Sermon Title: The Power of Your Words
1. Introduction – Set the Stage
“Hey everyone! God has something to say tonight. My prayer is that I’m saying what He wants me to say.”
Distractions are everywhere – Phones light up without touching them.
Challenge: Resist distraction—not just for you, but for those around you.
2. Words Are Everywhere
Words surround us—on phones, in stores, on billboards.
We hear 20,000-30,000 words a day, but most get filtered out.
Some words grab attention (“FIRE!” or “HELP!”), others go unnoticed (“uhh…” or “okay”).
We don’t just hear words—we speak a ton:
16,000 words/day ? 6 million per year ? 450 million in a lifetime.
3. Words Shape Your Life
It’s easy to think words don’t matter—but they do.
Words build or destroy:
Right words ? encourage, inspire, teach, bring truth.
Wrong words ? damage relationships, hurt people, spread lies.
Luke 6:45 – “What you say flows from what is in your heart.”
If someone transcribed your last 24 hours of words, would they sound like a Christ-follower?
4. James 3:2-12 – The Power of the Tongue
Words Control Your Life (James 3:3-5)
A small bit controls a horse.
A small rudder steers a massive ship.
Your words steer your life.
Words Can Destroy (James 3:5-6)
A tiny spark can burn down a whole forest.
One careless sentence can ruin a friendship.
Words Are Hard to Control (James 3:7-8)
We tame animals, but we can’t even tame our own tongue.
So what do we do? Let God transform our speech.
Words Reveal Who You Are (James 3:9-12)
A spring can’t produce both fresh and salty water.
A tree can’t grow two kinds of fruit.
You can’t worship on Sunday & gossip on Monday.
5. Jesus’ Warning – Matthew 12:36-37
Jesus says our words will either justify us or condemn us.
Every careless word matters.
What do your words say about your faith?
6. Personal Example – The Power of One Word
I used to be quiet, letting others talk first and just listening.
I sat in this very room every Sunday morning during something like Rowdies.
I didn’t pray at the end, didn’t share my thoughts, and hated talking out loud about Godly things.
I just wanted the church to be over so I could go home, eat, and play video games.
Words didn’t seem important to me.
I thought I didn’t need to listen because I had already heard these Bible stories when I was younger.
Now, I see things differently.
Even if I hear a story 450 million times, I will never fully grasp its depth.
God’s wisdom is endless—one verse can have thousands of lessons in it.
His intelligence and creativity surpass even the smartest theologians.
7. The Challenge: Speak With Purpose
Before you speak, ask:
? Is it true?
? Is it helpful?
? Is it kind?
If not, maybe silence is better.
Speak as if Jesus were in the room.
When you fail, ask for forgiveness and try again.
8. Closing Prayer
Ask God to transform our hearts and guide our words.
Pray for wisdom in how we speak this week.