Love does not boast, or to put it another way, love does not brag.INTRODUCTION
- As we continue to learn to love better, the focus of the thing we need to work on in order to be able to love better is getting a handle on the issue of boasting.
- Love does not boast or put another way, love does not brag.
- When we have a boastful attitude in life, we tend top make everything about ourselves, we become a Me Monster.
- As Arron Chambers says in his book, Love Better, Me Monsters kill love.
- Me Monsters cannot love others better because they are only in it for themselves.
- If we are Me Monsters, evangelism is a lost cause.
- We must be careful not to make life about ourselves or we will become the Me Monster.
- In 1 Corinthians 13:4, we are told that love does not brag (or boast).
- What does it mean that love does not brag or boast?
- The Greek word translated as “brag” or “boast” is a verb derived from the Greek root, which means to boast or to vaunt oneself.
- In the context of this verse, it’s used to describe how love behaves—it doesn’t boast or draw attention to itself arrogantly.
- It’s a humble kind of love.
- The word suggests a kind of self-promotion or displaying oneself as superior.
- It’s not just about making claims; it’s about an attitude that seeks to elevate oneself above others, often at their expense.
- The issue of love not bragging is tied to what we will deal with next week when we deal with arrogance.
- In the context of love, true love doesn't seek to exalt itself over others.
- It's not about self-glorification or seeking attention.
- Instead, love focuses on the well-being and honor of the other person.
- It's a humble, self-giving the kind of love that doesn't try to overshadow or outdo others.
- In the Gospel of Mark, Chapter 10, verses 35 to 45, we find the story of James and John, the sons of Zebedee, making a bold request to Jesus.
- They ask to sit at his right and left sides in glory.
- This passage is rich with historical and contextual significance that sheds light on the dynamics of the disciples, Jesus’ teachings, and the socio-political environment of the time.
- We will touch on this thought in the message today.
- The request for places of honor indicates their anticipation of political positions in this new order.
- Implications for Early Christian Communities: This passage would have served as an instructive narrative for the early Christian communities grappling with leadership, authority, and service issues.
- It highlights a model of servant leadership that was radical for the time and remains influential.
- Overall, Mark 10:35-45 not only provides insight into the mindset of Jesus’s followers but also serves as a key teaching moment, illustrating the upside-down nature of God’s kingdom compared to worldly expectations.
- This passage encourages a reevaluation of power and success in light of the servant model presented by Jesus.
- Let’s turn to our passage together.
Mark 10:35–40 NET 2nd ed.
35 Then James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came to him and said, “Teacher, we want you to do for us whatever we ask.”
36 He said to them, “What do you want me to do for you?”
37 They said to him, “Permit one of us to sit at your right hand and the other at your left in your glory.”
38 But Jesus said to them, “You don’t know what you are asking! Are you able to drink the cup I drink or be baptized with the baptism I experience?”
39 They said to him, “We are able.” Then Jesus said to them, “You will drink the cup I drink, and you will be baptized with the baptism I experience,
40 but to sit at my right or at my left is not mine to give. It is for those for whom it has been prepared.”
I. The Me Monster Seeks Personal Glory.
- When the Me Monster rears its ugly head, everything becomes about me.
- Historical Overview of Disciples: James and John, known as the “Sons of Thunder,” were among Jesus’s closest disciples.
- Their familial ties, along with their personalities, may have emboldened them to make such a request.
- They were part of Jesus’ inner circle, which included Peter, and were present at key moments of Jesus’ ministry.
- For context, Mark 10:35-45 occurred during the later Perean ministry of Jesus.
- The events in the later Perean ministry happened between December 29 A.D. and early 30 A.D., not too far from when Jesus would be crucified.
- The point is that the disciples had been with Jesus for close to three years.
- They had seen and heard all Jesus had done up to this point.
- Put this in the context of the first-century Jewish context.
- Disciples’ Ambitions: James and John’s request reflects a common misunderstanding among the disciples about the nature of Jesus’s kingdom.
- Many Jews, including the disciples, anticipated a messianic kingdom that would overthrow Roman rule and restore Israel’s political power and prestige.
- I have to think the other disciples may have been thinking the same thing.
- James and John wanted a piece of the action, a piece of the glory!
- They did not ask about the rest of the team getting some glory!
- James and John, the sons of thunder, wanted the choice seats and positions at the tables of power.
- Once you think about seeking personal glory, one of the reasons it kills evangelism is that I do not want to compete with anyone else for what I want!
- In verse 38, Jesus said You do not know what you are asking.
- Then Jesus He asks them, “Are you able to drink the cup I drink or be baptized with the baptism I experience?”
- At the time, these two were so full of themselves that they gave an answer that came from their distorted view of themselves in verse 39.
- They said YES WE CAN!
- Of course, Jesus spoke of the trials and suffering He would endure, and the Me Monster so blinded these guys that they did not even think about or ask what Jesus meant with His question to them!
- By asking for the highest positions of honor next to Jesus, they seek to elevate themselves above the others.
- This desire for personal glory and recognition is a form of boasting, as they’re essentially asking to be seen as the greatest among the disciples.
- Being a part of the inner circle made them feel entitled to this honor!
- Let’s move to verse 41
Mark 10:41 NET 2nd ed.
41 Now when the other ten heard this, they became angry with James and John.
II. The Me Monster Neglects Others.
- Look what happened when the others heard the request!
- The other ten became angry with James and John!
- Boasting creates division.
- Think about how you would feel if you were the other 10.
- You have been together for close to three years, and now two of those who were supposed to be your best friends and partners in ministry pulled this stunt.
- By seeking the top spots, James and John put themselves above their peers, contrary to the humble, selfless nature of love that doesn’t boast or brag.
- You will always seek your advantage when the Me Monster rules your life.
- Think about if one or both spouses have that in a marriage.
- I am curious how the others felt about James and John for a time after this unfortunate event.
- James and John’s request shows a lack of consideration for the other disciples.
- Aren’t you supposed to have each other's back?
- When you cannot trust someone has your back, or if you cannot trust those closest to you have your back, what do you have?
- When we boast, we communicate that we value ourselves more than others.
- This breaks the bonds that hold community together.
- Let’s move to verses 42-45.
Mark 10:42–45 NET 2nd ed.
42 Jesus called them and said to them, “You know that those who are recognized as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those in high positions use their authority over them.
43 But it is not this way among you. Instead whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant,
44 and whoever wants to be first among you must be the slave of all.
45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
SLIDE # 10 (POINT 3)
III. The Me Monster Distorts True Greatness.
- If I were Jesus at this point, I would have thrown my hands in the air and walked away.
- In verse 42, Jesus points out why their request was so wrong.
- First-century Jewish Context of GREATNESS: The desire for status and power among Jews at the time was understandable, given their oppression under Roman rule.
- The hope for a messianic deliverer was largely political, aiming for liberation and restoration.
- This context explains the disciples’ frequent misunderstandings of Jesus’ mission, as they initially saw it through the lens of their socio-political struggles.
- These guys still did not get it!
- James and John were coming from a worldly mindset.
- To Jesus credit, He did not throw up His hands and walk away!
- Jesus uses their request as a teaching moment to redefine greatness as servanthood.
- Jesus told them in verse 43 that He expects more out of them than being worldly.
- This is how the world sees greatness, but he said it is not that way among you!
- In verse 44, Jesus said that the path to greatness is by serving others.
- By asking for positions of power, James and John miss the essence of love as humble and self-giving, not self-exalting.
- Love does not boast, love is not about the Me Monster, love is about seeking the good of others.
- If my wife cannot trust that I am seeking the best for her, she will question my love for her.
- Let’s hit verses 42-45 one more time.
Mark 10:42–45 NET 2nd ed.
42 Jesus called them and said to them, “You know that those who are recognized as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and those in high positions use their authority over them.
43 But it is not this way among you. Instead whoever wants to be great among you must be your servant,
44 and whoever wants to be first among you must be the slave of all.
45 For even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”
IV. Slaying the Me Monster.
- Let’s say for a minute that the Me Monster has possessed you; how can you slay it?
- First, you have to be willing to face the Monster and use the full armor of God to slay it.
- Here are a couple of things we can do alongside of that.
- How can we slay the Me Monster and love better?
- Serve others.
- Serving others slays the idea that we are “greater” than others.
- We will love better when we treat other Christians and other people in our communities as greater than ourselves. (Mark 10:43)
- Serving others slays the idea that we are “first” among all humans.
- If we always have to be the line leader, we will always fall behind in loving better. (Mark 10:44)
- Serving others slays the idea that we are “to be served” and are to hold onto our lives.
- “For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Mark 10:45).
- James and John got lost in themselves, I am pretty sure these guys had been talking about this request for sometime.
- Jesus taught them that serving others is what we are called to do.
- What can I do to serve like Jesus?
- Start looking for ways to help others.
- Maybe it can be something as simple as getting up and doing some dishes.
- Maybe little things, like hitting the hamper instead of the floor with your dirty laundry.
- Focus on understanding others instead of being understood.
- Keep the one mouth shut and the two ears open!
- Find joy when others achieve success by being happy for them.
- Paul said he was crucified with Christ and the life he lives now in the flesh is for Jesus.
- Jesus went to the cross for you; are you willing to cross the street to serve others?
- Are you willing to give some of your time to serve others?
- Let’s slay the Me Monster together!