Intro: Continue in our series Day One
Run to Win
Paul is urging us to approach life like serious competitors—not casual joggers.
How many of us want A greater relationship with God
• In your marriage
• In your carrier
• In your parenting
• Relationships with other people
• In your finances
• In your physical life
Discipline is the master key that unlocks the door to greatness.
24 Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! 25 All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. 26 So I run with purpose in every step. I am not just shadowboxing. 27 I discipline my body like an athlete, training it to do what it should. Otherwise, I fear that after preaching to others I myself might be disqualified. 1 Cor 9:24-27 NLT
We cannot Win in this race without discipline
SUM UP What Craig said in one word “WHY”
Paul has a clear “why” that drives his discipline.
Just as an engine propels a car forward, discipline propels us toward our goals.
Choosing what we want most over what we want right now demands a strong “why.
Paul explains his why – DISQUALIFIED
Illustration: 2025 is To win in my finances.
• I’M Becoming Disciplined
• Here is my WHY To be financial free. To Do what I want, when I want, wherever I want.
• To give what I want, when I want, To whatever or Whomever I want
Illustration: Dillon Safeway
• Drove down to Dillon
• As I was getting ready to leave.
Had this thought…They have a Starbucks
• Which serves Cold Brew with Salted Cold Foam
• I love having a Cold Brew when I’m driving down the Highway
• And I’m thinking to myself that sounds like a great idea
• I’m going to go get a Cold Brew.
• And right after that there was another thought
• Choose what you want most over what you want now.
What I want most is Financial Freedom. What I want now is a Cold Brew.
And I said to myself I will choose what I want most.
I got to say it was painful to walk out with no Cold Brew.
I’m not always that disciplined Why.
• The reason we OFTEN choose what we want NOW Over MOST – INSTANT PLEASURE
• The reason we OFTEN choose NOW over MOST – NOW not much PAIN
Here is the thing. When we choose what we want over what we want most.
• There still is pain
• There is going to be pain no matter what.
There will either be the pain of discipline or the pain of regret.
• We can suffer the sting of discipline now or the sting of regret later.
• Either endure the short-term discomfort of discipline or face the long-term ache of regret
• Choose between the cost of discipline today and the cost of regret tomorrow
“We must all suffer one of two pains: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret. The difference is discipline weighs ounces while regret weighs tons.” Jim Rohn
Illustration: AMP
The pain of discipline Should be preferable to the pain of regret
God said, Discipline is going to be painful But a HUGE benefit
11 No discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it’s painful! But afterward there will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this way. He 12:11 NLT
God gives us a STRONG WHY
Peaceful Harvest RIGHT LIVING
“Play Now and Pay later or Pay Now and Play later the longer we wait to pay the higher the price.” John Maxwell
Illustration: Pain of the Gym
Here is my WHY behind the DISCIPLINE
I want to be as healthy as I can be to live as long as possible for God for family and to carry out my purpose on this earth.
This is why I'm at the gym.
• My why is not to look good. Although I will.
• It is not to impress anyone. Some might be.
• Cause no one really cares how much muscle mass I’ve gained or body fat I lose (Rather they won’t like you)
Many times the reasons people quit
• They don’t have a strong enough WHY
• Their WHY is lose weight, look good…feel good…Impress someone
Because of my WHY I choose the pain of Discipline.
Temporary pain of the treadmill is Better than the pain of regret
I'll choose that pain over the pain of not being able to move or operate in an optimal way later on in life.
There will be pain there can either be the pain of discipline or the pain of regret
Walk out of the gym feeling like a million bucks.
• Not because I lifted a bunch of weights
• Was on the treadmill sweating. Legs feeling like mush.
• Gained muscle mass. Trimmed down on body fat.
I Chose the right pain Best chance to be the most healthiest that I can live long enough
• to see my kids grow up and have kids
• To see my grandkids grow up and have kids
• And to be able to move and do what I want to do.
Looking good…Low body fat…Gaining muscle mass just A Peaceful Harvest of Right Living
• Later on in life overweight which impacts my overall health in a negative way
• Be plagued with chronic illness
• Barley be able to walk
Conclusion: “Choosing what we want most over what we want now.” Craig Groeschel
What Pain Will we choose?
Illustration: Navy Seal
• Graduate from BUDS Basic Underwater Demolition Seal training.
• Buds is a 6 month training program famous for Hell week.
• Soldier Enters BUDS: GOAL…BELL
• 5 days of being pushed to the limits mentally, physically, and emotionally
• 4 hours of sleep total.
• Continuous physical activity. Running, crawling, swimming, paddling inflatable boats
Carry heavy logs over their head
• Surf Torture – Repeated immersion Cold, OCEAN
• A Lot of the sounds of the BELL – 67% drop out
BUD/S is often described as a test of “how badly you want it.”
Many arrive motivated but
discover they don’t possess the deep personal commitment necessary to endure the suffering. (WHY)
Navy Seal David Goggins when asked about how he made it through
The key is to take a step back, in those moments when you want to quit, and regain control of your mind. Find a little perspective. Remember the reasons you started whatever task or journey you are on. David Goggins
Choosing what we want most over what we want now
The Reason Jesus Suffered the Temporary Pain of the Cross is because he was willing to Choose what He wanted Most. And what he wanted most was for you and I to be set FREE from SIN.
SO THAT WE could know God. Have Eternal Life
God Had a WHY so strong: He loved the World so much that He would endure the Cross