To the Ends of the Earth, Part 42
Paul’s Arrival in Rome
Acts 28:16-31
Dismiss children for nursery (under 4) and children’s church (ages 4-7)
NO Wed nights: Jesus’ teachings (The Beatitudes), Changing our Perspective
Autauga Christmas Team: Food/Blankets Dec 1 … Gifts on Dec 8 (angel tree)
Baptism following our closing song today – it IS an “opportunity” to praise!
- Welcome to Seasons Church & 2024 sermon series, “To the Ends of the Earth”
- Today we come to the final message of our 11-month journey through Acts
-- I want to thank you for going on this journey with me; hope it has helped you!
-- The book of Acts concludes with Paul’s arrival in Rome (as a prisoner) …
- Read Acts 28:16-31 / Pray
- Paul arrives in Rome but is allowed to roam relatively free
• While other prisoners were sent to jails, he was allowed to secure housing
• This was probably due to the letter from Festus / Herod Agrippa about him
• A letter would be sent to detail the crimes, his was prob. favorably written
• RE: They could not find fault with him, but he had appealed to Ceasar …
- Don’t miss: God knew how this would play out – and He has ordained this
-- What Paul does on his arrival is everything he has done all along: Evangelize
-- Must understand … he knows what his calling is, and so he gets right to work!
Point 1 – Paul meets with the religious leaders
- NOTE: There were at least 7 Jewish synagogues in Rome when Paul arrived
-- He would request to meet with the leaders in order to introduce the Gospel
- KNOW: His purpose in meeting was to remove doubts about him
-- He didn’t want the rumor mill to start up which could hinder the mission
-- His motive was also to share the Gospel with them so they too would hear it
-- REM: Paul’s heart ached for his own people: Romans 9:2-3, “My heart is filled with bitter sorrow and unending grief for my people, my Jewish brothers and sisters. I would be willing to be forever cursed - cut off from Christ! - if that would save them.”
- Acts 28 clearly shows us what was said to the leaders to leave no doubt (vv17-22)
-- But, understanding “why” he does this is where I want us to focus our attention:
• He gives an incredible example of dedication to sharing Jesus
o Paul is not going to be swayed by Roman authority, or even captivity
o Acts 4:20, “We cannot stop telling about everything we have seen and heard.”
• He gives an example of how to love all people he encounters
o His sole desire is that people would know Jesus, so he shares Him first
o Romans 10:1, “Dear brothers and sisters, the longing of my heart and my prayer to God is for the people of Israel to be saved.”
- APP: Paul sets out to remove all doubt and prejudices about who Jesus is
-- This is his only mission and purpose, and so he sets this stage very quickly
-- For us: We need to be focused on the same (see v20: I am bound with this …)
Point 2 – Paul delivers a clear proclamation of his purpose
- Know this: If you want to evangelize, the message needs to be clear!
-- Several wanted to hear this message, so he gets right to work (vv23-24)
-- Don’t miss the simplicity in which he explains the Gospel ministry
1. Paul preached the Kingdom of God (Jesus’ purpose)
-- He preached that Jesus is the true Messiah who brought God’s Kingdom here
-- He preached that Jesus is the same one who will return one day for His people
2. Paul preached on the Word of God, alone! (Paul’s proof)
-- Note this – he does not embellish or water it down to make it more acceptable
-- He preaches the OT and the revelation of Jesus as it’s been seen for all in history
-- He used the Law of Moses as his foundation, then adds in the prophets teachings
-- APP: This would have been teaching these leaders would know & understand
- What’s the result? Paul sees mixed reactions; some believed, and some didn’t
-- However, he was still not deterred or worried about winning them over
-- APP: His role was to share, to let people hear the effect for denying Jesus
-- John 3:18, “There is no judgment against anyone who believes in him. But anyone who does not believe in him has already been judged for not believing in God’s one and only Son.”
-- FACT: His calling was to share what He knew – this is our calling ALSO!
- TR: How can we do this same thing? By seeing what he did and do it! He …
Point 3 – Paul preaches to those who need to hear
- RE: Paul’s target is to those who are being grafted in by God: The Gentiles
-- His ministry is not only to the Jews, although they benefit from his preaching
-- KNOW: Gospel will not return void; when it’s taught, it will bring a result!
-- APP: His desire is to willingly share and then continue to teach freely
- Don’t miss the simplicity of the message that Paul delivers
-- Said this in Week 1: The book of Acts is a roadmap of proclaiming Christ to all
• Acts opens with the Great Commission: to carry the message to the Jew first
-- Acts 1:8, “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
• Acts closes with the Gospel being rejected by the Jews and taken to Gentiles
-- Reference Acts 28:28 (see passage from today’s reading)
- Paul reminds them that even Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah would be rejected
-- He emphasizes three key points in this telling of their well-known history:
1. The unbelievers rejection is always willful (it’s a deliberate turning away)
a. Romans 8:5-8, “Those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things, but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit. So letting your sinful nature control your mind leads to death. But letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace. For the sinful nature is always hostile to God. It never did obey God’s laws, and it never will. That’s why those who are still under the control of their sinful nature can never please God.”
2. The unbelievers rejection would be fulfilled as prophesied (God is not a liar)
a. Note: Isaiah 6:9-10 is what is being quoted in Acts 28:26-27
3. The unbelievers rejection would not, and could not, be missed
a. Why? Because at our core it is who we are – we are all rebellious
b. John 3:19, “And the judgment is based on this fact: God’s light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil.”
- So, Paul declares that salvation will is also sent to the Gentiles … might ask why?
-- Because the Jews rejected the message, so he turns to those who also need it
-- APP: This is very encouraging to us as well – Paul’s calling is how we hear!
-- But, deeper than that, our target audience is those who have not believed also
- TODAY: This is why the ministry of Seasons is vital - and all must be on board
-- We are called to share what we know, and what we must know is Christ!
-- When we see how Paul never stopped, it ought to encourage us to mimic is
-- To obey, to follow, to desire that Jesus would be shared with all
- As we conclude this series, there is one piece of business that we must discuss
-- It’s where God has been leading since January, and it’s been said often already
- He has given each of us an offer of Salvation – this is what each of us need
-- It is why we minister; it is why we pray; it is why we rejoice; it is our WHY!
-- We are thankful because we are not facing life alone, we have a redeemer
-- We rejoice because of what God has given us (esp. as Christmas approaches)
-- John 3:16, “For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”
- How do you receive Jesus? The exact same way that Paul showed us (see v23)
• Admit that you are a sinner
• Believe that Jesus died for you and was resurrected
• Confess that you need Him to become your Lord and Savior
- CH: What is keeping you from knowing Him today? (must not wait…)
- CH: What is the cost to reject Him? An eternity apart from Him? Promise!
- Pray