By Rev. Samuel Arimoro
Main Text: Luke 9:62
Supporting Texts: Hebrews 10:38, Proverbs 14:14, 2 Peter 2:20-22, Jeremiah 3:22, Revelation 2:4-5
Backsliding is a serious spiritual condition that occurs when a believer gradually drifts away from their relationship with God. It begins with small compromises, neglect of spiritual disciplines, and an increasing comfort with sin. Many who once walked closely with God have found themselves distant, struggling, and spiritually weak because they failed to guard their faith.
Luke 9:62 warns us about the dangers of turning back after committing to follow Christ. Jesus said, “No one who puts his hand to the plough and looks back is fit for the kingdom of God.” This statement reveals the seriousness of remaining steadfast in our Christian walk. Backsliding not only affects our relationship with God but also leads to various negative consequences that can impact every area of our lives.
Understanding the consequences of backsliding is essential because it serves as a warning to every believer. God does not want any of His children to fall away, but He desires that all remain faithful to the end. In this message, we will explore the dangers and effects of backsliding, and why we must remain steadfast in our faith.
When a believer backslides, their connection with God becomes weakened, leading to a loss of intimacy with Him.
a) Sin Separates Us from God (Isaiah 59:2)
Sin creates a barrier between us and God, making it difficult to experience His presence and guidance.
b) The Holy Spirit is Grieved (Ephesians 4:30)
When we backslide, we quench the Holy Spirit’s influence in our lives, making us spiritually dry.
c) Prayer Becomes Ineffective (Psalm 66:18)
A backsliding heart leads to unanswered prayers because sin hinders our communication with God.
d) Loss of Joy and Peace (Psalm 51:12)
The joy of salvation is lost when a believer turns away from God, leading to inner turmoil and guilt.
e) Biblical Example: King Saul lost fellowship with God due to his disobedience and later sought guidance from a medium (1 Samuel 28:6-7).
A backslidden believer becomes an easy target for the enemy, as they no longer have the spiritual covering and strength to resist him.
a) The Hedge of Protection is Removed (Ecclesiastes 10:8)
When we backslide, we open doors for the enemy to attack different areas of our lives.
b) The Devil Gains a Foothold (Ephesians 4:27)
Backsliding gives the devil legal access to influence our thoughts, emotions, and actions.
c) Increased Struggles and Battles (Matthew 12:43-45)
When a believer turns away from God, demonic attacks intensify, leading to greater bondage.
d) Loss of Spiritual Authority (Acts 19:13-16)
A backslidden believer loses their power over the enemy, making them spiritually weak.
e) Biblical Example: Samson lost his strength and was captured by his enemies when he compromised his relationship with God (Judges 16:20-21).
Backsliding leads to a gradual hardening of the heart, making repentance more difficult over time.
a) Repeated Sin Dulls Spiritual Sensitivity (Hebrews 3:13)
Sin becomes easier to commit when a person continuously ignores the conviction of the Holy Spirit.
b) The Fear of God Diminishes (Romans 1:21-22)
A backslidden believer loses their reverence for God and begins to justify their sinful actions.
c) Lack of Interest in God's Word (Amos 8:11-12)
A hardened heart leads to disinterest in reading, studying, or obeying the Scriptures.
d) Resistance to Correction (Proverbs 29:1)
Backsliders often reject godly counsel and refuse to acknowledge their need for repentance.
e) Biblical Example: Pharaoh repeatedly hardened his heart against God's warnings, leading to severe judgment (Exodus 9:12).
Backsliding can cause a person to miss out on God’s plan and destiny for their life.
a) Loss of Divine Assignments (Revelation 3:11)
God entrusts responsibilities to those who remain faithful, but backsliders risk being replaced.
b) Missed Opportunities for Blessings (Deuteronomy 28:1-2, 15)
Many of God’s promises are conditional on obedience; backsliding leads to forfeiting them.
c) A Wasted Life and Lost Potential (Luke 19:20-24)
A backslidden believer fails to fulfil their calling and may live in regret.
d) Loss of Eternal Rewards (2 John 1:8)
Heaven rewards those who remain faithful, but backsliders risk losing their eternal inheritance.
e) Biblical Example: Judas Iscariot was called as a disciple but lost his place due to his betrayal of Jesus (Matthew 27:3-5).
The most dangerous consequence of backsliding is the possibility of eternal separation from God if one fails to repent.
a) The Danger of Falling Away Completely (Hebrews 6:4-6)
Persistent backsliding can lead to a point where repentance becomes difficult.
b) Turning Away from Grace (2 Peter 2:20-22)
A backslider who refuses to return to God is in a worse condition than before they were saved.
c) Unbelievers Are Watching (Matthew 5:16)
A backslidden believer can lead others astray and cause them to reject Christ.
d) The Reality of Judgment (Revelation 3:15-16)
Jesus warns against being lukewarm, stating that He will reject those who do not remain faithful.
e) Biblical Example: The rich man in Luke 16:19-31 ignored God’s warnings and ended up in eternal separation from Him.
The consequences of backsliding are severe and should never be taken lightly. It leads to a loss of fellowship with God, vulnerability to the enemy, a hardened heart, disqualification from divine purpose, and, ultimately, the risk of eternal separation from God. Backsliding is not just about falling into sin; it is a dangerous spiritual decline that can have lasting effects on a person’s life and destiny.
However, God is always willing to restore those who genuinely repent and turn back to Him. No matter how far one has fallen, His arms remain open to receive the repentant heart. As believers, we must guard our faith, remain steadfast in prayer and the Word, and stay connected to God so that we do not fall into the trap of backsliding. May the Lord keep us strong in faith until the end.
1. Father, keep me steadfast in my faith and prevent me from backsliding.
2. Lord, restore anyone who has fallen away and draw them back to You.
3. Holy Spirit, convict my heart daily and keep me sensitive to Your leading.
4. Father, let me not be a victim of spiritual deception or compromise.
5. Lord, give me the grace to finish my Christian race strong and faithful.