Summary: This sermon talks about the power of a fresh start, focusing on the aspect that anytime can be a time to start fresh.

(Hold up a new, unopened journal or planner.) “What is it about a new year that makes us feel like we get a fresh start? There’s just something about blank pages—they hold possibilities, dreams, and hope. But what if I told you that God’s mercies aren’t just new on January 1st? They’re new every single day. In Christ, you don’t just get a second chance—you are a new creation.”

"Today, we’ll explore 2 Corinthians 5:17, where Paul declares a life-changing truth: 'If anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!' ... Let's unpack what that means for us...

The first thing it tells us is...The Old Has Gone

To fully step into the new, we have to release the weight of the past— our sins, our failures, and our regrets. Imagine going on a hike, carrying a backpack filled with rocks. Each rock represents something from your past— It could be shame from a broken relationship, or maybe guilt over missed opportunities, or maybe even anger or unforgiveness. As you move forward on the trail, the backpack gets heavier and heavier with each step, until finally you can't go any further and you collapse under its weight... That’s what it’s like when we refuse to let go of our past. When Jesus says, “Come to me, all you who are weary, and heavy laden” He’s inviting us to drop the weight of our past and walk in the freedom of His Grace.

What is it you're hanging on to? What old habits keep hanging you up? What guilt can’t you let go of? What fears hold you back? What are you holding on to that you need to let go of? What is it that's keeping you from reaching the full potential that God has in store for you?

Let me ask you something…Have you really left your past at the foot of the cross? Or did you pick it back up and put it in your backpack?

"Letting go of the old isn’t about pretending it never happened. It's trusting that God’s grace is greater than your past."

The next thing I want to tell you is this: We need to realize that The New Has Come

The Scripture is clear it says: "The new is here!"

In Christ, we are not refurbished or repaired—we are made new.

Let’s think about a caterpillar for a moment. From the outside, a caterpillar’s not anything special, it’s just an ordinary insect. But when it enters the cocoon, an internal transformation begins. A caterpillar doesn’t just grow wings—it becomes something entirely new doesn’t it? What does it become? That’s right It becomes a butterfly. And that's exactly what God does for us. God doesn’t just improve our old selves; He makes us into something entirely new. The old caterpillar is gone, and the butterfly has emerged. In Christ, we’re not just Human 2.0... we're not just a better version —we are a new creation.

So when you step into your new identity in Christ you need to change how you see yourself? We Christians identify ourselves wrong to much … you know what I’m talking about? Oh, I’m just a sinner saved by grace… that’s true we are all sinners saved by grace but sinner is not our identity anymore we are a new creation, God has made us into something new… I’m a child of the most High God living in the grace of Jesus Christ… I’m an Heir to the Kingdom… Quit living in the old and step into the new and let the new you shape your decisions, your priorities, and your relationships? Cause you're not the same the old is gone the new has come...

You are not defined by what you’ve done... You are not defined by what’s been done to you. You are not defined by who people say you are...When you are In Christ, you are defined by who God says you are… And God says “you are His”

Friends It's time to start Living as a New Creation

The Scripture is clear: "If anyone is in Christ they become a New Creation"

Being a new creation isn’t a one-time event, it’s a daily journey of walking step by step with Jesus.

I want to tell you a story about a man named Bob who felt overwhelmed by the chaos of life. Bob rarely prayed, he hardly ever opened his Bible, and he often felt distant from God. One day at church, the pastor challenged the congregation to start each morning with just five minutes of prayer. Bob figured, “I can do five minutes.” So, the next morning, he set his alarm five minutes earlier and began his day with a simple prayer: “God, help me see You today.”

Nothing miraculous happened at first. But as the days turned into weeks, Bob noticed some subtle changes. Those five minutes of prayer brought a sense of peace and clarity to his mornings. Encouraged by that, Bob started reading one chapter of the Bible each day. Over time, his perspective began to shift. Problems at work didn’t seem so bad, his patience with his family and co-workers got better, and he began to notice God’s presence in the small details of his day.

One morning, Bob was praying, and he felt prompted to reach out with kindness to a coworker that always seemed grumpy. He brought her a cup of coffee and said, “I hope you have a good day.” That small act sparked a conversation that eventually led her to visit church, where she found her own relationship with Christ.

Bob's story can remind us that living as a new creation doesn’t mean you change everything overnight. It’s about daily, consistent steps that lead to a profound transformation—not just for you, but for those around you.

Ask yourself, what’s one small step you can take today to live as the new creation God has made you to be?

What do you need to do to help you live as a new creation?

Think about one spiritual discipline that you could begin this week that would help you grow into your identity as a new creation?

What are you waiting for...Step into the New

(Hold up the New, unopened journal again.)"This journal represents the fresh start God offers us daily. Each page is unwritten, each page is filled with opportunities to grow, to love, and to walk in God’s purpose. You don’t have to carry yesterday into today ... God is doing something new in you right now.”

I urge you to take a moment to ask God a couple of questions, "What old thing do I need to let go of? What new thing are You calling me to embrace?"

Today, as soon as you can, before you forget it, write down one thing that you’re going to leave behind and one step you’ll take to live as a new creation this week. It's never to late to get started

Lets Pray.