Summary: Isaiah's encouragement to Ahaz, the king of Judah, is a vivid reminder to us of what is at stake if/when we deny Jesus today. God is still calling us to a place of hope and faithfulness, but will we receive it and go to Him?

Isaiah, Part 5

Hope Cannot be Found in the World

Isaiah 7:1-25, Isaiah 8:11-22


- Welcome to Seasons! We are so glad that you’ve come to worship with us!

- Last week, we saw the incredible commissioning of the prophet Isaiah

-- Examined the realization of who he was in the presence of God and his sin

-- Also saw God’s mercy to restore him, which allowed him to hear God’s question

-- “Who will go for us? Who shall we send?” *Us = triune godhead

- Continuing this week, let’s look at Isaiah’s first ministry to King of Judah

-- Important that we gain wisdom in this study … see how God encourages us!

- Pray

- SETUP: Describes the Syrian-Israel crisis; King Ahaz’s struggle for power

-- God sent Isaiah and his son to encourage Ahaz and offer a sign from the Lord

-- This sign from God finds its ultimate fulfillment in the birth of a Messiah …

-- Keep in mind: It comes true in Matthew 1:18-23 (write in margins at Isa 7)

- Judah is encouraged to place their trust in God – in God’s word and promise

-- Why? Better days are coming if they (we) trust in God’s provision

- Note the bulletin devotional: “Do you hear the words of comfort from the Bible inviting you to draw closer to God? Or do you hear the voices of society telling us that "they" are our only hope?”

- TR: We will take today apart piece by piece to allow us to soak in it …

Point 1 – In troubling times God still encourages His people

- Read Isaiah 7:1-16

- King Ahaz told him not to fear those who are plotting against him

-- The encouragement is for Ahaz to have faith – to trust in God’s ability

-- FACT: Kings of Syria and Israel are plotting against you … but …

- God’s word is for them to remain strong; faithful – using logic:

-- Syria is not strong enough; Israel is not strong enough; His promises are!

-- CH: When God gives us a word to stand firm, why do we ignore it?

- However, King Ahaz refuses a sign from the Lord (7:10-13)

-- He was offered an opportunity to ask for a sign (v10) – yet he refuses!

-- Why? Even Ahaz knew better than to test the Lord because …

• His faith in God is weak, but he still has wisdom to know who God is!

• EXP: He is not willing to test God to see what God might reveal …

- So, Isaiah grants him a peek at how incredible God is; shows His love for them

-- By mentioning family lineage (family of David), gets Ahaz’s attention (ref Matt 1:9)

-- He calls out his lack of faith (v13) – “isn’t it enough to exhaust …?”

-- And is given a wonderful sign of redemption (a Child) to come (7:14-16)

• A virgin shall conceive a son, and he will be called Immanuel

• And before the Child will know right from wrong, those lands will be gone

• Their leaders will be gone; and there will be nothing more to fear

• APP: Trust in what God is doing …

- TR: Speaking of trust, let’s consider what Isaiah is teaching …

Point 2 – Faith requires resolute trust in God

- Read Isaiah 7:17-25

- But, because Ahaz does not have faith in God, there is a destruction promised

-- Isaiah says God will call for Assyria & Egypt (7:17-20) to overtake them

-- SEE: Isaiah is trying to get him to understand what’s coming; to take refuge!

- However, Ahaz thought he might outsmart God and calls on them for help!

-- See this in 2 Kings 16:7, “King Ahaz sent messengers to King Tiglath-pileser of Assyria with this message: “I am your servant and your vassal. Come up and rescue me from the attacking armies of Aram and Israel.”

- APP: King Ahaz tries to get ahead of God, tries to manifest his own outcome

• We do this as well … we try to make results happen without God’s blessing

• Then, we get mad at God because the situation we created becomes worse!

- So, Isaiah’s word to King Ahaz is a stark revelation of what he is about to lose

-- God will remove everything his land holds dear: vineyards, livestock, towns

-- He will bring a complete desolation (7:21-25) on everything that they value

-- Why? EXP … rebellion of God will always have a price! “Sin = Death”

- TR: So, why are we examining this now? Or why does this matter in 2025?

-- See this for the word we need … IF we have hope for tomorrow THEN …

Point 3 – Our assurance must be placed in God

- Homework: Isaiah 8:1-10 … See: God gives the king a timeline of these events

-- He calls King Ahaz to realize that He is not in control, only God knows …

-- Isaiah then continues to be very clear in the road ahead, and what will happen

- Read Isaiah 8:11-22

- Isaiah’s revelation, due to King Ahaz’s refusal, is very up front and personal:

I. Pay Attention to God’s Warning (8:11-15)

-- He is encouraged to still seek God, do not fall into the trap of society

-- APP: Not everything that happens is a conspiracy theory folks … pay attention!

-- However, God will still be a sanctuary for those who want to receive (vv13-14)

-- But God will also be a stumbling block and rock of offense for those who rebel!

-- This will be especially true for those who don’t believe … ref 1 Peter 2:7-8

“Yes, you who trust him recognize the honor God has given him. But for those who reject him, “The stone that the builders rejected has now become the cornerstone.” And “He is the stone that makes people stumble, the rock that makes them fall.” They stumble because they do not obey God’s word, and so they meet the fate that was planned for them.”

II. What should they do? Trust in God! (8:16-18)

-- Preserve God’s teaching (His Word); follow His instructions WHY?

-- Because the one who waits on the Lord and hope in Him will find rescue!

-- Isaiah lives as one who has seen the Lord, He testifies of God’s truth (Ch 6)!

-- (Pleading) Isaiah & his children are signs of what is coming! “I’ve seen Him!”

- King Ahaz is even confronted to avoid mediums and wizards (8:19-22)!

-- APP: Get away from the societal norms, stop listening to the “talking heads”

-- CH: CALL: Get alone with God & seek Him for what you should do next!

- Don’t miss this: We too must also seek God for how we should live!

-- They are told to look to the Law and the testimony (His word, v20)

-- If not, they will wander in trouble and darkness – be miserable (v21)

-- They will rage against God; refusing to seek Him as their rescue (v22)

-- APP: When times are tough, these people will blame God for their misery!

- How can we not see this is what is ALSO happening today?

-- If we cannot, we must! We must realize THIS is at the root of people’s refusal

-- Jesus has become a stumbling block (1 Peter 2:7-8) because they refuse Him

- Are you curious why people won’t come to church? This is IT!!

-- It’s not because they were hurt, or they are busy, or they don’t need God

-- It is because they refuse to believe, so God has caused them to rebel further!

Big Idea

- We must never forget we were in the same place as they were!

-- It is why Isaiah is nearly hysterical with King Ahaz over this message

-- Telling him: “Don’t seek the ways of the world, people of the world, for hope!”

-- We who know Jesus, who are redeemed, have the same knowledge Isaiah has!!

-- Might ask: How good is God? Psalm 86:5, “O Lord, you are so good, so ready to forgive, so full of unfailing love for all who ask for your help.”

- What if we took a page out of history (approx. 730 BC) and applied it today?

-- We tell others because we’ve seen what Jesus can do … but will we?

-- Have our hearts been so hardened that we too refuse to tell anymore?

-- What if someone had given up on us, also?

- Pray