Summary: Spiritual sleep is dangerous because it allows the enemy to sow destruction, exchange destinies, and bring confusion into lives.


By Rev. Samuel Arimoro

Main Text: Matthew 13:25

Supporting Texts: 1 Kings 3:16-27, Ephesians 5:14, Isaiah 60:1-2, John 8:12, 2 Corinthians 4:6.


The phrase “while men slept” is a powerful biblical statement that signifies spiritual negligence, ignorance, and carelessness. In Matthew 13:25, Jesus explained that while men slept, the enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat. In 1 Kings 3:16-27, two harlots slept, and in their sleep, one mistakenly killed her baby, while the other unknowingly had her child exchanged. This message serves as a wake-up call to parents, leaders, and believers to rise from spiritual slumber. When we are asleep spiritually, the enemy takes advantage of us, but when we bring things into the light, truth is revealed, and restoration takes place.


a) Spiritual Sleep Brings Carelessness

When we sleep spiritually, we become unaware of the enemy’s activities around us (Matthew 13:25).

b) Negligence Opens Doors to the Enemy

The enemy takes advantage of our spiritual weakness to sow destruction (1 Peter 5:8).

c) Destiny Can Be Exchanged in Sleep

Just as the harlot’s child was exchanged, people’s destinies can be manipulated when they are spiritually unaware (1 Kings 3:20).

d) The Enemy Destroys While We Sleep

The sleeping mother lost her child due to her lack of vigilance (Judges 16:19-20).

e) Biblical Example: Samson lost his strength because he was spiritually asleep and careless (Judges 16:19).


a) He Sows Tares in Families

The devil infiltrates families with rebellion, immorality, and division (Matthew 13:25).

b) He Replaces the Destiny of Children

Many children have lost their original divine destiny due to parental spiritual slumber (Lamentations 2:19).

c) He Attacks Marriages and Homes

The enemy destroys marriages while couples are spiritually asleep and unaware (Malachi 2:16).

d) He Manipulates Churches and Ministries

False doctrines and corruption enter the church when spiritual leaders are asleep (Acts 20:29-30).

e) Biblical Example: The Israelites fell into idolatry when Moses was away, showing how spiritual oversight is crucial (Exodus 32:1-4).


a) Arise from Spiritual Sleep

God calls us to wake up from spiritual slumber and be watchful (Ephesians 5:14).

b) Bring Everything to the Light

The woman in 1 Kings 3:16-27 brought her case to the king in the morning, and the truth was exposed (John 8:12).

c) Seek Divine Discernment

We must seek God’s wisdom to discern what has been exchanged or stolen (1 Kings 3:9).

d) Pray for Restoration

Through prayer and intercession, what has been lost can be restored (Joel 2:25).

e) Biblical Example: The prodigal son came to his senses and returned home to be restored (Luke 15:17-20).


a) The Light of Christ Exposes Darkness

When we introduce Jesus into our homes, darkness cannot prevail (John 1:5).

b) Train Up a Child in the Way of the Lord

Parents must be spiritually alert to train their children in the fear of God (Proverbs 22:6).

c) Create an Atmosphere of Prayer and the Word

Families should be covered in prayer and the word of God daily (Joshua 24:15).

d) Be Watchful Over the Next Generation

Believers must be watchful and proactive in preserving the spiritual destinies of their children (2 Timothy 1:5).

e) Biblical Example: Hannah dedicated Samuel to God, and he grew up in the presence of the Lord (1 Samuel 1:27-28).


a) Stand in Spiritual Authority

God has given us authority to resist the enemy's agenda in our lives and families (Luke 10:19).

b) Be Vigilant and Sober

We must stay spiritually alert, knowing that the devil seeks whom to devour (1 Peter 5:8).

c) Engage in Warfare Prayers

Through warfare prayers, we can recover what the enemy has stolen (2 Corinthians 10:4).

d) Declare the Lordship of Jesus Over Your Household

Proclaiming Christ's lordship prevents the enemy from gaining access (Philippians 2:10-11).

e) Biblical Example: King Jehoshaphat sought God in battle, and the enemy was defeated (2 Chronicles 20:15-22).


Spiritual sleep is dangerous because it allows the enemy to sow destruction, exchange destinies, and bring confusion into lives. Just as the mother in 1 Kings 3:16-27 brought her case to the light, we must bring our families, ministries, and destinies before God. We must arise, be watchful, and take responsibility for our spiritual lives. Let us wake up from slumber, stand in prayer, and shine the light of Christ in every area of our lives.


Wake up, child of God! The enemy is active, but through vigilance, prayer, and the light of Christ, you will overcome. Stay alert and take dominion over every attack of the enemy!


1. Lord, awaken me from every form of spiritual slumber.

2. Father, open my eyes to see what the enemy has stolen from me.

3. Lord, restore the destinies of my children and my family.

4. Father, let every evil seed sown in my life be uprooted in Jesus' name.

5. Lord, let Your light expose every hidden work of darkness in my household.

6. Father, empower me to be spiritually vigilant and discerning.

7. Lord, let every manipulation of the enemy against my destiny be reversed.

8. Father, cover my family and children with Your divine protection.

9. Lord, let my home be filled with the fire of prayer and the word of God.

10. Father, I declare total restoration of everything I have lost to the enemy.