Summary: We are in a season where God is raising up a large number of people all over the land who can see God face to face on a daily basis.

So the LORD spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaks to his friend. Exodus 33:11

We are in a season where God is raising up a large number of people all over the land who can see God face to face on a daily basis. Before the end times, God is giving this opportunity to behold God's face on a daily basis to his people. This is an opportunity we get when we reach heaven. Its only because of His mercy and not by our hard work that God is giving such opportunity. God is opening a small window or timeframe where can get a glimpse of his face before we enter end times. We will enter end times seeing the face of God, survive the end times seeing the face of God and enter millennium seeing the face of God. We will be caught up in God (before end times) till we reach heaven.

It’s like when God wanted to fulfil his promise to bring Isreal out of Egypt, he gave Moses a burning bush encounter. The Burning Bush encounter opened the door to enter supernatural realm (for Moses and Isreal) where everything supernatural was natural. God and his manifold power was so real, natural, and clearly visible. This encounter opened the door to supernatural realm where creation, nature responded to man (to God’s word), and God & His power became very real. This encounter had an impact not only on Moses but on the entire land of Egypt. God broke through the heavens and atmosphere was so saturated with God’s power. God was no longer a story, but a real and powerful entity. All of the years of waiting were suddenly changed with the prospect of promise fulfilment. God’s power was so great that Egypt feared God looking at the plagues. There was a clear distinction between his people and others.

The Burning Bush encounter opened the door to God or the supernatural realm, allowing Moses to know and see God on a daily basis. The Israelites were focused or busy seeing the external manifestations of God's glory, whereas Moses was focused or busy in seeing or longing to see the face of God.

In this season before the end times, God is giving visions and encounters to his chosen people that allow them to know and see God on a daily basis. These visions and interactions open the door of the supernatural realm for the land, where God becomes so real ,and his power can be clearly seen by even his enemies. People will be drawn to see and know God on a daily basis. People will have a place to meet God on a daily basis, just as Moses did.

Plead with God so that he can give you an opportunity to see His face on a daily basis. Let not a day pass by without seeing the face of Jesus. God is giving an opportunity(window or timeframe) to see His face on earth on a daily basis before we see his face daily in heaven.