Summary: This is the 220th sermon in the series "Action". This is the 5th sermon from 2 Timothy.

Series: Action [#220]


2 Timothy 3:1-13


In July, Hobbs Schools hired a new Athletic Director- Jeremy Soria. Mom called me at work and asked where Jeremy’s office was located and I told her. I also asked why she would need to know that, and she told me that she had taught him in Kindergarten. Her next statement was the comment that got my attention- “I have had many of my students from Southern Heights make the Newspaper; but not many have been for good things”. Mom went to his office and congratulated him and gave him a card. He still talks about it all of the time. The sad part of this story is that this has not happened very many times although she taught at Southern Heights for 27 years.

Our text this morning talks about living during terrible times and how Christians should deal with it. Paul wrote this letter during a time of great persecution for the early Church. His words reflect not only the moral decline of society but also the spiritual challenges that arise when we live in a World distant from God. Paul’s warnings are relevant today as we observe a shift in values and an embrace of behaviors that place self before God.

2 Timothy 3:1-4

Don’t be naïve, recognize…

1. Our reality.

The 1st thing we must do is acknowledge the reality of our situation. Paul warns us of "terrible times in the last days.” This phrase summarizes the chaos, the moral decay, and the persistent sense of confusion that characterizes much of our World today. We see people loving themselves more than they love God, pursuing selfish desires rather than the Kingdom of God.

Here is the list of sins given by Paul:

* Self-centeredness- Love of self (narcissism) as a root cause of societal issues.

* Greed- Love of money leading to exploitation and corruption.

* Pride and arrogance- The spirit of rebellion against God's authority.

* Disobedience to parents- Erosion of family values.

* Unloving and unforgiving- Lack of compassion.

* Slanderous behaviors- The spread of lies and gossip.

* Without self-control- Impulsivity and loss of moral restraint.

* Brutality- A culture of violence and desensitization.

* Lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God- A shift of focus from spiritual to temporal satisfaction.

2 Timothy 3:5-9

Don’t be naïve, recognize…

2. Phonies.

Paul writes of those who have "a form of godliness but deny its power." Many may go through the motions of faith- Attending church, engaging in fellowship, performing acts of service; but are we truly transformed? Is our relationship with God evident in our daily lives?

* Deception in the Church.

We see teachings that twist Scripture to fit personal agendas rather than align with the heart of God. We must be discerning, testing all teachings against the truth of the Word.

* The importance of truth.

Paul contrasts the learning of these individuals with a failure to grasp the truth. There is a danger in accumulating knowledge without allowing it to impact our lives. We must move beyond mere learning to a transformation of heart and mind.

* Victory through faith.

Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, we too will face opposition; but do not forget that the victory has already been won through Jesus Christ. We stand on that promise.

2 Timothy 3:10-13

Don’t be naïve, recognize…

3. God’s call on your life.

Paul was teaching about the characteristics that he was living out and things that he was going through. These characteristics should be found in all Christians.

Characteristics of…

* Purpose.

What is your purpose? If it is not to lift Christ up in all that you do, that is a problem.

* Faith.

Who or what is your faith in? Do you trust God in all things at all times?

* Patience.

We have talked about patience many times. You gain patience through going through things.

* Love.

The entire Christian life is built upon love. We are to have the same love that God has. As Paul said in

1 Corinthians 13, it doesn’t matter all of the things you do if you do not have love. If you do not have God’s love, you are like a clanging cymbal.

* Endurance.

Don’t give up. Christians have to keep going.

Christians will have to deal with…

* Persecution.

Paul goes on to say that ”everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted”.

* Suffering.

Paul went through all types of suffering; and he says that is part of the Christian life.


As we close today, let us reflect on our role in this present age. Are we just spectators to the chaos around us, or are we active participants in God’s redemptive work? Let us not be those who merely carry a form of godliness; but let us tap into the true power of God, allowing it to transform us. In perilous times, we have a hope that does not fade, a truth that does not waver, and a God who remains the same yesterday, today, and forever. So, let us go from this place, equipped and empowered, fully aware of the challenges we face, yet encouraged by the promise of God’s presence.