Summary: Time is coming and is at hand where God is about to break lot of unbroken vessels and use them in his ministry again. It’s a season of transition from unbrokenness to brokenness. We are becoming broken vessels for master’s use.

God breaks a person until there is nothing left to break. Everything is broken. There is nothing to resist or hide, and everything is broken. All self-ambitions and dreams, everything is broken. He breaks even the broken pieces again until everything is powder or ashes. When everything is broken and there is nothing left to hide or resist, God begins to send His wind of the Spirit to attach the broken pieces or powder to create a vessel so that it can be used for His purposes.

He breaks the vessel because there should not be any human flavour, only Jesus. All people who want to be used by God don’t like going through this breaking process. They do not want to see God’s hand breaking them. They want God to use them on their terms, but not on His terms. God's terms for using His people are as follows: first, He will break them, and then from the ashes he will rebuild them. This breaking process will be painful but it will transform them.

In this generation, there are so many unbroken vessels but very few broken vessels. Unbroken vessels create a noise, but broken vessels resonate the voice of God. Broken vessels are God-made vessels for His Glory, bringing unadulterated Gospel. Broken vessels are vessels through which God shows His Glory.

They create a ripple or tremor, awakening even the hardest of hearts. When John the Baptist preached, he preached a simple gospel with repentance, but it had a power of a sharp arrow piercing the hearts. Sinners encountered God's holiness or wrath, which created a fear of God that led them to repentance. When John the Baptist preached, people experienced the fear and reverence of God. Nowadays, its completely opposite, preachers despite performing miracles, there is no reverence and fear of God in people. Unction is missing because of unbroken and unyielded vessels.

The work done by broken vessels is easily 100 times more than unbroken vessels. To prepare one broken vessel like John the Baptist, God took around 20-30 years. God takes many years to prepare one broken vessel, but once prepared, cities and nations will be impacted, and the work done will be enormous. John the Baptist preached for only six months yet he brought an entire nation back to God. God prepares broken vessels in the wilderness, where they will be corrected, nurtured, guided, and broken. People will misunderstand and mistreat them, but God will help them. Broken vessels live their lives in fear, reverence and adoration of God.

In Christian circles today, there are many unbroken vessels but few broken vessels. There is a lot of boasting about their own work and ministry. Unbroken vessels boast, but broken vessels are very careful about what they speak. Easy way to identify a broken vessel and unbroken vessel is by their speech. A broken vessel speaks every word carefully with the intention that it should not attract God’s wrath. One wrong word can attract God’s wrath.

Time is coming and is at hand where God is about to break lot of unbroken vessels and use them in his ministry again. It will be a second version of their ministry for lot of unbroken vessels. It’s a season of transition from unbrokenness to brokenness. We are becoming broken vessels for master’s use. It’s a change of mindset from my ministry to God’s kingdom.

Prayer -

God break in me in such a way that you don’t find me (my will) in myself, but you in me. Don’t break me partially but break me fully till I am no more. Even if it hurts, break me. Reveal my hidden self and crush it until it becomes powder. Break my will so that it completely submits to your will. It's a time to surrender my will and align with yours. No more sin, laziness, self-exaltation, or things that hurt you; instead, let me start doing things that please you. Break me in such a way that I will become a broken vessel suitable for the master's use.