Summary: I used this sermon at a community event where we were serving sausages. It was a fun way to get people to think about their life

Today, we’re going to talk about sausages.

Yes, sausages!

These humble, delicious links have more to teach us about life and faith than you might think.

Sausages are a

blend of ingredients,

seasoned to perfection, and then

encased in a skin to create something greater than the sum of its parts.

Let’s unpack some “sausages of wisdom” today.


The Sausage Skin: Holding Life Together

Sausages need a skin to keep everything inside;

without it, they’d fall apart.

In the same way, many of us rely on something to hold us together when life gets tough.

For some, that "skin" is faith.

Faith acts as a support system, keeping everything intact during life’s challenges.

But how strong it is depends on what your faith is based on.

We all have faith in something:

• Faith in justice or karma

• Faith in science

• Faith in humanity

• Faith in yourself

• Faith that family and friends will be there for you

Faith, like a sausage skin, keeps life from falling apart.

What’s holding you together?

What do you put your faith in, and is it strong enough to support you?

For me, my faith is in God.

He has always been there, holding everything together since the beginning of time.

The Filling: What’s Inside Matters

A good sausage is all about the filling.

No one wants one packed with scraps and junk!

But what about us?

What are we filled with — what qualities and habits fill our lives?

Are they good, or could they use some improvement?

The Bible offers great advice on this in Philippians 4:8, which encourages us to fill our lives with that which is true, noble, right, pure, and praiseworthy.

Here’s a challenge:

Take a moment to review the “ingredients” of your life for the year ahead.

You know, it’s never too late to change the recipe.

You can always swap out unhealthy habits or attitudes for something better.


This New Year, let’s be like sausages!

There’s something you didn’t expect to hear in a church! 😊

Have a strong skin of faith to hold us together,

And some healthy ingredients inside.