There are 7 ramifications of prophecies in Zechariah 11-14 and Jeremiah 32. God indicated that the Messiah will
1. Be betrayed
2. By a friend
3. For 30 pieces
4. of silver
5. They will be cast on the floor
6. Of the temple
7. And be used to buy a potter's field
Psalm 69 "for My thrist they gave me vinegar") and Isaiah 53 ("with His stripes we are healed") are Suffering Servant prophecies.
Psalm 22, dated about 1000 B.C., predicts Christ will be crucified, 800 years before crucifixion was used by the Romans: "they have pierced My hands and feet - I can count all My bones - they stare and gloat over Me; they divide My garments among them, and for my raiment they cast lots" v. 16-18.
Matthew 28 - Christ is risen / the Great Commission
Mark 16 - The resurrection, the disciples' commission
Luke 24 - The resurrection / the road to Emmaeus
John 20 - The empty tomb, Christ among His disciples, why this gospel was written
John 21 - Christ appears at the sea of Galilee, Christ provides, the love motivation, our times are in His hand.
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