Summary: This is the 221st sermon in the series "Action". This is the 6th sermon from 2 Timothy.

Series: Action [#221]


2 Timothy 3:14-17


For almost a year, Hobbs Schools have been making plans to construct a New Middle School and a New Heizer Middle School. I have been a part of many meetings and I meet with the Architects, Construction Company, PSFA Regional Manager, and Hobbs Operations Team every week. In all these meetings, we are still working on the blueprints. The blueprints tell the builders where and how to lay the foundation of the building. It tells them every little detail that they need to know in order to build a great and safe School. Similarly, Scripture serves as our blueprint for life. Just as a builder relies on detailed plans to create a strong and stable house, we rely on God’s Word to guide us through the complexities of life, ensuring that our lives are built on a solid foundation.

In this letter, Paul was reminding Timothy to stay faithful to God’s Word, even with all of the challenges that they were facing. Regardless of what is happening in this World, we as Christians must stay faithful to God’s Word. You either believe that the Bible is all true or you believe that it is not all true- It is an all or nothing situation.

2 Timothy 3:14

1. Continue in what you have learned.

Paul told Timothy to keep learning Scripture; but also told him to continue living by God’s Word. This is a call to perseverance and commitment. Timothy was reminded of the teachings and truths he had received throughout his life. What we learn shapes our beliefs. It's essential to revisit the truths of Scripture regularly. When life gets tough, we should hold fast to what we know. Paul points to Timothy's upbringing and the influence of his mother and grandmother. These verses invite us to reflect on the spiritual legacy we are building in our own families and communities. Faith is often caught more than taught.

2 Timothy 3:15

2. The power of Scripture.

Paul reminded Timothy of the sacred writings that he had known since childhood. These writings are not just historical documents; they are life changing. Scripture equips us with the knowledge of salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. It is not just information but revelation- Showing us who God is and our need for Him.

Each of us has our own story of how the Word of God has impacted our lives. Testimonies of salvation are rooted in the truth of Scripture. How has the Bible made a difference in your life?

2 Timothy 3:16

3. The nature and purpose of Scripture.

In verse 16, Paul emphasizes that all Scripture is "God-breathed." Each of the Books of the Bible are divinely inspired. The Word teaches us God's will and ways. The Word reproves (reprimands) us when we stray from God. The Word corrects us, setting us back on course. The Word trains us in righteousness, helping us grow in our faith. The Bible is not an outdated book. It is relevant and beneficial for all aspects of our lives. We must approach it with open hearts, ready to receive the truths God has for us.

2 Timothy 3:17

4. Equipped for every good work.

Finally, Paul concludes with the purpose of being grounded in Scripture- “The servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” The word "thoroughly" speaks of wholeness. Scripture equips us to be the people God has called us to be. It fills in the gaps in our knowledge and empowers us to act according to His will. The reading of Scripture and understanding of its truths are not the end goal- They are meant to spur us on to good works. What good works is God calling you to engage in as a result of your time in His Word?


Each of us needs to dive deeply into the Word of God. Let it shape your beliefs, provide you wisdom, and prepare you for the work God has for you. As we continue in what we have learned and are equipped through Scripture, may we boldly live out our faith and reflect the love of Christ in all that we do.