Summary: God is calling out to each of us to turn to Him – to repent and follow completely. What we do with this simple command shows who He is to us (it’s personal); so if we choose to run away from the things of God then we choose us over Him!

2024 Christmas Series – Part 6

Sermon 6 – A lesson of faithfulness to God

Luke 2:25-40

Dismiss the children for Children’s Church and Nursery

Wednesday nights to resume on January 15 at 6:30pm / Lunch Today


- Welcome to Seasons! This morning, we conclude our series on Advent

-- RE: Advent is the fulfillment of God’s desire to restore a relationship with us

-- We celebrate one truth: the arrival of the Messiah, God’s Redeemer, Jesus

- This past week we talked about:

• God’s announcement bringing joy and worship

• Saw that God’s promises are (still) declared for everyone

• How we can have faith that God’s assurances brings hope … even for today

- This morning, as we conclude our study of Advent, I’d like us to see:

• What we celebrate at Christmas matters to God (He is invested in you)

• He still knows your heart (even when we don’t think He does)

• God calls us to be faithful (in everything that we do)

- Read Luke 2:25-40

Point 1 – Question: What did you celebrate this Christmas?

- This past Christmas, do you remember what you celebrated most?

-- Did you appreciate the latest technological gift? Perhaps a new appliance?

-- Perhaps you just appreciated and celebrated time with your people?

-- Or maybe even some much-needed clothes given by someone who loves you? ?

-- All of these are good things to celebrate, because they remind us we are loved

- However, we also had the opportunity to celebrate God’s gift to us in Jesus

-- Jesus is the reason we celebrate, but we can’t only remember Him once a year

- Simeon was a reverent servant – lived as a God-fearing and obedient man

-- He was found in the temple when Mary and Joseph brought Jesus (circumcision)

-- Simeon carried a promise: before his death he would see the Christ (v26)

-- INFO: The commandment to circumcise male infants on the eighth day of life originates from the Book of Genesis, where God establishes the covenant with Abraham, instructing him to circumcise himself, his descendants, and all males in his household. Done at the beginning of 2nd week of life; live through Sabbath.

- Consider: This was the sole goal of his life; he knew he would see the Messiah

-- APP: This fact governed his life and his mission to continually follow God

-- His faith strengthened him b/c he knew that God was all he would ever need

-- CHALL: Do we live with this kind of anticipation to see Jesus? (pause)

- Celebrating Christmas is an important part of the Christian faith

-- But did we sing praises and rejoice because God has revealed Himself to us?

-- Or (CHALL) do we worship out of habit because it’s what we do on Sunday?

-- Take a look at Simeon’s praise as he rejoices in what God has done (v29-32)

- “I have SEEN your salvation” … (confession)

-- “Let your servant die in peace, as you have promised” … (reminder)

-- “He is a light to reveal God” … (fulfillment of Genesis 3:15)

-- IMP: Once you “receive” Jesus, you are no longer a part of this world’s grasp

-- “Amazing Grace” is perfect example of this: I was once blind, but now … I see!

- Fact is, once we know the Lord, we become free from the captivity of sin

-- That is, unless we choose to continually live and dwell in sin’s grasp

-- For us: we can accurately choose to follow Him because of what He’s done

-- Did you remember Jesus this week? Did you worship His arrival in your life?

-- RE: Tuesday: See, Know, and Remember are key components for the Christian

- TR: In each of our lives, there is a call to obedience just like this! Why?

Point 2 – FACT: God already knows your heart

- Mary & Joseph marveled at their words; because it strengthened their faith (v33)

-- Certainly, as they heard these words they realized the responsibility before them

-- As they heard these glorify God’s work - they stood amazed (GR: thaumazó)

- But there is a key here that we must grasp – this is the revelation of Jesus’ (v34) purpose and what He has come to this Earth for: He’s come to transform the church … and to redeem all those that are part of it! See it for yourself:

- vv34-35: “This child is destined to cause many in Israel to fall, and many others to rise. He has been sent as a sign from God, but many will oppose him. As a result, the deepest thoughts of many hearts will be revealed. And a sword will pierce your very soul.”

-- Greek: rhomphaia; a sword, scimitar; fig: war, piercing grief

-- Hebrew: no direct word, close: “chereb”; signifies a weapon of war / judgment

-- APP: Why? Because the piercing He does will reveal our deepest intentions

-- What God does is call our nonsense out – even when convinced we’re right!

-- SEE: Simeon says that their soul will also be pierced (none are exempt)

- BIG: The response to Jesus always reveals the condition of the hearts near Him

-- CH: Our views / decisions regarding Christ become a mirror He and others see!

-- It shows the "thoughts of the heart"; it is by this God will judge us (Rom 14:12)

- APP: This is why our testimony is so critical in the world we live in today

-- Our response to Jesus demonstrates how we feel about His Lordship in our life

-- EX: If you are not faithful to what He clearly instructs … it tells a clear story!!

- When we consider the command of making disciples here’s where we can start

- TR: It is found in the way Anna’s story is revealed to us

Point 3 – Challenge: When will you be obedient to live for Him?

- Anna was a prophet, a widow, who spent her time at church: “night and day”

-- She lived a life of humbleness, fasting, and prayer – devoted to God’s promises

-- APP: Was also a woman faithful to be available to God above all else (v37)

- Being at the temple, she was prepared and ready to share the word of God

-- She found herself in a position to come across Simeon’s praise of who Jesus is

-- And then, her response was the same: she joined him in praise of God’s work

-- Why? (v38) – she talked about the child that she too had seen; promise of God

- APP: When it comes to being obedient to follow through and worship, here’s an example of living that no matter how old we get … we can stay focused on Jesus:

-- The writer of Hebrews said in 10:24-25, “Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.”

- FACT: Obedience means that we are living the life God has called us to live!

-- We celebrate because we are joyful of what He has given us: FREEDOM

- SEE: The freedom we have is what began at Christmas – must get this:

• The reason it’s important to live for Him is because He knows your heart

• God’s work, and your response to it, reveals how you react to Him

- TR: If we will not share Him knowing this then truly … what will it take?

Two Closing Questions / Words of Encouragement

1. Can Jesus really be our Lord if we will not obey Him?

- God presents us with a choice: to obey (and serve) or disobey (and deny) Him

-- This morning we have the privilege of coming together to worship & celebrate

-- We have the gift of God given to us to pay for our sins; but will we accept it?

-- Then, what we do afterwards demonstrates how we have changed! (witness)

2. Will we accept the charge to tell others about Him?

- God is calling out to each of us to turn to Him – to repent and follow completely

-- What we do with this simple command shows who He is to us (it’s personal)

-- If we choose to run away from the things of God then we choose us over Him

-- It is my prayer that 2025 brings us closer than we’ve ever been to Him!!

- Resolutions always (say: ALWAYS) fail … but God is eternal; Jesus is eternal

-- EX: Gym memberships will skyrocket next week and then plummet by March

- Ask yourself: Are you ready to commit to His way over yours?

-- Are you thankful to share what Jesus has done for you?

-- This is where we must start – with the simplicity of the Christmas purpose

- Simeon and Anna did, and look at God’s reward: They HELD the Messiah!

- God’s promise has already been given … will you share it with others?

- Pray