Summary: This is the 2nd Sermon in the Series, "In The Beginning".

Series: In The Beginning… [#2]


Genesis 1:3-25


In the beginning, God spoke, and His Words brought light and life to the World. Our text tells the beautiful story of creation, where each command from God created something wonderful and meaningful. This passage shows us not only the strength of God's voice but also the goodness that is carefully designed into everything He made. From the light separating from darkness to plants growing and animals thriving, each part of creation points to God's goodness and creativity. As we notice the incredible order and beauty of the universe, we understand that our Creator takes joy in what He has made and values all of His creation.

Today, as we dive into this rich story, we are invited to think about how we relate to the World around us and what our role is in it. God's creation is not just something to admire; it calls us to take care of it and recognize the importance of all living things. When we see creation as a reflection of who God is, we start to understand how everything is connected and how we are called to live in harmony with it. Tonight, we will explore how the goodness of creation reveals God's character and encourages us to respond with thankfulness, respect, and responsibility, deepening our appreciation for the World He made with such love and care.

Before we look at our text, I want to ask a theological question that we do not have an exact answer for: Was this a literal 7 days?

* Reasons supporting 7 literal days.

The Hebrew word for day is a literal 24 hour day. Moses believed that it was- “For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea, and all that is in them, but he rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy” (Exodus 20:11). God spoke it into existence. When He spoke, it happened. If it is not literal days, then the alternative is evolution and that would mean that Adam was an ape. Adam was created in God’s image. Is God an ape?

* Reasons for not supporting 7 literal days.

Peter tells us that 1000 years is like 1 day to God. Carbon Dating. (You do have to believe that they are accurate).

Genesis 1:3-5

The creation of…

1. Light.

The creation of light is a key moment in the story of how God made the World. Light represents God's presence and goodness, showing us purity and the hope of redemption. When God created light, He brought order to the chaos and darkness that existed before. The separation of light from darkness not only sets up the physical World but also hints at God’s desire to separate good from evil. This act reveals God's power, as He simply speaks and brings light into being, showing us that He can create something from nothing.

In our everyday lives, light has a deep meaning. Just as physical light helps us navigate our surroundings, the spiritual light that comes from God guides us in our understanding and helps us choose what is right. When we think about the goodness of God's creation, we are encouraged to seek His guidance through prayer, the wisdom of Scripture, and relying on Him in our decisions. By following God's light, we experience true freedom and joy. We are also called to share this light with others, bringing hope and goodness to those who are still in darkness. As we embrace and reflect God's light, we can share the message of hope and redemption that comes from Him.

Genesis 1:6-8

The creation of the…

2. Firmament.

The creation of the firmament shows how God intentionally separated the waters above from the waters below, creating an organized structure in the universe. This firmament, or "expanse," acts like a beautiful canopy over the earth, demonstrating God's creativity and purpose. The Hebrew word "raqia," which refers to the firmament, highlights how God not only creates but also brings order out of chaos. This teaches us an important truth about God: He does everything with care and intention, making the universe a harmonious place where life can grow. The firmament reminds us that God is in control of creation and has the power to set boundaries that support and sustain it.

On a practical level, thinking about the firmament encourages us to look at our own lives and the environments we create. Just as God separated the heavens from the earth, we need to recognize and appreciate the boundaries and routines that bring health and purpose to our lives. This can be seen in our daily habits, the relationships we build, and our spiritual practices. By creating our own "firmament," or structure, we can separate distractions from our focus on God. Appreciating the goodness of God's creation means finding beauty in the order He set and living in a way that reflects His goodness. By making space for what matters in our lives, we can grow closer to God and better appreciate the World He has made, cultivating a life that mirrors His divine order and goodness in a chaotic World.

Genesis 1:9-10

The creation of the…

3. Waters.

God shows us His power and creativity by separating the waters and making dry land. By grouping the waters together and calling them "seas," God makes clear boundaries that allow life to thrive on earth. The creation of the waters is a big part of God's goodness, as they help keep our world healthy and provide for both fish and humans. This passage reminds us that all of creation, including the oceans, is good and has a purpose.

Practically, realizing God's role in creating the waters helps us appreciate the natural World and our role in taking care of it. The oceans, full of creatures and resources, remind us of God's provision. As we recognize the goodness of these creations, we're motivated to take better care of our environment by reducing pollution, conserving resources, and being grateful for the beauty and bounty of the waters. By honoring and preserving creation, we're honoring God's plan and living in harmony with Him.

Genesis 1:11-13

The creation of the…

4. Land and vegetation.

These verses show us God's incredible power at work as He creates the land and vegetation. This amazing act of creation reveals that God had a thoughtful plan for the World all along. When God commanded the earth to produce vegetation, He was making sure that life could flourish, and that people and animals would have food to eat. The variety of plants, from tall trees to tiny flowers, shows God's creativity and generosity. This passage invites us to be in awe of the intricate balance in nature, where soil, sunlight, and water work together to create life. We need to remember that God's creation is not just something we live next to; it's a gift filled with purpose and beauty, made for our enjoyment and care.

In practical terms, understanding the importance of the land and vegetation can change the way we treat the environment. When we see that God called His creation "good," we should feel grateful and respectful for the earth. As we interact with nature, we are called to be good stewards of the environment, taking care of the land and its resources. This responsibility shows up in our daily decisions, such as choosing environmentally friendly practices, growing our own food, and advocating for a healthy balance in our communities. By recognizing the goodness of God's creation, we show God's love and care for the World. In taking care of the earth, we reflect God's heart and bring joy to His creation as it flourishes.

Genesis 1:14-19

The creation of the…

5. Seasons and days.

Here, we see the wonderful work of our loving Creator as He organizes the seasons and days for our good. God declares, “Let there be lights in the vault of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark sacred times, and days and years.” The term “sacred times” shows us how important these moments are in God’s plan. The changing seasons remind us of His faithfulness- Spring brings new life, Summer offers warmth, Autumn provides a harvest, and Winter gives us a time to rest. The cycle of days helps us embrace the rhythm of life as we work, rest, play, and worship. Through these cycles, we can remember that ”it is good”.

As children of God, we can appreciate the seasons and days in a fresh way. The rising and setting of the sun assure us of God's care and provision. Each change of season encourages us to trust in His perfect timing. When winter melts into spring, it reminds us that even in tough times, God's light shines through. As the years go by, we can be thankful for His guidance in our lives. Keeping the Sabbath helps us honor God's design for rest and reminds us of our need for Him. In our busy World, let's find peace in the rhythms of creation, understanding that we are part of a beautiful masterpiece crafted with love and purpose.

The creation of the…

6. Celestial bodies.

On the 4th day, God created the sun, moon, and stars. This shows not just God’s power, but also His careful planning and goodness. The sun and moon help us tell time, divide day from night, and bring light to our World. This orderly design tells us that God’s creation is purposeful and beautiful. The shining stars and bright sun remind us of God’s greatness and the amazing beauty of everything He has made.

In our everyday lives, the creation of celestial bodies encourages us to pay attention to the natural rhythms around us. In a busy World, the sun, moon, and stars remind us to take moments to reflect and find our place in God's plan. Watching how day turns into night can inspire us to create our own patterns of work and rest, allowing us to take time to reconnect with God. When we look up at the night sky, we see how small we are, yet we are significant in God’s eyes. This invites us to be humble and grateful. Just as the stars shine, we are called to share God's light through our actions and relationships. By recognizing the beauty of the sun, moon, and stars as part of God's creation, we can learn to appreciate our World more and live in harmony with the way He designed it.

Genesis 1:20-23

The creation of the…

7. Sea creatures and birds.

God created sea creatures and birds, showing us the amazing diversity and beauty of His creation. When God told the waters to be filled with living things and birds to fly through the sky, it showed that He wanted all life to thrive. Everything He made was "good," and it reflects who He is. The many different kinds of creatures on our planet, from tiny fish to mighty eagles, demonstrate God's creativity and love for variety.

As we learn about God's creation, we're reminded to take care of the earth and its creatures. We need to respect and protect the oceans and skies, just like we would want to protect ourselves. This means taking action to save endangered species and living in a way that doesn't hurt the earth; but it's not just about what we do; it's also about how we feel. When we see the beauty around us, we can express our gratitude and worship God for His amazing handiwork. By living in harmony with creation, we show God's love and care for the World and its creatures.

Genesis 1:24-25

The creation of…

8. Humanity.

The creation of humanity is special because it's like a crown on God's creation. God made humans in His own image, which means we have value and worth. This makes us like God in many ways, such as loving, kind, and fair. As a result, God asks us to take care of the World and all the living things in it. This is a big responsibility.

To live out this idea, we can think about how we can be like God and take care of the world. When we see problems like unfairness and hurting the Earth, we can remember our role as caretakers of God's creation. We can try to be kind, loving, and fair in our daily lives and make choices that help the planet and help people who are struggling. This is a way to show God's goodness and care for the World.


In the very beginning, God made the heavens and the earth, filling them with beauty and life. Throughout the creation story, we see a clear theme of God’s goodness, as He repeatedly states, "It is good". This shows us that His creation has real value and is good for its own sake, not just for what it can do for us.

With this understanding, we are invited to see the goodness of God’s creation all around us. Let’s take a moment to appreciate the twinkling stars, the crashing waves, and the tall mountains. These wonders of nature remind us of God’s greatness. As we admire His creation, may we feel inspired to worship and give thanks, recognizing how we fit into God’s beautiful plan. Let the goodness of His creation fill us with awe and gratitude for the God who made everything and keeps it all going with His love. May this goodness guide us in our lives and change us for the better, as we fully appreciate the beauty around us.