Summary: Outline exposition of Isa 6

Scripture Reading: John 12:37-41

Isa 6

Proposition: You must submit to the sovereignty of God!

I. It will provoke you to worship! 1 - 4

A. His glory will require it! 1,4

B. His holiness will demand it! 2,3

These will give you some help with I Cor 11:10.

True worship often silent - 2 Chron 5: 11 - 14

II. It will provoke you to confession! 5 - 7

A. It will tear away all facades! 5

Most people in America live in a fairy tale world; TV

(soaps, hero movies), Novels (romance, sci-fi), Sex (pulp

novels, porno), Attire (what makes the man, sexy, fad, dress

for success), Cosmetics (not orderly arrangement of natural

assets but a desire to create an image that does not exist

due to dissatisfaction with what God created) therefore it

is no wonder that we have such a hard time coping with

reality and can so easily affect a form of religion without

any power. We are accustomed to living in a dream world, but

God says, "Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the

dead, and Christ shall give thee light. Eph 5:14

B. It will cleanse your heart! 6,7

The old office of Compline - End of day prayer. "I confess

to almighty God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost,

and before all the company of Heaven, that I have sinned, in

thought, word, and deed, through my fault, my own grievous

fault; wherefore I pray, almighty God, to have mercy upon

me, to forgive all my sins, and to make clean my heart

within me."

III. It will prepare you to serve! 8 - 10

A. It will give you ears to hear! 8 - wax of sin and self


B. It will give you a clear call! 9, 10 - no ifs ands, or

buts, he even got the exact message!

IV. It will prepare you to endure! 11 - 13

A. It will give you patience! 11,12

Written 740 - Assyrian Captivity 722, 18 years of a hard

seemingly fruitless ministry

B. It will give you hope! 13

After all the destruction and apparent loss of all hope,

there is a remnant! In fall, the trees seem to be dying, as

they lose their leaves. But, it is only then they can become

fruitful as they drop their seed! The seed had to be shaken

and scattered to become productive. Your life often needs to

be shaken and your dead leaves cast off and your talents

torn from your limbs in order to become a productive

Christian. The shaking may hurt and can cause despair,

unless you are prepared to endure. If you are, then you know

the shaking is for good and you can have the hope of a

better ministry!