Truth is not an expression of heart or feeling alone from within us. Truth can
neither be expressed as an idea alone. Truth can be found in the Bible, but there are
people who object such truth. The wrong understanding and interpretation of the Bible
will lead people far away from the truth of the word of God. To avoid it, every believer
must be taught correctly. God is the source of Truth and He is Truth Himself.
Honesty, true worship, active ministry are not mere signs of people who uphold
the Truth. True motivation and good deeds are mere attempts of ours to be justified
righteous by God. God?s Truth is pure, meaning that even if people were to deny It, they
could not influence It because He is still the Truth.
If honest will, good deeds were enough to please God, then the Lord would not
need to give us the bible to correct our false motivations. Neither would He have sent His
only begotten Son to do a task that no ordinary man can do.
We all know that the basis of our Truth is Jesus Christ. The problem is how much
we have surrendered unto Him so that He can guide us fully. This question will exist
forever if one does not live absolutely in Him. There are many activities and plans in our
lives that were made without first consulting the Lord, including our church activities.
Our ignorance today must be realized so that in the future we no longer repeat this same
fatal error.
To admonish Timothy, Apostle Paul did not forget to use this depiction “to live in
the family of God is to be the pillar of truth”. These words are based on architecture that
were well understood by Timothy as he was in Ephesus. The statue of Diana has 127
supporting pillars. With that many supporting pillars, that statue could stand erect. This
concept of support was used by apostle Paul to describe the support of Christian life. As
Christians, there must be a basis of support; that support is Jesus Christ (John 14:6, I
Corinthians 3:9-15). Such support stands firm.
To uphold the Truth, there are several things Christians must keep in mind:
1. Truly study Biblical Truth
I don?t know how much church people read the Bible. With all the business from
work, school and family, I can see how it is difficult to spare time to read the Bible. But
once again, reading the Bible is necessary, because God speaks to us through the Bible.
We cannot make excuses to not read it. How can we know our false teachings if we do
not read the Bible? I?m afraid that we have accepted many teachings without any Biblical
consideration, especially teachings that were taught outside of church which cannot be
reviewed by ministers.
Those who read the Bible frequently cannot fully understand the mystery of
God?s teaching. I?m grateful that the church where I serve has opened a Layman?s Bible
Institute, with the purpose to equip the congregation with good Biblical understanding.
The response is quite positive, about 50-60 people have enrolled. The class on
Eschatology even had 90 students. My hope is that those who enrolled will truly
understand God?s word and submit to that truth. Often times one is filled with knowledge
but not with spirituality that there is imbalance. If the knowledge exceeds faith, then they
will be highly critical of the church. The original of purpose is then lost. In the beginning
they seek for the truth, but in the end they look for mistakes in that truth. Hopefully this
would not happen in our church.
Other than that, we mist optimize the use of our church library books. That way
we will understand what we read. Read, if need to, set aside other things and buy good
Christian books.
2. Put to practice what the Truth teaches you
The truth must be put to practice in our daily life, so that we truly experience what we
have leaned. A believer who has fully surrendered to God?s Word will yield sweet fruits
in his life. God?s Truth cannot be denied, even though many nonbelievers try to deny it.
Many testimonies could be read and heard that people who try to mock God?s word end
up believing in it. Paul is a good example of that. Before, he hated Christians, but later he
was called to spread the gospel. So can we read in books where some ministers testified
that they once burned churches, but later on went to priesthood.
To apply God?s word in our daily life is easy yet difficult. Those who put to
practice the word of God will live in obedience to God. Let us correct ourselves and ask
whether we have obeyed God?s word. Do we still have vengeance and contempt? Have
we offered ourselves for God?s ministry? Is our life in accordance with the word of God?
There are many other questions. If we agree to uphold that truth, then the main key is to
live according to that Truth first.
3. Spread that Truth to other places
An easy way to spread the truth actually lies in our daily life that has experienced and
been transformed by the Truth. That means our life testimony is more important than all
other theories that we learn. Other people can see the new us that have been transformed
by God. We used to live in disorder without God?s word, but now the change is apparent.
People who still like to live in their past actually hate the Truth. They feel
disturbed and annoyed by the truth of God?s word. When the Bible says not to steal, not
to want others?, not to lie, the nonbelievers outside of Truth feel very irritated.
Maybe we can proudly say that we are now free from all sins that are contrary to
God?s word? Is that right? If we still like to complain in ministry, or forget to thank God
for what He has given us, we must first live in Truth. Only then can we be confident and
tell others about it. Let?s fight this together so that we can reach this that we all long for.
1. The truth is the truth even though people try to deny it. Lately many outside
influence try to question the truth of God?s word. Recently Da Vinci Code
appeared. What is your attitude as a Christian so that you stay firm?
2. The Truth always prevails. That?s why he who lives in truth fears not untruth The
question is, as a true believer, how do you deal with people who treat you