Matt. 9:18-25
1. A Pastor had a dinner at the house of a couple in his church. After he left, the wife noticed his spoon was missing and it bothered her. “I think the Pastor stole our spoon!” she told her husband.
2. A year went by and the couple had the Pastor to dinner again. Unable to resist, the wife said, “Pastor, did you take one of our spoons last year?” The Pastor said, “No, I put it inside your Bible!”
1. We confuse climate with weather. They’re not the same thing. Climate is defined as "the change in the weather patterns over decades to millions of years." Weather is what is happening right now.
2. Climate is, in fact, what controls weather. Climate dictates what the weather will be like. There is also a “climate” in our human lives, that affects our daily weather.
3. Some of you are fighting storms, trouble, difficulties and you only seem to get temporary relief. Then those same challenges show up on the horizon again! We spend a lot of energy fighting WEATHER when we should be working on controlling the CLIMATE!
C. EXAMPLE: MT. PINATUBO ERUPTION, 1991, Philippines. “The very large stratospheric injection (15M tons of SO2, Sulfur dioxide) of dust, ash & aerosols resulted in a volcanic winter, a reduction in the sunlight reaching the Earth's surface by roughly 10%. This led to a decrease in Northern Hemisphere average temperatures of 1 °F and caused the "Summer that Wasn't" in 1992. [Wikipedia] Mt. Pinatubo reset the climate and affected the weather for years! We’re going to see this contrast in the N.T.
1. “While he was saying this, a synagogue leader came and knelt before him and said, ‘My daughter has just died. But come and put your hand on her, and she will live.’ Jesus got up and went with him, and so did his disciples. When Jesus entered the synagogue leader’s house and saw the noisy crowd and people playing pipes, he said, ‘Go away. The girl is not dead but asleep.’ But they laughed at him. 25 After the crowd had been put outside, he went in and took the girl by the hand, and she got up.” Mt. 9:18-19,23-25
2. The title is “Spiritual Climate Change.”
1. When Jesus arrived at the synagogue leader’s house, they pushed their way through the gossips looking for a story and the neighbors bringing in casseroles.
2. Jesus was abrupt: “Clear out! This girl isn’t dead. She’s sleeping.” They told him he didn’t know what he was talking about. Jesus didn't mess around. He was abrupt. He instantly, intentionally and yes, even forcibly, took control of the climate.
3. We would have dealt first with the weather – the event of the death. But Jesus went straight for the climate.
4. Jesus dramatically shows us that things in our lives – unforgiveness, destructive habits or emotions, and people who tempt or bring us down, etc. – need to be removed from our lives before we can see positive change.
5. Jesus cleared the house! He didn't wait for people to wander out! Jesus recognized that He had to deal with the doubters and scoffers. Healing couldn't come until the bad neighbors exited. Some of those people present were PAID MOURNERS!
1. There are some people who are banking on your brokenness; who would be negatively impacted if you got a healing! They’ll try to convince you that your dream is dead when it’s only asleep. They’d rather you be sick or your marriage be dead, or whatever makes you dependent on them!
2. Some of us need to hear that. We need to FACE OUR FEARS so the climate can change! Just like at Jairus’ house, there are some things in your life that are dead and need to be brought back to life. Maybe your HOPE, your FAITH, or your DREAMS!
3. ELIJAH also changed the climate at Mt. Carmel. First, he brought miraculous fire to people’s faith. Then he “took out” the false prophets. Lastly, he prayed for rain to end the drought. The climate change allowed for a weather-change!
4. What’s driving your life? Is your weather affected by a negative climate? Take control of the climate! EXAMPLES:
a. DEBT – you may have a climate of overspending or a lack of tithing.
b. BROKEN RELATIONSHIPS – you may have a climate of anger, a sharp tongue, selfishness, etc.
c. JOB – you may have a bad climate on your job.
d. IMPURITY – we MUST manage what we listen to or watch.
e. LONELINESS- you may have a climate of insecurity, unwarranted shyness, or even rejection.
5. A new chapter can start in your life! The negative influences in your life must be put out the door, if you’re going to get victory! If you don't, the old patterns will keep repeating. Some old friends will cheer you right back into defeat. They’ll tempt you right back into falling.
6. Sometimes God would rather you deal with the pain of their absence than with the consequences of their presence!
1. Let’s shift gears. If we’re going to change the climate of our lives, this calls for a new climate to be established. If we want our lives to be blessed, successful, prosperous -- then it’s our responsibility to establish the right climate that will produce that weather!
2. Romans 12:1-2, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice....Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve [put into action] what God’s will is....”
A. DO YOU NEED RENEWAL? Charles Finney identified the characteristics of a backslidden heart:
1. When we leave our first love.
2. When we withdraw from entire surrender to God and become controlled by a self-pleasing spirit.
3. We’ve fallen away when we no longer enjoy spiritual things above all others. "For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also" (Matt. 6:21). Our conversation quits being about Jesus.
4. When our serving God is more from habit rather than the out-gushing of an inner spiritual life. Do you have feelings for God.
5. An ungoverned temper. Instead of being patient, sweet, and loving, we’re irritable, impatient and selfish.
6. You know you’re backslid when you’re searching for worldly amusements rather than desiring to spend time with the Lord.
7. When we’ve lost interest in outreaches to the poor, the needy, and the lost, then we’ve lost the heart of Jesus.
8. When secret, private prayer is regarded more as a duty than as a privilege, we’ve departed from our relationship with God.
9. A lack of interest in God's Word is the most conclusively proof that a Christian has a backslidden heart. While the heart is full of love, no book in the world is so precious; but when that love is gone, the Bible becomes not only uninteresting, but often repulsive.
1. METAMORPHOSIS means: “The process of transformation from an immature form to an adult form.”
2. The Monarch Butterfly has 2 DISTINCT LIVES. In one it’s an earthbound worm. It can only crawl on the ground. It’s ugly and most people wouldn’t want to touch it.
3. After its change, it becomes a creature of the air, which can fly above the trees. Its perspective is no longer earthly; it can look down from above. It’s become a beautiful thing – a creature that creates awe and wonder.
4. Now we’re tempted to think that these 2 creatures can’t be related; but there we underestimate the power of God! And the same way He can turn a worm into a butterfly, He can turn you from a sinner into a saint!
1. Peter says you were “born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the Word of God, which lives and abides forever” 1 Pet. 1:23. You’re NOT like other people.
2. God has a great plan for you. As a child of God, YOU HAVE POWER – GOD’S POWER – within you to overcome the world. You have power over sin, because Jesus-within-you defeated all sin.
3. YOU HAVE RESOURCES NORMAL PEOPLE DON’T HAVE – the Holy Spirit, Angels, a new Nature, God’s Providence, divine appointments, insight, etc. So this means you can do things normal people can’t do.
1. The Psalmist said, "I have hidden Your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against God”(119:11). The Word of God is our sword against temptation. It’s like a fire that burns-up things up & like a hammer that breaks them to pieces.
2. The Word instructs us in the way we should go. The Word and the Spirit give us understanding from God’s perspective.
1. Prov. 16:6, “…by the fear of the Lord men depart from evil." Many people feel they can continue to sin and yet maintain their freedom of whether they sin or not. Don’t be deceived! Sin will always make you go farther than you want to go; pay more than you want to pay; and stay longer than you want to stay.
2. Once you have yielded to temptation, it's harder to resist the second time. Sin opens up an avenue through which Satan can work to destroy you.
1. Rom. 12:2, Phillips Trans, “Don’t let the world around you squeeze you into its own mold.” Living Bible, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but be a new and different person with a fresh newness in all you do and think.”
2. Our minds are the battlefield. Satan wants us to think like the world, but God tells us to adopt His thoughts – from the Bible.
3. We must learn how to sift our thoughts; to keep the good and reject the bad. That’s where your temptations start. God wants us to think only positive, Spirit-inspired thoughts. “Take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Cor. 10:5).
1. One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple.” Ps. 27:4
2. “As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God” Ps. 42:1.
3. “O God, You are my God; early will I seek You; my soul thirsts for You; my flesh longs for You in a dry and thirsty land there there is no water” Ps. 63:1 Develop a desperation for God!
1. The famous artist, Gustave Dore was traveling from one country to another in Europe when he lost his passport, which was required to be shown by every traveler.
2. Trying to cross to the next country he said to the border agent, “I am sorry, but I have lost my passport. I am the artist, Gustave Dore. I hope you will let me pass.”
3. “Oh,” said the officer, “you can’t deceive me. Many people try to pass through, claiming they’re some famous person.” But Dore declared he actually was the famous artist.
4. The border agent said, “We’ll soon see if you’re the famous painter. Here’s a pencil and paper. Do you see that group of tourists? Make a sketch of them for me!”
5. The great artist did, and so lifelike was the sketch that the officer was immediately convinced and let him pass through! [7,700, #1522].
6. HIS IDENTITY WAS PROVEN BY HIS NATURE! A tree is known by its fruit. Do you have the fruit of Jesus?
A. ILLUSTRATION: The example of Garbage Mary
1. There once was a lady named Garbage Mary. She was dubbed that name by the media when she was picked up by police in a shopping mall in Delray Beach, Florida. She was a filthy mess. So were her car and her two bedroom apartment.
2. Neighbors told of her scrounging through garbage cans in search of food, which she took back to her apartment. Police found the garbage everywhere; in the refrigerator, in the stove, in the cabinets-even in the bathtub.
3. But, they found other things as well. They found Mobil Oil Stock worth more than $400,000. They found documents indicating she owned oil fields in Kansas, stock certificates from prominent firms, and passbooks from eight large bank accounts. Police also discovered that Garbage Mary was the daughter of a well-to-do lawyer and bank director from Illinois, who had died several years earlier.
4. Garbage Mary was a millionaire, but she lived like a pauper. Great wealth was at her fingertips, but she spent her life sifting through garbage and trash. [Jeff Simms]
5. WILL WE ACT LIKE PAUPERS OR KING’S KIDS? Paul said, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” Rom. 12:2.
1. First step: Repent of Our Old Life of Sin.
2. Second: Resolve to give ourselves completely to Jesus.
3. Commit to the Christian disciplines of daily reading the Bible, being filled with the Spirit, avoiding all sin, controlling our thoughts, and walking as Jesus walked.
[This is a rewrite of Steve Ely’s message of the same title]