The illegal on earth...and in heaven
Matthew 22. Beloved, read the whole chapter and let us focus on verses 11-14.
Matthew 22 gives the parable of the wedding feast. In it there is a wedding.The initial invitees give all sorts of excuses on why they cannot attend the wedding of the son of one of, if not the wealthiest man at the time. So, the master invites all and sundry but alas one fellow is not properly dressed and he is promptly ejected and thrown out to the place where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth.
Right now, there is heightened attention on people who are not where they are supposed to be and people among others who are where they are but do not have supporting or appropriate documents. Some of the people entered legally but are found wanting in one way or the other and still they are treated as illegals and promptly tossed out.
The lessons are clear and I will not be repeating them here save for two. In a nutshell, come and go in the proper way and be properly outfitted with what is required for coming, staying and going.
Beloved, let us talk about The Kingdom of GOD where many feel entitled to entry and stay on their own terms and conditions. Many believe that in this life and in the life to come, they are entitled to go to the good places and no one dare hinder them. They will do as they please, dress as they please and woe to any one who tell them otherwise. As we are all witnessing, things do not work like that. Every place, every destination has rules, obligations and conditions that must be fulfilled if one wants to reside peacefully in any location. Even Father Abraham who had many sons, of whom I am one, had documentation for the field in which he buried his wife and was himself ultimately interred. This is as early as Genesis 23:17. Rules people. Rules.
Beloved, requirements and wisdom are a must anywhere. Plan your journeys, forays and expeditions well. Keep in mind that there is a journey of no return earmarked for each and every one of us and entry to the good place by whatever description is well documented and known but like other things ignored,disregarded, postponed or downright rejected. Beloved, in the parable, the master had no mercy on the unprepared guest and he was ‘deported to a place of gnashing of teeth and weeping’.
Beloved, none of us know the date when we will embark on this journey of no return. The journey when your spirit and your body will detach and you will find yourself in either a good place or in a terrible place with no exit.
At this point, I digress, there is no need to hurry the separation of your body and soul by killing or euthanizing yourself. This journey each of us must and will undertake. Be wise and be patient. No hurry.
Back to my point. Beloved, to enter the good place which the CREATOR and SOVEREIGN of the universe has prepared for HIS children. You must first believe in HIM and that HE paid the price for you to go to that place which HE prepared for you. John 3:16 is clear. For GOD so loved the world that HE gave HIS only begotten SON that whosoever believes in HIM should not perish but have everlasting life. See, beloved, there is nothing for free. Even your residence in the good place has been paid for in full by The KING HIMSELF. All you have to do is believe. This KING, commonly called GOD or JESUS CHRIST paid the price.
You do not understand the entire legal systems of the earthly destinations you visit, even the one where you reside as a so called permanent resident, you do not understand and depend on experts to show you how to navigate the way.
JESUS CHRIST clearly said that HE is The WAY and The TRUTH and The LIFE, no one will go to The FATHER except through HIM. This you must believe. Before you believe, someone must ell you and I am telling you. Failure to believe will land you in the place where there is gnashing of teeth and wailing and worse.
Beloved, the call is not to understand, but to believe.
Belief / Faith in JESUS CHRIST is mandatory. If you believe and die instantly like the thief on the cross, you will make it to the favored and good spots in the afterlife. If you believe and you are still walking this earth, you must keep the commandments of The Kingdom of GOD, remember the ten commandments given by The KING HIMSELF. Remember, righteousness. Yo certainly cannot continue living like a heathen , a pagan or someone who does not know GOD. Do not worry. HE HIMSELF will guide and lead you . After all, those led by The SPIRIT of GOD are children of GOD.
Those of us journeying to the good place do not want to end up in a place with thieves, murderers, sexual deviants and other evil people. We are going to a place where our tears will be wiped away and we will be comforted. So, unrepentant persons who are hell bent on having their own way and following the enemies of GOD should not expect to land in the good place. Know early and if you like, repent and change your ways. Good news, JESUS CHRIST is very merciful and forgives all sins as long as they are confessed and abandoned on this side of eternity. If you do not take advantage of this free offer, there will be hell to pay. Literally.
Along this journey as you continue with the journey of eternal life, HE will guide you. HIS children know that HE is faithful and HE will not abandon HIS chosen. See, HIS kindness and patience to you. HE has given you time to make the right choice. However, Beloved, time has a limit. A day will come, your time will be up on this side of eternity.
Beloved, GOD is good , all the time. But believe me, you do not want to see the other side of how HE deals with people who disregard HIM and esteem HIM lightly if at all. Like the friend at the wedding banquet, you will be tossed out. There will be no space for you in the good and royal place. Do not be deceived by this world and it’s fleeting fancies. Do not be deceived by the ever increasing philosophies and theories and practices. Do not be deceived by smooth talkers who say that this is all there is. You certainly do not want to be the illegal, the unprepared or the undocumented in heaven.
Believe in the LORD JESUS CHRIST and you will be saved.
I wish you all the very best in your journeys on this earth and out of this earth.
One more thing, in the parable in verse 15, a conspiracy is hatched against JESUS for speaking this parable. Beloved, that was then. JESUS CHRIST came to die, to atone for your errors. HE did that. Now, there is no conspiracy against HIM that can stand. HE is The KING of kings and LORD of LORDS. The ALPHA and OMEGA. Read Luke 19:37
Shalom once again.