Summary: Seeking first the kingdom of God means making Him the focal point of our lives. It involves aligning our desires, decisions, and actions with His will and His purpose.

Sermon: Kingdom Seekers Keep First Thing First

Scripture - Matthew 6:33 "But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you."

Introduction - What does it mean to "seek first the kingdom of God"? It's a phrase we often hear, but its depth and significance can sometimes get lost in the outside noise. Yet, at its core, it's a call to prioritize God's kingdom above all else.

Seeking first the kingdom of God means making Him the focal point of our lives. It involves aligning our desires, decisions, and actions with His will and His purpose. It's about seeking His righteousness—the right way of living according to His standards—above our own desires and ambitions.

Daniel gives us a prophetic view of the kingdom. According to Daniel’s interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream, He saw the rise and fall of four great, successive empires. These empires, or kingdoms, have been identified in history as the Babylonian Empire, Medo-Persian Empire, Greco-Macedonian Empire and the Roman Empire. Then Daniel saw God’s Kingdom symbolized as a Stone cut out of a mountain that replace them all. With this understanding in mind, notice what Daniel said about the symbolism of the stone that came and broke the image: “And in the days of these kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which shall never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other people; it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever” This kingdom that “stands forever” is the Kingdom of God, a literal kingdom with territory, subjects, laws and rulers just like the other great empires. It is the very real government of God to be established here on earth at Christ’s return, yet it begins now in the hearts of men who will believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved.

The Psalmist called the Laws of God His righteousness and living obedient to those laws, a life of righteousness. Matthew 6:33 is the first mention of the Kingdom in the New Testament. Jesus proclaimed this message on the Mount of Olivet, when the crowd was filled with people struggling with all of life’s burdens. They were poor, needy, oppressed, and sinful, looking for the way to real life. Jesus gives them the answer in a nutshell. In a nutshell, Matthew 6:33 serves as every Christian’s marching orders. Our ability to seek first God’s Kingdom and His righteousness can be hampered if we become entangled with the cares of this life. Nonetheless, regularly practicing spiritual disciplines like prayer, Bible study, meditation and the occasional fast can help refocus our minds on what matters most. If we do our part to make our relationship with God our highest priority, He will do His part to provide for our every need, and that is something we can count on. That is the life-changing meaning of Matthew 6:33.

I know this verse, memorized this verse and obey this most of the time. Yet there are times, the burdens of life and the weight of ministry gets almost unbearable. Occasionally, saints are near burn out or become exhausted because of too much to do. That is when this verse is hard to do. I must choose to make this verse my life’s priority. Every day, I have any number of things on my to-do list. The personal stuff, the ministry stuff and the family stuff. Besides that, trying to spend more time with family and friends, and emergencies come up. The end of days like that, makes life feel unsettled. Ever had that feeling?

On those days, I slow down, pray, focus, and reprioritize my list. I realized that I had been rectifying and adjusting all the priorities in my life since I’ve been saved. Learning to put first things first should be the goal of every follower of Christ. There will always be the temptation to allow our natural needs and desires in life to crowd out the core element of seeking first the kingdom of God and His righteous way of being, acting and doing.

Occasionally, I struggle to remember the kingdom when I am sick, or hurt, or overlooked or underappreciated or misused or disappointed by fake friends or ruthless enemies. When I am criticized or demonized, this verse is hard for me. It seems like doing the work of the church in the world hinders the work of God in my life. I realized that sometimes the business for God’s kingdom without, can crowd out the business of God’s kingdom within. I am talking about me. If Kingdom seekers are going to put first things first, there are several things I have found helpful and want to offer them to you.

Allow God’s Kingdom Righteousness to Govern Your Priorities. I must count the cost of my decisions first. The very first scripture that came to mind was that of: Luke 14:28 “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?”

Who does not first sit down and count the cost. This text reminds us to do some first things first. It’s like asking yourself, “what would Jesus do?” in every situation before taking any action. Seeking God first and His righteousness is a continuous action. I must keep godly priorities in view before I pursue other things. What would Jesus do with desires? With these ambitions? With these passions? With the frustration? What would Jesus do on Sundays? And the list could go on but I know you get the point.

Life in the Kingdom requires believers to count worship on the Sabbath as important, along with laying aside my gift for God on the first day of the week. Yes, I try to live for God every day, but Sundays have a priority. The first day of the week is a special time to focus on God in worship and praise and to spend time and celebrate with the family of God. After counting the cost, I must,

Allow God’s Kingdom Righteousness to Govern Your Own Heart First. In some businesses, despite having many duties, there is a company mission statement. It is the overriding principles and priorities that govern all the activities of the company. In the same way, believers have a mission. There is an overriding priority that governs all things in the believer’s life. Here it is again.

Matthew 6:33 “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

This verse gives us the mission statement of priority for the believer. No better priority can we have other than that of God’s kingdom. We pray for it everytime we utter the Lord’s Prayer. But do we really put God’s kingdom at the head of our list. Whatever I am planning to do should reflect that God’s Kingdom authority is first in my life and then all other things will be added to you.

I must allow God’s righteousness to reign in my life, my home and church. It must begin at home. Righteousness is not about things on the outside only. It’s about what is happening in our hearts. It’s not about things we can do to earn righteousness. Believers have been made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Every believer has been declared to be in right standing with God. Now we must live it out in our personal lives. It’s not primarily about how many worship services, bible studies, and prayer meetings we attend or how many community service programs we can be running or involved with, it’s about our insides. It’s about the Kingdom working is goodness, its righteousness in our hearts first. When our hearts are right, right and acceptable actions will follow.

In Matthew 23:26 Jesus warned the religious leaders by saying, “Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.”

In other words, don’t try to do stuff in the lives of others, if the stuff inside your heart has not been sorted out. I often say that no one will condemn or ridicule a genuine life. A godly, holy life speaks for itself. You see, genuineness begins in the heart. Genuineness is about getting your house in order and living it out in the world. It’s about making sure your home is a righteous and godly place; it’s about getting the foundation right in your own life.

God knows our hearts and all He has created us to be. You can’t expect to be anything more than who God made you to be. Just live right and do that which God has planned for your life. Stop trying to make yourself into something that your divine creator never intended you to be. You don’t need to impress others or compete with others. I want to spend my life pursuing Scriptural holiness.

Matthew 23:26 “For it is time for judgment to begin with God’s household; and if it begins with us, what will the outcome be for those who do not obey the gospel of God?” This verse admonishes that righteousness begins at home. It begins here in the church. You won’t convert others if your righteousness is not secured.

Next, Allow God’s Kingdom Righteousness to Govern Your Affections. Where does your affection lie? My affections determine my passion. Your affections are what makes you passionate. But today I want to ask are you passionate about your God and His Kingdom? Does every ounce of your being seek the Heavenly Father’s will and desire to see His righteousness reign in this world?

Matthew 22:37,38 “Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.”

Our all – no part of us should be distracted from God. No part of us should not be screaming praise to our God. Nothing else should get in the way of the divine God we serve. Not hobbies, not fishing, not work, nothing. Our all. That scripture denotes our all. Doesn’t this also mean my emotions, ambitions and personal desires? I must love God above all.

Then, Allow God’s Kingdom Righteousness to Govern Your Relationships.

In this area, I must admit that sometimes I have been settling for less than my best. Because of disappointment, bad conduct, or feeling neglected by others I have helped, I must admit I have been holding back sometimes. But I want to say that when it comes to our relationships with others, most believers need to turn up the heat and go the second mile. Sometimes there is a gap between what we are saying and what we are doing. We need to stop talking about the idea of having good relationships with our brothers and sisters in the Church and start working towards having the relationships and start swallowing some of our pride. Stop coming along in a kind of self-righteousness when you have a problem with your brother or sister in the church. God cannot engage with you the way He desires if you are carrying unforgiveness or ill feeling toward others.

Matthew 5:24 “leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.”

Jesus was very direct about this. Your sacrifice can not be accepted by God is you are not reconciled with your brother. When Jesus went about teaching his disciples the business of the kingdom he taught them a valuable lesson about dealing with our brothers and sisters.

In Matthew 10:14 “If anyone will not welcome you or listen to your words, leave that home or town and shake the dust off your feet.”

Jesus tells them that if they come across someone who will not accept them, “brush the dust off your feet.” Notice Jesus was referring to those willing to hear but will not accept you. Rejection is painful, but Jesus is not meaning that we simply shrug it off and say, well we don’t care, no he is saying don’t hold a grudge or allow rejection to sour your spirit. The dust of rejection has a way of sticking to all of us easier than we care to admit. Don’t go carrying around the mud on your shoes of grudge bearing, Carry too much of that and you will become so caked in mud you will not be able to walk. On top of settling issue with those we encounter, Jesus says you must sort out issues that you have with fellows in the congregation.

In Matthew 18 – Jesus outlines the process we should follow if a brother has wronged us. He not only said sort out your issues with those we encounter, don’t carry a grudge, but he also gave us a process we should follow to handle disputes among the brethren.

Nowhere in that scripture does it say we need to chat about it with others. Nowhere in that scripture does it say we need to gossip about it. Nowhere in that process does it say we should let everyone else know about it before we have spoken to our brother. Jesus knows how tempting this would be because when we get hurt, we want everyone to know it.

Look around you. Tomorrow you may be called to sacrifice for a brother or sister who has wounded you and needs assistance. In the time of the end we will face difficulty, look around you and start accepting that these are the faces that will carry you, love you and keep you. They are not perfect. They are just fellow travelers on this journey of life with you. They need you and you need them. Stop finding fault, stop bickering and let us love each other. We must love God above all and love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

Also, Allow God’s Kingdom Righteousness to Administer Judgment. God alone is the righteous Judge, and we are not. Our vision is too limited. Our knowledge is too finite. John 8:7 reminds us of this fact by saying, “So when they continued asking him (Jesus), he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.”

Yes, the woman was caught in adultery, she was guilty. Yet, every man in the crowd vision was flawed by their own sin. They judge the woman with harsh judgment, while judging themselves with mercy and leniency. So, in Matthew 7:5 Jesus cautions every “want to-be judge” by saying, “Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.”

Sometimes, we judge in others what we can’t get right in ourselves. Judging others, like pointing a finger, is the easiest thing in the world to do. Categorizing people or sitting on the seat of judgement condemning others is something that we can easily do, but no authority to do.

Jesus hates it. Jesus gets riled by it. Jesus cannot stand it. Make up your mind to stop it, drop it and put it out of your mind, then we will experience the peace and love that Jesus desire in our hearts, in our churches and that kindness will even flow to the world.

Allow God’s Kingdom Righteousness to Govern Your Church Attendance.

Hebrews 10:25, “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.”

Believers are called in community with other believers for worship, encouragement and exaltation. We journey together through all the twists and turns of life, inviting God’s word in every situation walking in love as brothers and sisters. You are my family! I cannot wait to be with you on a Sunday. I cannot wait to serve you. I can’t imagine going a whole week without seeing God’s family in church. Don’t neglect coming in person to celebrate with your brothers and sisters.

I know that if we lived in the time of Christ, I would have journeyed for miles to see him. I can see him every time I see my family at church. We are his body. If I need to sense his love, I come to you, if I want to receive His advice, I come to you. Be the body, do not, as scripture admonishes us, neglect the gathering of ourselves together.

Allow God’s Kingdom Righteousness to Govern Your Mind. I have a willing mind and an obedient heart. Paul commended the Corinthian Church because they had first a willing mind. 2 Cor 8:12 says, “For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not.”

Believers should Keep their mind and thoughts open for the Holy Spirit. Be keen to hear His directions following with a willing mind and a glad heart. Instead of worrying about what we do not have and cannot do, use what we have. Make sure our thoughts and actions are aligned with the Holy Spirit and God will be pleased. Stand by your thoughts with good fruit and right action. When God governs our thinking and we follow those thoughts with right action, our works will be accepted.

Allow God’s Kingdom Righteousness to Govern Your Prayer Life.

1 Timothy 2:1-3 “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and [c]reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior,”

Believers are encouraged to keep on praying, regardless of difficulties and disappointments, even when God puts you on hold - Don’t hang up! When we pray according to God’s will, God will answer prayer. Prayer is communication with God. We do this by praising Him, confessing our sin before Him, thanking Him and asking Him for our needs and desires. Prayer is communion with our Creator. When we pray, we engage in loving fellowship with the Maker of heaven and earth. Prayer is the language of the Kingdom.

Finally, Allow God’s Kingdom Righteousness to Prepare You For Eternity.

My present state is a foretaste of joy divine that will one day be complete and last forever. The kingdom reign of God that began in the heart of every believer will one day reign over all things. Not only will the kingdom of this world be the kingdom of our God, but death itself will be conquered. Seeking and abiding in God’s kingdom on earth is hard sometimes. I get sick, weak and even discouraged sometimes but If I am faithful all my earthly trials will end in victory. I don’t know why people forsake, mistreat and disappoint me in this life, but I know my trials have an end. I don’t know why I feel overlooked, abused and not supported by others sometimes. I don’t know why I feel sorry for myself with a loving Heavenly Father on my side, but I know my trials have an end.

Revelations 20:6 says, “Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ and shall reign with him a thousand years.”

Believers can have victorious lives in this world and the promise of life in the world to come where we shall reign forever and ever. This is possible for every believer who will seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things that pertain to life and godliness, in this life and the next, both small and great, despite my ups and downs, all things will be added to them.

I encourage you to Allow God’s Kingdom Righteousness to Set Your Priorities, Allow God’s Kingdom Righteousness to Control Your Heart First, Allow God’s Kingdom Righteousness to Guide Your Affections, Allow God’s Kingdom Righteousness Law of Love to Govern Your Relationships, Allow God’s Kingdom Righteousness to Administer Judgment, Allow God’s Kingdom Righteousness to Direct Your Church Attendance, Allow God’s Kingdom Righteousness to Control Your Mind, Allow God’s Kingdom Righteousness to Direct Your Devotion, and finally, Allow God’s Kingdom Righteousness to Prepare You For Eternity!

Finally, be sure to get the first things first. Without Kingdom priorities, the other things needed in life will never come to fruition. Kingdom Seekers Keep First Thing First. Matthew 6:33 spells it out, it says that we must prioritize God’s kingdom and His righteous ways, and all the other things will be added to us sooner or later, in this life and in the next. This is just the beginning and its good, eternity awaits and it’s so much better. Amen.