Summary: Beginning the New Year

Making changes for the New Year


This morning we look at the end of 2024 and move toward the beginning of 2025.

2024 has been a challenge for many of us and for Rosedale. 2024 has also been a blessing to many of us and to the church.

We know that God can change circumstances and make the New Year a year of blessing.

When we say Happy New Year to someone, we are inviting the New Year to be a better year than what we are coming out of.

We are passing on a blessing that we hope will see answers to people’s prayers, improve their health, and have more happiness.

Every year people stay up after midnight to see the old year out and the New Year in.

Pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves and an Optimist stays up to see the New Year in.

Here’s something to think about-

If nothing changes in your life, nothing will happen different in your life.

If you do not have a plan for the New Year, the New Year will fast become the Old Year and you will be at the same spot next year.

We are at the beginning of a New Year and we have a chance to change some things that will in fact change our lives.

Every year people move out of state, change their jobs, make a lot of resolutions, make promises to self and to others and by the end of January they are in the same funk that they ended December with- why? Because nothing changed- they do the same old thing, the same old way, and they wonder why nothing different happen.

Let me tell you something, some things need to be retained in our lives, some things need to be removed from our lives, and some things need to be remembered so that we can better our lives.

Wisdom is knowing what to do with each thing in our lives.




God’s Word does not change, “God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” He means what He said, and will do what He says. So for us to look to the New Year, we have to look at our lives and see where we are at and see who we put our faith in and are we willing to make the necessary changes that will put us in a right relationship with God.

A believer looking to the future is going to be different than a non-believer.

The believer should be looking at it through the eyes of faith that God knows the plans that he has for us and it is plans to give us a future and a hope based upon God’s promises that He will never forsake us and will walk with us.

A believer looks to the New Year with the truth that he does not have to do it alone, that God Himself will dwell within you and help you.

A non believer is forced to look at the New Year through the eyes of accomplishment and luck.

He/she must base it upon wither life is shining upon him/her and the risk that they may or may not get a break and stay in the same or worse condition.

Which one are you? And what are you putting your faith in?

We have to do a bit of a checklist to see through which eyes we are approaching the New Year

Will we allow the Lord to be Lord in our lives- Yes or No

Will we be obedient to God’s Word or do things our own way- Yes or No

Will we trust God or are we putting our trust on just our own accomplishments and breaks- yes or No

How we answer those questions will determine what we retain in our lives, what we remove from our lives, and what we hold dear to or remember in those times of trials.

Let’s for a moment look at the New Year as believers and what we can expect-

Jeremiah 29:11

“For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.”

2 Corinthians 5:17-

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come. The old has gone, the new is here.”

Proverbs 3:5-6

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.”

It is easier to look at the New Year with the mind of Christ helping us right?

The future looks brighter when we see the future that God has a plan and He desires not to harm us but give us that hope and a future.

That if we are in Christ, (believer) that he desires for us to get a fresh start. If we need a fresh start, He offers fresh starts, jump starts, and as new creations in Him, we are offered the tremendous fact that our past does not rule what our future will be.

Trusting in the Lord is hard, not because He does not want to help us, but because we do not easily let go of things, even bad and harmful things.

Here we go believer,

Isaiah 43:18-19

“Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”

There is a song out by Elevation worship called “Do it again”. Maybe you have heard the song and maybe you feel like this. The words go like this.

Walking around these walls, I thought by now they’d fall

But you have never failed me yet

Wanting the change to come, knowing the battle’s won

For you have never failed me yet

Your promise still stands, great is your faithfulness

I am still in your hands, this is my confidence, you’ve never failed me yet.

I know the night won’t last, your word will come to pass

My heart will sing your praise again.

Jesus, your still enough, keep me within your love

My heart will sing your praise again.

Your attitude will determine outcome.

Where you place your faith will be where you draw your strength from.

Most people carry the same old habits and baggage into the New Year.

With all the resources of heaven, do you think the Lord can change your life?

The only resolution I want to make next year is that I will serve God more and draw closer to Him than ever before.

God grant that prayer and request.

He will. That is a prayer that God will delight in answering.

I do not want next year to be just another year- I want it to be a year that we see God do something amazing not only in our lives but in the life of the church family as a whole.

Looking for joy in this life- your looking in the wrong place.

Looking for Joy without the Lord, at best it will be circumstantial.

Looking for peace, peace comes from God, and is not based upon circumstances.

Looking for hope- “my hope is built on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness, I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus name.”

Just like ending of one year and the starting of another, those that are in Christ should be leaving some of the old ways behind and trusting God to make changes that will change your life.

Very quickly, I said that we have to retain, remove, and remember some things in our life. What should we be doing?

Things retained

We as believers are to hold to the things that God has given or that God has ordained for our lives and stand on His promises. In Paul’s final exhortation to the church at Philippi, talking about God’s Joy in our lives, and not being anxious for things that are out of our control.

We are to retain our relationship with the Lord above all else.

We are to have fellowship with believers and be with people of like-minded faith, yet make an impact with those God has put in our paths.

He says these words “Finally brothers, and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is excellent or praiseworthy- think about such things.” Phil. 4:8

Hold onto everything that God gives you. Hold onto the passion of God, compassion for others, showing kindness with a sincere heart.

In a time of trials and challenges is not the time to let go of the Lord and go through without Him.

it is not the time to be doing things that you already know will cause more chaos and trouble in your life.

Retaining stand alone promises the Lord has given us is faith building. It draws us closer to the Lord.

Things Removed

While we are to hold onto things that God gives us, we are also to get rid of things that take us away from the things of God- Sometimes even good things in abundance or abused causes us to lose focus and take us off track with God.

“Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.”

Get rid of is a strong word here to throw out, discard, dispose of, not to pick up again.


Rage and anger

Fighting, slander, improper living

Malice is doing anything known to be evil

Remember by definition, it is what the Lord would want us to get rid of out of our lives.

With God’s help, there are some other things that we have to get rid of to enjoy the right relationship with God as designed by God.

False doctrine

Philosophies that go against God’s teaching

Foolish demands on yourself and on others.

Filthy communication

If any of these things are in your life, He desires to remove them.

We do not clean ourselves up, He wants to do these things in you but you have to be willing to let him.

Things Remembered

Remember the spiritual fullness you have in Christ- “So then, just as you have received Jesus Christ as Lord, continue to live your lives in Him, rooted and built up in Him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.” Col. 2:6-7

Joshua tells us to build a memorial so that we do not forget what God has done for us and is doing.

The silent times when God is quiet, learn the lessons He has for you and at other times, make sure you remember the things that He has done so your relationship with Him does not suffer and knock you off track.

“Christ in us, the hope of glory” Remember who you are in Christ!


We are going into another year. Time does not slow down and time has a way of making us or breaking us.

WE start a new series next week “Life Opportunities” What can we do that will bring blessing into our lives…even if we are going through a season of trouble.

Let your prayer today be that whatever God has for you in 2025, you want it.

Whatever changes you are to make, you want to.

God help me to remember the things that you have done for me so that it does not cloud up what you have for me in the future.

Take a moment, ask yourself these questions

Are there things in my life that the Lord would want out of my life?

Are there things I need to keep or bring back in my life?

Are there things I need to remember- take a trip down memory lane so that I can again praise God for all He has done for me?

If you need a moment with the Lord…take it this morning. Don’t leave this morning feeling like you should of spoke to Him and you didn’t.


I come in the priceless name of Jesus. The author and finisher of my faith. The one that has a plan for my 2025. I surrender the New Year to Him, knowing that if I am faithful and sensitive to His leading, He will direct my path. I thank you for this in Jesus name!

Happy New Year