Summary: In this sermon, we will study the meaning and significance of this biblical principle.

In the book of Genesis, we find a profound biblical principle that forms the foundation of marriage: "Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh" (Genesis 2:24). This verse, echoed in Ephesians 5:31, highlights the importance of leaving one's family of origin and cleaving to one's spouse. In this sermon, we will study the meaning and significance of this biblical principle.

Leaving the Family of Origin

The act of leaving one's father and mother is not merely a physical departure but also an emotional and psychological one. It signifies a transition from dependence on one's parents to independence and interdependence with one's spouse. This leaving is not a rejection of one's family but rather a necessary step in forming a new family unit.

Holding Fast to One's Wife

The phrase "hold fast to his wife" conveys the idea of clinging to, adhering to, or being joined to one's spouse. This holding fast is not just a physical union but also an emotional, spiritual, and intellectual one. It involves a deep commitment to one's spouse, a willingness to work through challenges together, and a desire to build a life together.

Becoming One Flesh

The culmination of leaving and cleaving is becoming "one flesh." This phrase is often understood as a reference to the physical union of marriage, but it encompasses much more. Becoming one flesh involves a unity of heart, mind, and spirit. It is a mystical union that reflects the unity of Christ and His church (Ephesians 5:32).

Implications for Marriage

This biblical principle has several implications for marriage:

Priority: Marriage takes priority over other relationships, including those with parents and friends.

Commitment: Marriage involves a deep commitment to one's spouse, a willingness to work through challenges together.

Unity: Marriage is a union of two people becoming one flesh, involving a unity of heart, mind, and spirit.

Independence: Marriage involves a transition from dependence on one's parents to independence and interdependence with one's spouse.


The biblical principle of leaving and cleaving is a profound foundation for marriage. It highlights the importance of commitment, unity, and independence in building a strong and healthy marriage. As we reflect on this principle, may we be reminded of the sacred bond of marriage and the importance of prioritizing our relationship with our spouse.