(2 Kings 4:8-37, Exodus 20:12)
by Saumiman Saud *)
When we commemorate Mother's Day, we often hear the greeting "Happy Mother's Day", may God always bless you to be a good mother, who becomes a blessing for family, church and society. In America, the history of Mother's Day observance was initiated by a mother named Anna M Jarvis (1864-1948) from Philadelphia1. This idea came from a Sunday School teacher in Virginia. Remembering a mother's love - carrying a child, nursing, raising, educating, schooling, until the child grows up, marries, and then caring for grandchildren and so on. Anna J Jarvis then popularized Mother's Day on May 8, 1908, during a Memorial Service commemorating her mother. On May 8, 1914, in a congressional session, US President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed the second Sunday in May to be celebrated nationally as Mother's Day14.
An expression in Indonesian we have heard is "Heaven is under a mother's feet", showing that a mother's role is not just giving birth, but also raising the child to become a "person" - which in Christian understanding means raising the child to fear God. It's not easy to be such a successful mother, though being just a "good" mother may be easier. A "good" mother will give everything for her children so they say their mother is very good. But a "successful" mother not only gives good things to her children, but also educates them especially in fearing God.
The Bible often depicts successful female figures. One we will look at further is the Shunammite woman. She is called the Shunammite woman because she lived in Shunem, a city north of Jezreel near Nain, which became famous 900 years later when Jesus raised a widow's dead son back to life there. This woman is also described as prominent and wealthy, married to an older husband, but sadly still childless. The Bible teaches that the husband is the head of the household, but this doesn't mean the woman must be forced to obey everything the husband decides without having her own creative initiative. If a wife is passive, it becomes very weak if the husband is also passive, so balance is needed for new ideas in the household.
A creative woman, with her husband's knowledge, can propose positive things. Why do I say we need positive ideas? Because there are indeed negative ideas that do not build up faith but rather lead us into sin. We will briefly see that in the Bible itself there are some women who frankly put forward negative ideas. For example:
1. Sarah (Genesis 16:1-18, 21:8-21)
One of her ideas in married life with Abraham was to suggest Abraham marry again (polygamy), because she felt unable to give Abraham offspring anymore, especially now that they were elderly. Sarah said to Abraham: "You see that the LORD has prevented me from bearing children. Go in to my servant; it may be that I shall obtain children by her." (Genesis 16:2) This was Sarah's idea for her husband. Actually this idea is very contrary in today's context, but I see it's not free from the negative consequences experienced by Sarah. Because when Abraham remarried and had Ishmael, problems arose. Sarah began to be looked down upon by Hagar (16:4). This was Sarah's creative idea with an originally good purpose, but the wrong method so the result was negative. Hagar eventually had to be "forced" out of Abraham's extended family (see Genesis 21:8-21). This enmity continues to this day.
2. Jezebel (1 Kings 21)
When Naboth the Jezreelite refused to sell his vineyard to King Ahab, an evil intention was proposed by his wife Jezebel to forcibly seize it. Jezebel said to Ahab, "Do you now govern Israel? Arise and eat bread and let your heart be cheerful; I will give you the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite." Then Jezebel wrote letters in Ahab's name and sent them to the elders and nobles in Jezreel. The letters said: "Proclaim a fast, and set Naboth at the head of the people. And set two worthless men opposite him, and let them bring a charge against him, saying, 'You have cursed God and the king.' Then take him out and stone him to death." (1 Kings 21:7-9). So indirectly King Ahab ended up killing Naboth just to get his vineyard, which was truly shameful. As a king who could be said to have and rule over everything, a vineyard should have been a trivial matter. But due to his wife's instigation, this small issue became big and caused Ahab to commit murder.
3. Herodias (Matthew 14:1-13, Luke 3:19,20)
Herodias was the former wife of Philip who had an affair with Herod and became his wife. Everyone was silent about this issue, except John the Baptist who boldly rebuked them. Matthew 14:4 states, "It is not lawful for you to have her," which was John's rebuke to Herod. This rebuke made Herodias hate John and seek revenge, leading to John the Baptist's imprisonment (Luke 3:19,20). When her daughter Salome danced, King Herod joyfully offered to give her a gift. Herodias used this opportunity to fulfill her long-held vendetta by having John the Baptist killed, albeit indirectly (Matthew 14:1-12). She whispered to her daughter to ask for John's head on a platter as a gift.
The creative women expected in this context are those who can produce positive outcomes, build up others, and encourage their husbands' ministry. Remember Job's story? When Job was at the peak of his struggles, his wife, instead of comforting and strengthening him, broke his spirit. Job's wife suggested that he should commit suicide. To Job, such a wife was like a foolish woman.
Let's continue looking at some female figures in the Bible who have done positive things:
1. Esther
Esther's time was very critical for the Jews, as a commander named Haman wanted to annihilate them. However, Esther played a crucial role, using her position as queen to save her people. All this was not without God's help and love. Haman, who had prepared a gallows to hang Esther's uncle Mordecai, ended up being hanged on it himself. Esther accomplished a great work in saving the Jewish people.
2. Ruth
When her husband died, Ruth took the initiative to follow her mother-in-law Naomi, without any coercion. She could have been free like Orpa, as their husbands were dead and she was still young. If she had separated from her mother-in-law, she might have had a chance to remarry. But Ruth chose to follow Naomi, saying, "Your people shall be my people, and your God my God. Where you go, I will go." This decision, which seemed detrimental in worldly terms, Ruth saw as an advantage because of the foundation of faith instilled by her mother-in-law - relying on God. That's why God always blessed her, and eventually, Ruth married Boaz.
3. Mary, mother of Jesus
Mary, Jesus' mother, was also a creative and initiative-taking woman. When they were invited to a wedding in Cana, the host ran out of wine. Mary took the initiative to ask Jesus for help. This is where Jesus performed his first miracle of turning water into wine.
Now, returning to the Shunammite woman, with her wealth, she could have lived a lavish lifestyle, using money frivolously. She didn't need to do household chores or take her child to school. Since her husband was old, she didn't need to accompany him; he could be left at home or sent to a nursing home, as many modern wives do (pardon me).
Can't we imagine and compare this to how modern women spend their time? Going to salons for haircuts, facials, manicures, shopping centers swiping credit cards, exercising, attending social gatherings, parties, and so on. But the Shunammite woman was different. Although the context of her time was different, I believe there were worldly activities she could have engaged in. This woman had a serious awareness of her surroundings, sensitive to the environment, but never trying to gossip or interfere in others' affairs. She carefully observed people passing by her house, but she wasn't a spy or detective.
This time, there was someone different, not because he was strange, but because he was very friendly and kind, which prompted this woman to invite him to eat at her house. Not just to eat, but also to stay; she even intended to build a room for this servant of God. What the Shunammite woman prepared was the best - she built a permanent room, not a temporary one, meaning she gave and did the best for a servant of God, not just giving whatever was available as many of God's congregations do today.
Now the question arises: After celebrating Mother's Day multiple times each year, what creative ideas do you have as a Christian woman in the church? Have you ever planned and done something, whether small or large, for God and His servants? Have you ever tried to find out what the church really needs and then tried to find a solution? Men, due to their office and company duties, usually don't have time to think about all this, and this is indeed very suitable for a creative woman to do, even if some are also busy with office duties during the day. Additionally, as a housewife, have you ever thought about a plan for your family's future? Excuse me for asking, where are your children right now? Are they still going to church to this day? Then where is your husband now? Have they experienced God's Grace of Salvation? If you want to be a successful mother, we must seek them out and win them for the Lord. This is the greatest gift a mother can give, more than gold or jewels.
Then for those of you who are children or still have a mother, what have you done for your mother so far? If we really want to express our love for our mother, do it now while she is still alive. If she's dead, it's no use anymore. You may cry as hard as you can to express your love, but it's useless. It's too late, the rice has turned to porridge.
It is said that in ancient China, there was a mother who deeply loved her child, even until he grew up and got married. The child's father had died when he was young, and he was the mother's only hope. Unfortunately, the child who had been so loved did not repay his mother's kindness, as the saying goes, "Kindness repaid with cruelty."
Every day, the mother would bring rice to her son in the fields, as he worked as a farmer. There was never a word of thanks from the son; instead, he would scold and get angry. If his mother came too early, he would scold her, and if she came late, he would often beat her. The mother could only sigh, with nowhere to turn.
One morning in the field, something interesting happened. The farmer was sitting and watching baby birds flying back and forth. Out of curiosity, he climbed the tree where the birds were. He was shocked to see a mother bird waiting for her chicks to bring her food. He then thought about how his mother always brought him food, yet he treated her cruelly. Meanwhile, these baby birds were finding food for their mother. The farmer began to realize his mistakes and felt very regretful about his behavior. He promised himself that when his mother came at noon, he would apologize and ask for forgiveness.
That afternoon, he couldn't work peacefully, his heart was troubled as he waited for his mother's arrival. From afar, he saw an old woman walking slowly while carrying a food container. The farmer, seeing his mother approach, jumped with joy. He wanted to quickly embrace her and apologize. Impatient with his mother's slow pace, he rushed towards her.
However, from a distance, the mother saw her son running towards her and became terrified. Usually, this meant her son was angry, so she turned and ran. Her son kept chasing her until the mother, feeling desperate, jumped into the river without thinking and died. There was no opportunity for him to show love to his mother.
How about you who claim to love Christ? Note that the Bible never teaches a child to be disrespectful to their parents; in fact, the Bible clearly asks us to honor them. Jesus himself, in his final moments on the cross, did not forget to entrust his mother to John, because Jesus knew how important this was. For a Christian, honoring parents is not something to be done after they have died, but while they are still alive. And remember, by honoring our parents, God guarantees us a long life. May I ask, have you done this?
*)pastor at Cornerstone Evangelical Baptist Church, San Francisco,