

1. You can make it hurt a little more and say spoken by His children...

iv. Find something they do go and praise them to the heavens for it!

v. And if you truly do struggle to find something, start speaking what you want to see.

vi. Maybe they aren’t perfect, but faith doesn’t speak the facts—it speaks the truth!

vii. Speak what God has placed in them, even if it’s hidden deep inside. Start calling it out!

f. The truth is, if you want to see greatness in your marriage, you’ve got to start speaking greatness into it.

g. Speak the life you want to see!

h. Don’t wait for them to change before you speak it—speak it first, and you’ll watch God begin to transform your relationship!

i. Now, apply this to your children!

i. Don’t just say, “They’re good kids.”— You’ve got to speak life over them!

ii. Speak greatness over your children, just like you would your spouse.

iii. Praise them as the children you want them to be!

iv. Find something, anything, they’re doing right, and celebrate it!

v. I know some of you might be thinking, “Have you met my kids?”

vi. Listen, I understand.

1. There’s a time for correction, but hear me—if all you ever do is yell, scold, and criticize, you’ll never see your kids grow into what God has intended them to be!

2. They will end up being rebellious and insecure!

vii. As parents, you’re not just disciplinarians—you’re disciplers.

viii. Yes, there’s a place for correction, but there’s also a place for edification!

ix. You’ve got to take time to praise them, even if it means searching high and low to find something to celebrate.

1. Even if the only thing you can find is taking out the garbage, celebrate it!

2. Tell them how much they honored God by obeying their parents.

3. When you speak life over them, you’re showing them that they are valuable, capable, and that you believe in them.

x. When you speak life, you’re calling forth their destiny.

xi. Declare: “They are well-behaved, intelligent, obedient, and kind.”

xii. Speak over them: “They’re a gift from God, with the heart of God, full of purpose!”

1. Tell them: “I believe in you.

2. I see the incredible potential inside of you!

3. God has great things planned for your life, and you’re just getting started!”

j. Parents, don’t just speak from a place of frustration—speak faith!

k. Don’t wait for perfection to speak life—start where they are, and watch them grow into what you declare over them.

l. Every word you speak over your children is shaping their future, so let it be filled with encouragement, faith, and belief in their potential!

m. You see, it's one thing to know that our words matter, but it’s another thing to intentionally speak life into those relationships.

n. Remember, this works for all relationships!

o. Your words carry more than just weight—they carry power.

p. The power to change not just the person you’re speaking to, but the very atmosphere around you.

q. Start speaking greatness over the people in your life.

r. Declare their potential, their destiny, and the anointing God has placed inside them.

s. Here is my final thought in closing....

3. Words Reflect Our Hearts

1. What’s in your heart will always come out through your words.

a. Have you ever said something in the heat of the moment and thought, "Where did that come from?"

i. Maybe it was a sharp response to your spouse, an impatient word to your child, or something you regret saying to a friend.

ii. You didn’t plan it, but those words slipped out before you even knew it.

b. Those words didn’t come out of nowhere.

i. They came from somewhere deep within you.

ii. “Remember, every time your open your mouth, your mind walks out and parades up and down the words.” ~Edwin H. Stuart

c. Jesus also said in

Luke 6:43–44 NLT

43 “A good tree can’t produce bad fruit, and a bad tree can’t produce good fruit.

44 A tree is identified by its fruit. Figs are never gathered from thornbushes, and grapes are not picked from bramble bushes.

Luke 6:45 NLT

45 A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart. What you say flows from what is in your heart.

a. Jesus made it clear—your words are a mirror to your heart.

i. What’s in your heart will always come out through your words.

b. Your Mouth and Your Heart Are Directly Linked

i. Your words are the overflow of your heart.

ii. And when life presses you—when you’re tired, frustrated, or overwhelmed—what’s inside will always come out.

c. Here’s why this matters—it’s not just about what’s happening in your life; it's about what’s happening in your heart.

d. Words are the building blocks of the world around you.

e. Remember, Proverbs 18:21 says, "The tongue has the power of life and death."

i. Your words are shaping your world.

ii. They are impacting your relationships.

iii. What you speak today will shape your tomorrow.

f. If your heart is filled with love, your words become like gentle rain, nourishing and refreshing those around you.

i. They bring life, encouragement, and hope to people who may be struggling.

ii. When your heart is filled with peace, your words become a steady anchor, calming storms of anxiety and fear.

iii. They create a sense of stability and reassurance for others.

g. But if your heart is holding onto bitterness, your words will come out sharp, cutting like thorns, leaving wounds in their wake.

i. If anger fills your heart, your words will erupt like a wildfire, spreading destruction and burning bridges.

ii. And if hurt resides in your heart, your words may become like broken glass, reflecting your own pain while unintentionally wounding others.

h. You see, if you want your relationships to thrive, you have to start with your heart!


a. Here’s the question I want to leave you with today: Truth or Trash—what’s coming out of your mouth?

b. Because everything we’ve talked about today points back to this.

c. Your words have the power to shape your world—are they building up or tearing down?

d. Your words impact your relationships—are they drawing people closer or pushing them away?

e. And your words reflect your heart—are they revealing a heart filled with God’s truth or one weighed down by bitterness, anger, or hurt?

Proverbs 4:23 NIV 2011

23 Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

a. That includes your words.

i. If we want truth to come out of our mouths, it starts with allowing God to cleanse our hearts.

ii. And let’s be real—some of us might need God to not only guard our hearts but also put a spiritual bar of soap in our mouths to clean up what’s coming out!

b. This week, I want to challenge you—take a good, honest inventory of your words.

c. Look back on the things you’ve spoken in the last few days.

i. What have you said to your spouse?

ii. To your kids?

iii. To your coworkers and your friends?

iv. And what about those words you muttered under your breath when you thought no one was listening?

v. Were they truth—filled with life, hope, and encouragement?

vi. Or were they trash—critical, careless, or full of frustration?

d. Are your words shaping your world into something that honors God?

e. Are they building up your relationships and pointing people to Jesus?

f. Most importantly, are they showing the world a heart that is fully surrendered to Him?

g. When we let God transform our hearts, He’ll transform our words.

h. And when your words align with His truth, watch what happens!

i. They’ll shape the world around you for good.

j. They’ll heal what’s broken in your relationships.

k. They’ll reflect His love and His grace to everyone you meet.

l. That’s the kind of life—and the kind of mouth—that God is calling you to have.

1. Here’s something bold for this week: start speaking life into every relationship.

a. When you feel tempted to criticize or complain, pause and ask God to fill your heart with words that build up, bring peace, and offer hope.

b. Speak life over your spouse, your children, your coworkers—even the stranger who cuts you off in traffic.

c. Declare God’s truth and promises over them.

d. And here’s the beauty of it—your words won’t just change others; they’ll change you.

e. They’ll bring you joy, strengthen your faith, and open the door for God to work powerfully in your life.

f. So let’s commit: no more trash—just truth. Let’s be instruments of life!