Proverbs 22:7 The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.
There are more people enslaved in the land of the free than we would like to admit. They are slaves to debt. Credit debt is way out of control and many families are one payday away from bankruptcy.
If you check out what most debt is about, it is not for necessities, but for luxuries or desires. Big screen TVs, latest Iphones, Ipads, Ipods, Idids, Ididn'ts etc, etc,
Even what are considered necessities, homes and cars are often way beyond need. The added initial cost, the interest, taxes and the insurance costs have people teetering on the edge of repossession or foreclosure.
Add the cost of stress on the person, strain on the family and extended overtime trying to maintain a lifestyle and you are have slavery as bad as anything we have seen in history. Families break up over arguments about money which only causes more financial stress for both people.
The American dream is often more of a nightmare. Christians are called to be givers and if we are enslaved to debt, we cannot do it.
1Timothy 6:8 And having food and raiment let us be therewith content.
Notice that not even shelter is in this verse. Contentment is lacking in America. We are never satisfied. We want the biggest, best and newest everything, Our clothes have to have certain names on them as does all of our accessories. Even our coffee needs to be of the expensive brands when we mostly drink it as a drug to get us going in the morning.
Indeed, it is all a facade, since we live in a land $18 trillion dollars in debt and are a borrowing nation when we were once a lending one. We can hardly fuss about that when we are personally as badly in debt.
We do live in perilous and teetering times so it would be wise for every Christian to reevaluate their contentment level and get out of debt. That may mean downsizing the house and car. It may mean changing where we shop for clothes and how much we need in our closets. It may mean drinking QT coffee or brewing our own at home. We may need to keep our electronic equipment for a few years instead of getting new ones with each upgrade that comes out.
I know some reading this would be thrilled to be out of debt, but you are out of a job or having other issues. Well, if those that could, would get out of debt they would have more to give. You might be surprised though that if you looked around there may still be places where you can save money. Premium cable may need to go to the least level or even getting an antenna to cut cable completely. Fewer services on your phone may also cut costs.
I can remember when I was first saved and the pastor spoke about tithing I was convinced that it was impossible. I was an E5 with two kids. As I pondered it one day, it was as if the Lord literally turned my head to the N gauge trains that were my hobby, I had enough money going into that to make my tithe. I had no excuse. I started tithing. God has blessed me for that and I owe all that I have thanks to Him and a frugal wife.
It can be done. You can get out of debt. Some may take longer to do it than others, but freedom is worth the effort. The Amish and Mennonites are normally in good financial shape because they need less to maintain their lifestyle. Maybe six months to a year of being like them would do wonders for your debt and bring you into freedom.
Don't be a slave in a free land. Ask God to show you where you can start and ask Him to bless your decision to be content. It will be awesome.