We will soon leave the year of 2024. Some people see 2024 as a difficult or even bad year because they experienced so many problems this year, whether in finance, relationships, or health. They may even lose something precious or someone they loved this year. So, they are disappointed with God and cannot givee thanks to Him for this year. Some others see 2024 as just like other years, nothing special happened. For them, life is just as usual. I don’t know how you view the year 2024. But as we leave this year, I want you as children of God, to have the right perspective of your lives in 2024 and therefore, like King David, you praise God and give Him thanks! Let’s read Psalm 103.
If we look at David’s life, we find how sometimes he was at the peak of success like when he defeated Goliath and later was chosen to be King of Israel. But there were times when he was afraid, frustrated, and miserable like when King Saul hunted him and wanted to kill him even though he did nothing wrong. Or when he fell into the serious sins of adultery and murdering an innocent man, sins that caused some terrible consequences in David’s life. Or when he prayed for healing for his son with Bathsheba, but God didn’t grant his request. Or when his son, Amnon raped his half-sister, Tamar. Or when another son, Absalom, tried to kill him (can you imagine how you would feel if your son wanted to kill you?). So, we see how David experienced a lot of hardship and trials in his life and yet he could say, “Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.”
Instead of letting disappointment, failures, frustration, shame, and depression control his life David encouraged and told himself to praise the Lord. There are times in our lives when we feel miserable and terrible. In that situation, we need to learn from David to tell ourselves: “Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.” Otherwise, we will let those negative feelings put us down and make us depressed. In this situation, we will become an easy target for the enemy to defeat us. Lately, we’ve heard more and more how people who faced financial or relationship problems fell into the devil’s traps and shot their family members, coworkers, or friends. Congregation, when we allow bad things to control our minds, when we meditate on negative thoughts or feelings, instead of the Lord’s goodness, we also can fall into the devil’s traps. Therefore, no matter how this year has been for us, let’s say to our soul: “Praise the LORD, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name!”
The second thing that David told himself in verse 2 is “Praise the LORD, my soul, and forget not all his benefits (or “His goodness”).” When we face hardship and tribulation it is so easy for us to forget God’s goodness. We then conclude that God is not fair or is not good. It is like the Indonesian proverb says, “A drop of ink ruins the whole milk in the jar.” So don’t let the ink of failure or the ink of an unanswered prayer or the ink of disappointment ruin your whole life. Remember what the Lord has done for you. Forget not all His benefits (plural means many benefits). So, never forget what God has done for you in the past so that you can be strong in facing challenges at present and hope for the future.
From verse 3 to 18 David lists the good things or benefits that God has given to him. We also have received them, even more, because of what Jesus Christ has done for us.
For example, in verse 3, he said: “who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases.” Haven’t our sins been forgiven? What a blessing and joy to know that God has forgiven our sins. Also, the fact that we can be here tonight means that we are still alive and strong enough because God heals and protects us. Did you know that last year, according to the National Vital Statistics System, 3,090,582 in America died? 40,990 people died in motor vehicle traffic crashes.
In verse 4, he said: “who redeems your life from the pit and crowns you with love and compassion.” David did not say, “Who frees me from all troubles and difficulties in my life.” Why? Because as long as we live in this world, even though we have been adopted as children of God, we can still experience illness, and financial difficulties, be treated unfairly by our superiors, be slandered, become victims of crime, earthquakes, and so on. So being a Christian does not free us from all the difficulties in the world. However, when we experience all of that, the LORD has actually helped us. Unexpectedly, He intervened in His miraculous way, like He has healed Grace, my daughter-in-law, from severe epilepsy due to an accident that damaged part of her brain.
For seven years, Grace suffered a lot of seizures, sometimes 64 times a day. As a result, she only stayed at home. Surprisingly, God healed her miraculously last year, and since then, Grace has been able to leave her house. Currently, she and Ivan are enjoying a vacation in Paris. The LORD crowned Grace and Ivan with His love and compassion, just like what David says in this verse.
The words "from the pit,” also mean that not only does God save us from the dangers of this world, but even if God takes us home through a sickness or accident, we who have believed in Jesus as our Lord and Savior, will be saved from the eternal punishment. And we will live forever with Him in heaven.
In verse 5, he said: “who satisfies your desires with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.” God also has provided for our needs; we have a roof that protects us from rain and cold weather; we have enough clothes and food, etc.
In verse 6, he said: “The LORD works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed.” God is on the side of those who are oppressed. So, when we experience oppression, remember this verse.
Verses 7-18 show how God is full of compassion, grace, and mercy. He doesn’t keep a record of our transgressions. Verse 12 says, “As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.” How blessed we are to have The Lord God like Him!
We tend to want an easy and smooth life, free from various problems. Actually, GOD can make our lives like that but that is not good for us. Children who always get what they want and receive everything they ask from their parents may think their parents love them so much. But when they grow up, they will hate their parents. Why? Because they face the reality that they cannot always get what they want, and that life is hard. So, they will be upset with their parents who didn’t prepare them for that and therefore, they are not ready to face challenges in their lives.
In verse 13, David says that God treats us as His children. He loves us and knows what is best for us. He allows difficulties in our lives to train us to be strong and mature Christians. That is why James says: “Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything” (1:2-4).
So, even though in 2024 we experience various difficulties and challenges, we can still praise GOD and say that God is good. We don’t know what will happen next year. But with faith, we believe that God’s grace is sufficient for us. That He will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear. That He will never leave us or forsake us because He is God Immanuel. Therefore, with confidence we can say, “Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name.” May God bless you all!