Summary: Change ushers in new things. Change is synonymous to something new.

Sermon - Pursue Change

January 3-5 Church Fast.

April 6 – 19th year anniversary

Change ushers in new things. Change is synonymous to something new. Whether it be a new pursuit, a new venture, a new strategy, a new aspiration, a new goal, a new target, a new relationship, NOT a new spouse ha.. a new promotion, a new development. Newness doesn’t spring up if there is no change. It’s as simple as that.

As 2024 comes to a close, it ushers in the year 2025. But for those who won’t pursue change, the year 2025 is not going to be a new year, its just going to be the same year as 2024. 2025 will be no different to 2024 if change doesn’t take place. Are you with me?

For you cannot expect something new if you keep on doing the same thing. That is not to say that consistency and discipline and practice is not important. NOT at all – but before getting to the part of being consistent, and adding discipline to get it right. That decision to reach a certain goal starts with a plan and deep within that plan is a decision to change somethings in-order to reach that goal.

As Bishop mentioned in his sermon some weeks back - TIME is a gift from God and the boundaries of time, lets say Jan-Dec 2024-that a 12 month boundary, is set by the LORD

Biblical scholars often highlight the symbolic significance of the number 12, representing order, governance, and God’s authority (e.g., 12 tribes of Israel, 12 apostles). The use of 12 often signifies completeness.

The 12-month system reflects divine order in the created world.

And so the point I’m getting at is this. As the seasons in the world CHANGES from one to another, as the years change from one to another. IF we do not change, we will be left behind.

Pursuing Change is essential in our walk with GOD. Why do I say this? Well because there is nothing more significant in life than the CHANGE that JESUS ushered into the world for all of us – The greatest season in the whole world is still the Christmas Season. And it is truly a season here in the Philippines for its takes a whole quarter of the year for us to celebrate it and it culminates in December. The birth of Christ brought about the most profound spiritual, social and historical change in human history.

His life, ministry, death, and resurrection marked a turning point for every man, woman and child. JESUS brought about lasting CHANGE for all believers and HE continues to CHANGE lives today. AMEN!

So, in our message this morning, church, we will look at Philippians Chapter 2, verse 1-16 as our guide. And we will go verse by verse to understand what changes need to take place in-order for us to:

Discern Gods will so that we can walk in Gods ways and experience Gods wonder in 2025.


Are you ready? So please open your bibles or your bible apps to Philippians Chapter 2 and we will begin in verse 1 and 2. Let’s read that together:

“Therefore if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if any comfort from his love, if any common sharing in the Spirit, if any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.”

The Apostle Paul is writing to the people of the City of Philippi he points out 4 important aspects of living a life of a believer.

1. We are united in Christ.

2. We are comforted by His love

3. We have the fellowship of the Holy Spirit

4. We experience his tenderness and compassion.

Therefore we are to do the following:

1. Be Like Minded

2. Love each other

3. Be united in spirit and in truth

Change happens when those who have experienced the love of Christ, those who have testified of his tenderness and compassion, in fellowship with the Holy Spirit GET together as one body – THAT is the CHURCH. Our church. This Church – TEAM Ministries. Moves like one big nucleus – We could change our community too. HOW? Well as Paul tells us – Be Like Minded. Meaning we take on the mind of Christ – that which is pursuant of one goal and that is the spread of the Gospel, His Good news of the Kingdom that is already here -- In our midst.

Second he tells us to love one another – which means we pour out the love of Christ to one another – with genuine concern, genuine greetings of good cheer as we see each other walk into church, as we sit beside each other. Right? And finally, to be united.

Unity amidst diversity brings lasting change. Principle: Pursuing Change requires love in unity with one another.

Moving on to verse 3-4:

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.

Lets unpack this. It says do nothing out of selfish ambition. Selfish ambition means personal gain or the thinking of what’s in it for me. What do I get out of this. What do I gain from this relationship.

SO Why are we to DO NOTHING with selfish ambition, well because it reduces a genuine relationship into a transactional relationship.

What is Vain Conceit?

Vain conceit refers to an inflated sense of self-importance or focus on personal glory. If you separate this phrase. VAIN actually means empty or without substance. Walang laman. That’s vain. And Conceit means pride or self-centeredness – conceited – me, myself, and I. So if you put that together vain conceit – what do you get? PRIDE! Pride that is rooted in a shallow or false sense of worth where one’s actions or attitudes are driven by a desire for recognition, admiration, or superiority, rather than genuine purpose or contribution or LOVE.

So church, how do we do away with Selfish Ambition or Vain Conceit in 2025? Well it requires another change and its highlighted in verse 3:

Here it is: Pursuing Change requires humbly valuing others above self. And that’s our second principle

You know brothers and sisters. Understand that True greatness lies in serving others and lifting them up rather than exalting oneself.

Proverbs 16:18 warns, “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall,”

Haughty Spirit meaning – arrogant, judgmental and self-reliant.

So what does it really mean to VALUE OTHERS ABOVE SELF? You know valuing others is an attribute of Christ that is often under emphasized. Why? Well because in our world today VALUE is based on someone’s achievement, right? The value of a company is based on its balance sheet, its assets, its earnings report. VALUE is based on a certain measure of financial or social success.

OR Based on someone’s status in life. The more wealth, power, influence – the more they are valued. And so, it becomes an ambition to have more money, more clout, and more connections.

So the world sees value as an intrinsic worth based one status. BUT that’s not what JESUS teaches. When Jesus demonstrated Valuing others above self., HE shifted the worlds system of understanding of VALUE. And he taught us



1. Shift from Self-Centeredness to Others-Centeredness.

A shift from the natural inclination to prioritize personal interests and ambitions, self-value and REPLACING IT with the intentional focus on UPLIFTING, SUPPORTING, AND SERVING OTHERS.

Let’s talk about this real quick:

• Uplifting means encouraging, by word of prayer. Speaking words that build hope and confidence rather than criticism.

1 Thessalonians 5:11 “Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

• SUPPORTING is often about showing up—being there during trials and struggles, offering a listening ear or a shoulder to lean on – that’s real support!

• And Serving Others – This my dear friends is the nature of CHRIST himself. The word SERVE itself is mentioned 290 times in the bible. That’s how important it is.

1 Peter 4:10: “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”

JESUS led by example by serving others – that called servant leadership and NOT LEADERSHIP-SERVANT. Serving Involves Giving Time, Effort, And Money Or Resources Without Expecting Anything In Return.


2. Valuing others is Acknowledging that every person is uniquely made in the image of GOD.

Valuing others is Acknowledging that every individual is made in the image of GOD as Genesis 1:27 mentions!

each and every individual is fearfully and wonderfully made as we are reminded in Psalm 139:14.


3. Valuing others is putting aside personal convenience or desires to meet someone else’s needs.

It really is sacrificial love. Its being generous with our time with others, especially those in need. Visiting the sick in the hospital, praying for the people in jail. Helping out a foreigner in their struggles, reaching out to the widow. Spending time with the elderly and just being patient with them.

Moving on Lets look at verse 5:

In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus:

So in our dealings with one another, in how we build relationships, in how we cultivate our culture with one another – whether, believers with unbelievers. – regardless – it is with the relationship built with one another – we are to have the same MINDSET as CHRIST JESUS…… We are going to camp here as we unpack what the mindset of Christ Jesus Is.

Notice that the verse there ends with a colon : that’s important as Paul explains clearly what the Mindset of Christ is in the following verses:

Lets read verses 6-8:

Who, being in very nature God,

did not consider equality with God

something to be used to his own advantage;

rather, he made himself nothing

by taking the very nature of a servant,

being made in human likeness.

And being found in appearance as a man,

he humbled himself

by becoming obedient to death —

even death on a cross!

JESUS who is himself GOD. Set aside HIS LORDSHIP, His Glory, His Power – He didn’t use any of this to His advantage while on earth – He had the power to silence His accusers, to stop the persecution, I mean he had all the power, wealth, glory, honor- yet HE set this all aside. – HE MADE himself NOTHING and decided to be a servant of GOD the Father.

He decided to become a SERVANT of GOD, HE DECIDED it’s a choice. took on FLESH, became like one of us. He ate, slept, breathed, experienced our trials our pains, experienced building relationships, took on a ministry that required complete and utter dependence on GOD.

He Humbled Himself. Underline that in your bibles. It is a choice to be humble. JESUS demonstrated this himself. He chose to be humble.

And finally, He was obedient, even if it meant death. Now dear friends, the LORD JESUS is not asking us to die on the cross just like HIM – no no, this was part of His mission. But what is highlighted here, what is clear is his complete OBEDIENCE to God.

So to sum this verse up, the mindset of Christ is a decision to be an Obedient Humble Servant of God . That’s the mindset of Christ. An Obedient Humble Servant of God.

Obedience, Humility, Servitude – this goes hand in hand. One cannot fully exist without another. It takes humility to be a servant and obedience is the act upon which this is demonstrated.

Humility is a posture of the heart, Servanthood is the posture of mind, and Obedience is the action the ensues.

Principle: Pursuing Change requires the mindset of Jesus Christ.

As we foster our relationship with others in 2025. We start with the decision to transform our minds into the mindset of CHRIST.

How do we apply this?

1. We treat each other with respect, we humbly interact with one another, we speak with grace and kindness.

Colossians 4:6: tells us “Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.”

2. We remain calm and understanding when someone makes a mistake, we offer guidance instead of criticism or judgement.

Ephesians 4:2 “Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.”

3. Obedience to God involves forgiving others as He forgives us. This demonstrates humility and reflects God’s grace. So it’s time to Let go of resentment after an argument and choosing reconciliation over pride. May mga tao ba kayong iniwasan last Christmas? Were there people you forgot to greet this Christmas because of resentment?

“Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.” (Colossians 3:13)

4. Humility and obedience to God involve being truthful and reliable in all relationships, building trust and respect. Do this by being honest about mistakes instead of shifting blame – especially when it’s uncomfortable.

“The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.” (Proverbs 11:3)

Okay. I will admit this may seem like it’s so hard to do. It sounds like a chore or a task or a responsibility! Well the truth dear friends: nothing worthwhile is really easy. This about this: – Most people don’t have the energy to exercise because they do not exercise. That is true right!

If your mind already tells you its difficult to exercise, you’ve already drained the energy your body needs to exercise – that number ONE and number TWO – the ENERGY, the Power, the Strength comes from the very source of the task itself. What do I mean –

Most people don’t have the Mindset of Christ because they don’t seek Christ! We need more of Christ! We need more of you LORD. Ask for more of the spirit of CHRIST. Lord I need you in this situation, LORD I need you in my relationships, LORD I need you in my ministry. LORD I need you in everything that I do.

Now back to Philippians 2 and were now in Verse 9-11. Lets not get lost in the woods here, lets go back to our guide chapter. Philippians 2, 9-11. These verses details the result of JESUS’ obedient humble servitude: Let’s read that:

Therefore God exalted him to the highest place

and gave him the name that is above every name,

that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow,

in heaven and on earth and under the earth,

and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord,

to the glory of God the Father.

Wow! How about for believers? What rewards await the obedient, humble servant of GOD? A lot – Crowns, Treasures and an Inheritance.

There are several scripture references to the crowns the obedient, humble servant of GOD will receive. The Crown of Life, the Crown of Righteousness, The Crown of Glory, The Crown of Rejoicing and finally the Imperishable Crown. And then you have treasures in HEAVEN. That’s why the LORD said store up treasures in heaven where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal – that’s Matthew 6:20.

Finally, Paul ends the section of this chapter, with the words THEREFORE – in verse 12

Lets read that 12-13

Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.

He says to work out your salvation. Some people think this means that we earn our salvation. NOT at all for SALVATION is FREE – if you read the text closely it says to work-out. What does it mean to work out? it means to actively live-out your salvation. From Verses 1-11, Paul has been teaching us the principles of Pursuing Change to live-out in 2025. Working out our salvation means to continue doing it until the full measure of the year is complete. This is not a new years resolution, it’s a whole year commitment.

3 Principles:

Pursuing Change requires love in unity with one another.

Pursuing Change requires humbly valuing others above self.

Pursuing Change requires the mindset of Jesus Christ.

As we actively live-out the implications of salvation in daily life—we reflect the Character of Christ. We must remember, dear friends, and PAUL emphasizes this in the verse – we can’t pursue change on our own – WE NEED CHRIST, HE is with us – Read it there, in verse 13:

for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.

God works in-us, through us, with us – to accomplish HIS good purposes in our lives and who is rewarded in the end – WE ARE! Praise Be To God!

In conclusion, Paul tells us in Verse 14-16

Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.” Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life. ….

Paul ends this section of the chapter with a reminder. That as we pursue change throughout the year 2025, that we do it without complaining and arguing – so that we graduate – borrowing from Shyans sermon two weeks back – we graduate from a believer to a child of God.

And finally he ends with hold firmly to the word of LIFE. What is the word of LIFE? The bible. So that you will shine brightly among the stars in the sky!

And we end with the 4th principle:

Pursuing Change requires us to hold firmly to the Word of God. . . . . . .

Change to happen in my life – change in my thoughts, my words, my deeds. Change to happen in my circumstances, change to happen in my ultimate destiny.

Romans 10:9 says this:

that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

If you want to experience the goodness and love of GOD in your life today and for eternity.

Raise up your hands. For those who raised their hands. I invite you to close you eyes and we’ll do as Romans 10:9 says. LORD, I surrender my life to you today. I am a sinner in need of your help. Forgive me LORD for my sins and I confess that only you LORD JESUS have died on the cross for me, and rose from the dead for me. Thank you Jesus for reconciling me back to GOD. Thank you JESUS for the gift of eternal life with GOD. Amen!

Welcome to the kingdom of GOD! Surely goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life.

Praise Be To God!