These two following verses are the source for the title of this message today.
Matthew 24:4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
Revelation 3:11 Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
Now please go with me to 1 Corinthians 9:24-27, this is where we will be camping out.
1 Co 9:24-27 [24]Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain. [25] And every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible. [26] I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so fight I, not as one that beateth the air: [27] But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.
By these scriptures and others it is very clear that the Apostle Paul had himself participated in arena type sports, or at the very least he had been in the stands and had seen and cheered on the competition.
With his words, he paints a vivid picture of this competition, then he masterfully takes that natural illustration and weaves it into a spiritual interpretation.
We see that in Hebrews 12 where he's talking about running the race before us with patience, then he adds that there are a great cloud of witnesses that are watching us.
Here in our Corinthian text he gets very detailed, and it is clear that he has either participated in the games, or he was at the very least one actively involved in cheering for the competitors.
So now we are going to unpack this text. Paul starts by asking the question and giving the answer in the question.
*So he says, don't you know that in a race there are many runners, but only one receiveth the prize? So the question is also the answer.
This speaks of competition, with a reward given to the winner. Paul doesn't say... don't you know that everyone that runs is a winner.
No, he speaking difinitively of a competition, that ends with one winner receiving the crown.
A crown is a symbol of accomplishment, and victory. So it symbolizes the victor in a challenge, a competition, or a battle.
It is clear from these scriptures that everybody is not walking around with crowns. If everybody were getting a crown, there would be no distinction from a winner in a hard fought battle, and everyone else who never even engaged in the competition, or the fight.
—So I have to stop right here and ask you a question... How many have ever won something? I don't mean some kind of sweepstake or something where you just got picked randomly. I mean something you worked for. You fought for, you struggled for. You put forth effort and energy. You competed against someone else, or a number of people and you won?
Was that a great feeling or what?
I remember my first big win in life, I was about 10 yrs old, and it was a contest to bring the most people to Sunday school. And I won. But I have to be honest, I love the Lord for sure. But that 6ft candy bar prize had a lot to do with it. I had never seen a 6ft candy bar and I wanted to win it, and I did.
I worked hard for that candy bar, I invited every kid in town to come to our church , and then we got in that station wagon and rounded em up, and I won that 6ft candy bar. And it was worth it. I can still remember when they presented it to me in the front of the church.
I actually won something. For the first time in my memory, I had competed for something, and I won. I was a little sorry for those who didn't win, but not enough to share my candy bar.
I wrestled that candy bar into the car with the window open and 3ft of it hanging out the window. And we drove to my grandma's house where I started un taping those candy bars from that stick.
I could not have been happier if I had won a million dollars.
Now I want to ask you a question, how would I have felt if right after I was presented my 6ft candy bar, some big high-school kid would have come rushing through the side door and stole my 6ft candy bar? Sad, hurt, angry.
Now add to that the fact that this big high-school kid, didn't need my 6ft candy bar, he just didn't want me to have it.
Now if I had known that someone going to try to run in and snatch my candy bar, I would held on for dear life. But if I didn't expect such a thing to happen I wouldn't really be holding on that tight, I would probably just be joyfully looking it over, and holding it up for everyone to see.
Well the fact is we have been warned by the Lord Jesus himself, that there is someone that is watching you today, and if you don't value and protect your prize, you could lose it.
Listen to Jesus own words... Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. Revelation 3:11
Notice that, it doesn't say that the devil doesn't steal your crown, it says that no man take thy crown.
This is what Paul is telling us here in our text. So it is very clear that the great apostle Paul is teaching us about the Christian life, and he is telling us that the prize, "the crown" is worth, and requires an all out effort from us.
Now he goes on...He says, so run that ye may obtain. In other words he is saying, run this Christian race like there can only be one winner, and you want to be that winner.
Run this race like there is only one crown to be won, and you want to win it.
Paul is saying that there is no room for sloppiness, or laziness, or half-hearted indifferent effort in this race.
Now he gets even clearer on the matter. He says, every man that striveth for the mastery is temperate in all things.
In this statement Paul draws a clear distinction between those who are in the race but their hearts are not in it, they are basically just going through the motions.
Paul how can you say that, you don't know their hearts?.
Then Paul would say yes that's true, I don't know their hearts, but I watch their training ethics, and their training ethics tell me who is serious about winning, because they conduct their lives different from the rest.
Those who are striving for the mastery, live everyday in a preparation mode. They are temperate in all things.
They discipline themselves, they hold themselves to a higher level of accountability. They sacrifice. They train when everybody else is playing. They work while everybody else is sleeping. They fast while everybody else is feasting.
They keep their bodies and minds in shape all the time. Because it's not just a one time competition, it's a lifestyle.
So by pointing out those who are striving for the mastery, and striving to be their best, he has automatically identified the rest. Yes they are in the race, but the truth is, their hearts are not in it, and neither are their heads.
They haven't devoted themselves to training. They haven't disciplined themselves. They don't study their Bibles, they don't pray. They don't have any FaceTime with the Lord, because their always on Facebook.
They can't lift anybody else up, or carry anyone else's burdens, because they are spiritually unfit. They are spiritually obese.
Their spiritual diet is the see food diet... they eat anything they see. They go to this church, that church, this Bible study, that Bible study, this conference that conference, this denomination, that denomination.
And they just eat anything on the plate. And it's a mixture of all different beliefs. That's not spiritually healthy.
You have to connect with the ministry God has called you to, where you know the word that is being taught is coming straight out of the Bible. And it's being compared scripture to scripture in context. That's how you get strong spiritually.
Now Paul starts transitioning from the natural to the spiritual. He says these disciplined, hard working, dedicated, athletes do all this, and put themselves through all their rigorous training, for a natural prize... A corriptible crown.. A trophy, a ribbon, a gold medal, and this prize is corruptible, it's going to decay and rot away.
But we do it to obtain an incorruptible crown. Notice these words, but we do it.
In other words... Like this athletes who are striving for the mastery, we also live this self disciplined, dedicated, sold out, self-sacrificing, consecrated life to win a crown, but ours is incorruptible
Then Paul boils it all down and he personalizes it. He says... vs 26. I therefore so run, "Paul is saying, that's how I run my race, just like these diligent, dedicated, self-sacrificing athletes.
Then he says...not as uncertainly; That means I am clear on my objectives, and what it's going to cost me.
Let me stop right here and tell somebody who is thinking all God wants from you is for you to get saved so you can stumble into heaven. You're missing it by a hundred miles.
The Bible says Luke 13:23-24 KJVS - 23 Then said one unto him, Lord, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them, 24 Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.
Here's another one. 1 Peter 4:17-18 KJVS For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God? [18] And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?
Here's another one.. Revelation 3:15-16 KJVS - 15 I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. 16 So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
Then Paul says, so fight I, not as one that beateth the air:
What does that mean? It means that I am not wasting my energies just swinging into thin air. It means every punch I throw is intentional, and has a target, and I intend to hit it.
It means that every bit of training, every bit of effort, and every bit of self-denial, goes into every punch I throw. And I fight with the intention of winning, and knocking out my opponent.
Then Paul gives a warning by applying it to himself first. He says... [27] But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.
That is a warning to us all. This body, this flesh, has appetites, lusts, and desires, that must be bridled, and kept under control.
I am concerned today at what I see happening even in the upper levels of the republican party. There are so many of these people that claim to be Christians, but their lives are contradictory. And it's happening in the church. People claim to be Christians, but they seldom go to church, they don't pray, they don't read their Bibles, they drink alcohol, they smoke dope, Ah, "for medicinal purposes" of course. They tell dirty jokes, or take pleasure in those who do. And they watch things that would make a sailor blush.
It seems like the new definition for Christian is non-Catholic.
The words like faithful, holy, and consecrated, have somehow evaporated.
But the Bible says come out from among them, and be ye separate. It says, Be ye holy for I am holy. It says Touch not the unclean thing.
It says, lay aside every weight and the sin that doth so easily beset us.
It says, crucify the flesh with affections and the lusts thereof.
What are you saying pastor? I'm saying that there is a strong spirit of delusion and deception in the land.
1 John 2:16 says, For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
Paul said, I have to control myself because if I don't, I could end up being a castaway, even after I've spent my life preaching this gospel.
Did you know that it is possible to win a spiritual crown as Paul taught us, and then lose it?
That's what he's warning us about. I know it was a shock to me when I heard Jesus say, Hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown.
First of all, I didn't think we were even going to get a crown till we get to heaven. But I was wrong. The truth is, we get at least some of our crowns here to lay them at his feet then.
The first point we have to make is that winning a crown is going to take a life of commitment, diligence, faithfulness, and obedience.
Now shake your neighbor and tell them... You need to hear this. Are you ready? Ok. here we go... You need to realize that there is someone that doesn't want you to get to heaven with that crown.
You have to decide that you are going to stand up for, fight for, and hold on tight to the crown of life you have received.
Because if Jesus warned us about it, then it is a real threat.
Paul was also warning us about the fact that even after he won that crown of life, and that overcomers crown, he could lose it.
What I feel the Holy Spirit is saying today is this,... the battle is real, the fight is real, it's going to take an all out effort and commitment on our part.
...And the Holy Spirit wants us to know that for the faithful and obedient there are crowns given. ....Not just when we get to heaven, but right here on this earth.
And finally, it's possible like in my story, someone could come in and violently and forcebly steal your crown.
Touch the top of your head and say... no man is taking my crown.
Tell your neighbor, don't even think about it.
I believe that you could say Moses allowed man to take his crown, when he let the whining and complaining of the people make him angry, and he acted in disobedience, and struck the rock instead of speaking to it as commanded.
You see Moses let man take his crown. Man didn't take his soul. But he let human agencies take the crown of glory that he wore.
When God wants to bless you he puts the right people in your life. But when the devil wants to steal your crown, he puts the wrong people in your life.
Say it with me... No one is going to steal my crown.
By the words of Jesus we know that it is possible that our crowns can be stolen from us. And it is also clear from the words of Jesus that this theft is being perpetuated through human agency.
In otherwords, it's a member of the human race, not the devil or demons.
Now I will acknowledge that these human agencies are doubtlessly being used by the devil either willingly or ignorantly.
But the fact remains that Jesus said to hold on tight, and let no man take your crown.
Then the question must be, how can a man or a human agency, man or woman, take your crown?
The truth is there are many ways...
You need to know that anyone that can influence you to walk in...
Pride, or Self will, Stubborness, Rebellion, or Disobedience to God, has succeeded in taking your crown.
—Anyone who can deceive you into not believing, and trusting in God, has stolen your crown.
—Anyone who can distract you from following Jesus, has effectively stolen your crown.
I hope you are seeing how serious this is. Of course we know that we have to be on guard against the devil. But now we understand that we have to be very discerning, because the quickest way for you to lose your crown is through wrong associations.
I love the Jehova witnesses, and the Mormons, and I don't want any of them to go to hell. But I am not going to their church or their Bible studies.
Why? I've got to hold onto my crown. I can't afford to listen to their doctrine, lest I be led astray and lose my crown.
I have very little fear that the devil himself as himself is going to come to you, and rip the crown off of your head.
But I have great concern that the devil might send someone to you, that is off in their doctrine, and off in their faith, and is not walking in fellowship with the Holy Spirit, and not living a disciplined, consecrated and Holy Life, to try and influence you, and lure you away from the truth.
—This is not only my concern, it was also the concern of Jesus.
Matthew 24:4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.
1 John 3:7... It was also the concern of Apostle John... Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.
I have to tell you that I believe this subject is really important to the Holy Spirit right now. I even sense an urgencyin this.
According to Ephesians 4:11-14 He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; [12] For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: [13] Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: [14] That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.
The whole operation and work of the ministry, is for the perfecting, the maturing, and the equipping of the saints, and to protect them from deception.
—I feel led of the Holy Spirit today, to lay my hands on you, and to anoint you against the spirit of deception.To release the anointing of the spirit of truth, that no man will take your crown.
Everybody come on down, these are critical times we are in, and this is serious business.
I'm going to come by and place my anointed hands on you, and release the anointing of truth and power to guard your hearts and minds.
Put your hands on your hand and say... In the name of Jesus...No man's gonna' take my crown.
Put your hands on your forehead and say, in Jesus name, by the grace of God, and by the strength and authority of the word of God, I will not be deceived. I will not be distracted, I will not be overtaken by the lusts of my flesh, or the pride of life. And I will not be led astray.
Now say, by the grace of God, and the power of the blood of Jesus, and the mighty Holy Spirit, I will not lose my crown.
No Man Is Gonna' Take My Crown.