Summary: In part 4 of becoming a dangerous Christian we are faced with the inescapable fact that to be a threat to the kingdom of darkness we have to live a life of prayer.

Luke 18:1-8 And he spake a parable unto them to this end, "that men ought always to pray, and not to faint;" [2] Saying, There was in a city a judge, which feared not God, neither regarded man: [3] And there was a widow in that city; and she came unto him, saying, Avenge me of mine adversary. [4] And he would not for a while: but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man; [5] Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me. [6] And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith. [7] And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? [8] I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?

I honestly thought that we were done with this series on this subject... the dangerous Christian. I felt like the well was empty like I had covered everything that the Holy Spirit wanted me to cover but as I spent time in his presence meditating in the word worshiping God, I heard the Holy Spirit speak to my heart.

He said to me, everything you've said is true about the knowledge, what you know, what you have, and what you do. But this series and this subject on becoming and living the life as a dangerous Christian cannot be complete without addressing the subject of Prayer.

The fact of the matter is it is impossible to be a dangerous Christian without prayer.

In our text the master of prayer and intercession himself, our savior the Lord Jesus Christ, is teaching us about prayer. And he begins by telling us, if you don't pray you will faint. And he uses a parable to drive his point home. Parables are stories of natural ordinary life conditions and circumstances that parallel to spiritual truths.

Jesus often taught spiritual principals by first telling a natural parable.

That's what he does here.

In this parable we have a widow woman who has been wronged, and she has no one to help her, so she goes to the judge. This judge is in the position of righting wrongs, and meeting out justice. The problem is, this judge is wicked, self-serving, self-righteous and Godless. He has no respect for anyone including God. He doesn't care about anyone except himself.

Why does Jesus tell us all these terrible things about this judge? This judge is certainly no true representation of God who is the righteous judge of all creation.

So why? It is to create a back drop for the attitude that pleases God, and gets answers.

So Jesus says this widow comes to this unjust, wicked, self-serving judge seeking for justice for what she has suffered. And the Bible says...

Luke 18:4-6 And he would not for a while: but afterward he said within himself, Though I fear not God, nor regard man; [5] Yet because this widow troubleth me, I will avenge her, lest by her continual coming she weary me. [6] And the Lord said, Hear what the unjust judge saith.

So here is the spiritual truth that Jesus is presenting... This widow womans audacity, and boldness, and persistence won her case. Even though the judge didn't care about the law, and didn't care that she had been wronged, and didn't care about her as a person or a fellow human being.

All he cared about was that he could see in this woman a boldness and a persistence that was making and would continue to make his life miserable.

This is what Jesus is really teaching. He is teaching that bold, audacious, agressive, persistent faith, manifested by never quitting, never backing off, always wins, even against the most difficult, and most contrary and unyielding circumstances.

Then Jesus ties it all together and brings the parable to a spiritual application. Luke 18:7-8 And shall not God avenge his own elect, which cry day and night unto him, though he bear long with them? [8] I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?

Jesus ends by saying... when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?

In other words, will he find faith that is manifested by this kind of committment, and persistence, and boldness.

We are talking about being a dangerous Christian, the fact is...You and I will never be a threat to the devil without prayer.

Secondly you will never be of any use in Kingdom purposes without prayer.

We can talk about singing we can talk about preaching, we can talk about prophesying, we can talk about Church attendance, we can talk about giving, and sowing, we can talk about Joy, and peace, and we can talk about having power over the devil. But the fact of the matter is when it's all said and done it doesn't matter how much we talk about it, what matters is whether we do it or not.

And we can even talk about praying and how important praying is, and how critical and imperative it is to our culture and to our well-being spiritually as well as physically and emotionally. And all these things are absolutely true, but it doesn't make one bit of difference if it never gets past the talking stage.

The devil does not fear our ability to explain prayer, and the power of Prayer, and the necessity of Prayer, and the operation of Prayer.

We may write volumes of books on every aspect of prayer, and they may well stimulate the mind, and even cause some emotional stirrings... But all the books in the world written on the subject of prayer, will not open one prison door, or shut the lions mouth, or bring rain upon a drought stricken earth, or pull one soul out of the fires of damnation. It takes real prayer.

In 1 Kings chapter 18 When the lone prophet Elijah stood against the attitude of indifference and rebellion in the nation of Israel, and the outright wicked, demonically established prophets of Baal, Elijah did not attempt to turn the nation back to God by a discourse on prayer.

No sir, Elijah came from a place of prayer, to a place of prayer.

Elijah did some things on Mt Carmel in obedience to what God had told him in his closet of prayer.

Elijah built an altar, he put the wood in order, he put the sacrifice on the altar, he poured 12 barrells of water on the sacrifice, he dug a trench around the altar and filled it with water...

Then Elijah prayed again, and the fire of God fell from heaven. And consumed the sacrifice, the wood, the stones, the water, the water in the trench, and licked up the dust in the trench.

I ask you this question for your consideration... would the fire have fallen from heaven if Elijah had not prayed? If you say no, I agree with you completely.

So what does that tell us? That tells us that all of our works, or activities, though they may be perfectly in order, and directed by God, and even God honoring... are not enough to bring the fire.

We can sing with no fire, we can preach and testify with no fire. We can perform every activity that is related to the church, and still have no fire from heaven.

There was then as there is now, only one way to get fire from heaven... You have to ask for it. "You have to pray" we have to pray.

It was the condition set forth by the prophet that the God that answered by fire would be recognized as the one true and living God.

The altar itself, the wood in place, the bullock on the altar, the water on the sacrifice, and the trench around it, were all insufficient in themselves to turn a backslidden nation back to God. It took the supernatural fire of God... It still does.

And there is only one place we can find that supernatural fire... it is in the closet of prayer.

It is written, the God that answers by fire, let him be God. In that statement it is established that the supernatural fire of God, is not an accident or a random event... It was, is, and always will be in answer to prevailing prayer.

Do we want to be dangerous to the kingdom of darkness? Then we must have the supernatural fire of God, and the only place we can get the fire of God is on our knees. In other words, it must be sought.

It must be desired, it must be valued, it must be respected, and it must be sought for, it must be appropiated in the wrestling seasons.

Elijah wrestled with God in prayer for what he had boldly proclaimed upon the mountain. 

It went like this... Prayer before Mt Carmel, prayer on the mountain before the fire fell. Then more prayer before the rain came.

You may call Elijah a great prophet, but his real claim to fame in the realm of the spirit is... He was an intercessor. He was a man of prayer.

James 5:17-18 says, Elias was a man subject to like passions as we are, and he prayed earnestly that it might not rain: and it rained not on the earth by the space of three years and six months. [18] And he prayed again, and the heaven gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit.

Here is a man who walked in our shoes, felt the same feelings, we feel. Felt the same kind of worries, and wonderings, and uncertainties that belong to our humanity.

But what put Elijah in a different category was... He prayed. Not just prayed... He prayed earnestly. Intently, agressively, intentionally, with zeal and passion and determination.

One of the first qualifying factors of the calling and the success of the life of the great apostle Paul was this... Behold he prayeth.

This is what God told ananias when he showed him Saul coming to him in a dream. God introduced him to Annanias by saying, Behold he prayeth.

So this was the way Saul's life began as a new believer. It began with prayer, it was sustained by prayer, and it was increased by prayer.

If Paul was identified by any particular characteristic it would have to be that he was a man of Prayer.

1 Thessalonians 5:17  Paul said... "Pray without ceasing."

But he didn't just tell others to pray, listen to what he said of his own prayer life...

Romans 1:9 For God is my witness, whom I serve with my spirit in the gospel of his Son, that "without ceasing" I make mention of you always in my prayers.

Then again 2 Timothy 1:3 I thank God, whom I serve from my forefathers with pure conscience, that "without ceasing" I have remembrance of thee in my prayers night and day.

Here is a man who made an impression on Pauls life, and it was not because of any skill, talent, or gifting he had. It was his devotion and his comittment to prayer that moved Paul.

We find this man here in Colossians 4:12 He said, Epaphras, who is one of you, a servant of Christ, saluteth you, "always" .... "labouring fervently" for you in prayers, that ye may stand perfect and complete in all the will of God.

Skills, talents, gifts, abilities, are all important in their place, "singing, preaching, teaching, playing instruments, etc. they are all important, but none of them held a higher place in Paul's estimation than one who gave himself to the labor of prayer.

Not just the practice of prayer. Not just the ceremony or the ritual of prayer... but the actual labor, or work of prayer.

It should be understood that real prayer, is real work. And real prayer is warfare.

When Paul spoke of wrestling against principalities and powers, and rulers of darkness and spiritual wickedness in high places, he was speaking of the warfare of prayer.

After Paul exhorts the believer to put on the whole armor of God, he puts the cap on it by saying...

Ephesians 6:18-20 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints; [19] And for me, that utterance may be given unto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to make known the mystery of the gospel, [20] For which I am an ambassador in bonds: that therein I may speak boldly, as I ought to speak.

Prayer is not just a prescription for asking God for things. Prayer is conversation with God. And prayer is warfare against the dark forces of satans kingdom.

You may meticulously take unto yourself the armor of God, and speak specifically over every piece, and it's purpose. But if you don't pray, you're not a warrior, you're just window dressing.

If you don't pray you're not a warrior, you're a wimp.

Let me take it a step farther... if you don't pray, you're a casuality just looking for a place to happen.

Prayer is identified in scripture as watching. That means that a person who really prays, has a spiritual sensitivity and alertness that others don't have.

Prayer gives us eyes to see ahead, and be prepared for the enemies attacks. 

In prayer we are lifted above the clutter, and the clatter of natural life, and we access the realm of the spirit. 

There was no greater teacher on the subject of prayer than Jesus himself. So let's go back to our text and hear what he said...

Jesus spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint.

To faint means to fail in heart. To become weak, tired, exhausted. To lose courage or spirit.

What does Jesus give as the prescription to keep from fainting? Men ought always to pray.

Let's hear how the prophet Isaiah said it...Isaiah 40:29-31 He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. [30] Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: [31] But "they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength;" they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

The youth will faint, and be weary, the young men will utterly fall. But they that wait on the Lord will not faint. They will not lose courage and spirit.

That phrase "wait on the Lord" means to pray. It speaks of worshipping and ministering to the Lord. In the place of waiting, or prayer, we are revived, we are renewed, we are equipped and empowered to keep pressing on, to keep fighting the good fight of faith.

I love good preaching, I always have. And I love good singing, and I love to hear musicians that have honed their craft, and they can bring wonderful music through their instruments.

But I have to tell you... Although I enjoy all of that, what I really love is when the anointing is in the preaching, and the anointing is in the singing, or the playing of their instruments.

Because it is the anointing that destroys the yoke. And there is only one place to get the anointing, that is in the prayer closet.

Jesus said... Matthew 6:6 But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

The greatest open reward of secret seeking, is for God to put his anointing on you. 

When you spend time seeking God in secret, he will reward you by openly manifesting his anointing upon you, and through you.

We are no threat to the devil without the anointing, and there is no anointing without prayer.

The great general of prayer E.M Bounds said, he that would be much for God, must be much with God.

The anointing sets us apart from the natural, the carnal and the earthly, and prayer sets us apart for the anointing. In the place of prayer we are clothed with the anointing.

Without prayer the church is as samson said... weak as any other man.

It is the Spirit of God that sets us apart from any club or association. And is in prayer that the Spirit of God is secured.

It was as the praying Jesus came out of the Jordan waters that the sweet Dove of heaven, the Holy Spirit, came to rest upon him.

It is as we are praying that that same Sweet anointing of the Holy Spirit comes to rest upon us.

A Christian who does not pray is an oxy-moron. In other words they are a contradiction. As the body must breath to live, the Christian must breathe to live, and prayer is the Christians breath, it is the breath of the soul.

It is possible to exist without prayer, but it is impossible to live the Christian life without prayer, because prayer is the life's breath of the Christian.

All that we are or ever will be in Christ, will be the product of our praying. Individually and corporately.

The Christian lives as he or she prays, and conversely we die spiritually by the absence or the neglect of prayer.

I am certain that no subject in the Bible is put forth more importantly and encouraged more agressively than prayer. And yet in the church today there is possibly no facet of the Christian life more neglected than prayer.

You can hear about prayer, read about prayer, even listen to someone pray. But the only way to really learn how to pray is to do it. You have to pray to pray. Pray to God for the desire to pray. Pray to God for directions on what to pray for.

As far as I understand it, prayer is the great qualifier in the kingdom of God. No one is of any kingdom use who refuses to pray.

Why would I say that? Because prayer is what puts God in our work.

Prayer puts God in our preaching, our singing, our testimony, our teaching, our meetings, our services. To neglect prayer is to say to God, we can do this without you.

The neglect of prayer is equivelent to the tower of babel. It is building without God. It may be big, it may be beautiful, it may be impressive, but God isn't in it. And if God isn't in it, it's destined to fall.

The greatest calling that has ever been conferred upon a human being is not... Apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher or evangelist... It is intercessor.

The greatest gift ever given to the Christian who has the spirit of God residing in them, is the spirit of prayer, or the spirit of intercession.

You may aspire to be an apostle, prophet, pastor, teacher or evangelist. You may aspire to be a great preacher or teacher, or singer, or leader. But the highest office, and the highest honor there is in the kingdom of God is to be an intercessor.

Before I am a pastor I am an intercessor. Before I am a teacher I am an intercessor.

There are giftings and callings within the body of Christ that differ from person to person. Not everyone is called to be an apostle, or a prophet, or teacher, pastor, or evangelist, or missionary. But there is a universal calling and that is to the office and ministry of the intercessor.

This ministry of the intercessor is feared in hell more than you can imagine. Why? Because it is through the prayers of the intercessors that the will of God, the kingdom and the power of God are manifested on the earth.

Intecessors are the door through which God pours his spirit out in the earth. God enters our circumstances through the door of prayer.

Intercessors are the bridge that connects the kingdom of God with our needs.

Intercessors block the plans and the agenda of the devil.

The highest calling there is is the universal call to be an intercessor. It is not a gift of the spirit. But it is a gift from the spirit to anyone who will ask for it. And it will increase as you live the life of prayer.

When it comes to the kingdom of God, and the will of God being carried out on the earth, everything depends on prayer.

Though the calling is universal to every child of God, you must choose to step into it.

I will tell you without any fear of contradiction, more than preachers, teachers, prophets, singers, apostles, or any other ministry in the body of Christ, God is looking for intercessors.

One man or one woman that will give themselves to prayer and intercession, will do more damage to satans kingdom than a 1000 apostles, prophet, singers, preachers, or teachers who don't pray.

Why do I say that? Because it's prayer that accesses the power of God. It is prayer that puts God in the preacher and in the sermon, and in the singer, and in the song, and in the prophet and in the prophecy, and in the teacher, and his subject.

In San francisco there is a wax museum. You can walk through there and see wax figures of celebrities like Elvis Presley and many others, and they look real. They look like they could step down and walk out of there any time they want to, but they can't, because there is no life there. They are just a lifeless representation of the person.

And the same thing is true about us today. If we don't pray, we are just a lifeless, powerless, representation and imitation. Because there is no life, and there is no power without prayer.

A prayerless church is a powerless church, and a prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian.

On the other hand, a praying church, and a praying Christian is a powerful Christian and is a threat to hell.

I want every person in this house who wants to be a Dangerous Christian, and wants to tear down satans kingdom, to come to the front.

One of the great sayings of a man known to live a strong life of prayer was... No prayer, no power. Little prayer, little power. Much prayer, much power.

—Prayer turned the Red Sea into a super highway.

—Prayer brought fire down from heaven.

—Prayer shut the lions mouth, and brought Daniel out without a bite or a scratch.

—Prayer delivered Peter from a death sentence.

—Prayer shook a jail house off it's foundation, and loosed every prisoners bands.

—Prayer opened the door of salvation to the Gentiles.

—The Holy Ghost was poured out in answer to prayer.

Every Revival that has ever touched the earth was birthed in prayer, and sustained through prayer.

You may ask why we're not seeing greater manifestations of the presence and the power of God than we do?

Well first of all let me say... There is no shortage of God's power. The breakdown is not on the power side... The breakdown or I could say the failure, or the short circuit is on the praying side.

The immutable law of the kingdom is... If you ask you will receive, if you seek, you will find, and if you knock it will be opened.

I believe something is going to happen here today... I believe God is going to release a strong prayer anointing on this house, and he is going to make us a threat to hell.