Summary: Mercy triumphs over Judgement

I need an Override!

The other day at the store, a new cashier tried ringing up a shopper. After a while it became obvious that the lack of experience had factored in to the exercise. The client’s purchases were messed up and despite her best efforts the new employee could not correct the situation.

There was only one way out. She used her mouthpiece and called for the manager. When the manager came, she simply said, “I seem to have messed up this purchase, I have tried everything, the till very much like a computer has frozen up. I need you to override.”

The manager brought out a special key hung around her neck, put it in the till, twisted it, pressed some keys on the till and it unlocked. She wiped out all the errors and once again the employee could now ring up her customer. The situation was saved!

In life many of us are in that situation. Something has definitely gone wrong and suddenly we are at a complete dead end. When you are at the red sea, there are a few hundreds of thousands of you and there is an enemy armed to the teeth catching up to you to massacre you, you need an override.

When the radiologist and the oncologist both urgently summon you and your spouse to a meeting and they say you should set your house in order you need an override.

When the local wickedness in your neighborhood has set upon your family, casting spells and curses and you suddenly start suffering financial and health set backs, you need an override.

When the mortgage company has declared that your house is up for sale because you have not been able to pay your mortgage for three months, you need an override.

When your spouse for many years now says you are no longer who they want to be with, you need an override.

An override like we identified in the first few paragraphs is necessary when something has been concluded in the negative against us.

Overrides are necessary when a situation has already been judged with a negative outcome.

An override is a game changer occurrence that reverses what is or has gone bad.

The widow of Nain in Luke 7:11-17 needed an override. The widow of the wife of sons of the prophets in 2 kings 4:1-7 needed an override. Blind Bartimaeus in Mark 10:46-52 needed an override. The woman with the issue of blood in Matthew 9:20-22 needed an override. The Shunammite woman in 2 Kings 4:18-37 needed an override! The lame beggar at the gate called beautiful in Acts 3:1-10 needed an override! Paul and Silas in prison in Acts 16:25-34 needed an override.

The Bible is replete with individuals, communities and peoples who at one time or another needed an override.

Before we pray, I want to remind you of the greatest override ever done to mankind. When Adam fell spiritually in the garden of Eden, mankind was doomed to eternal damnation. The only way for us to be redeemed was through the redemptive power of the shedding of the Blood of Jesus on the cross. Colossians 2:14 KJV says that Jesus "blotted out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross," Ordinances are laws, statutes, legalities. Rules that the have been set as traps by the enemy to accuse us. He is not called the Accuser (Revelations 12:10) for nothing.

But then Christ went and took the bull by the horns! He went and died for our sins and for our salvation. He Saved us from eternal damnation and every possible accusation.

You know why? And here is where I am going to:

MERCY TRIUMPHS OVER JUDGEMENT! James 2:13 Amplified Bible.

states “For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; but [to the one who has shown mercy] mercy triumphs [victoriously] over judgment.”

So, there is an OVERRIDE for every situation. That override is the key to mercy held by the only WAY whose name is Jesus!

If you are not a child of God, bow down your head right now and let's get you on the side of Mercy! Say this prayer after me:

Lord Jesus, for too long I’ve kept you out of my life. I know that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. No longer will I close the door when I hear you knocking. By faith I gratefully receive your gift of salvation and mercy today. I am ready to trust you as my Lord and Savior. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for coming to earth. I believe you are the Son of God who died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead on the third day. Thank you for bearing my sins and giving me the gift of eternal life. I believe your words are true. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and be my Savior. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

Welcome to the kingdom of Christ Jesus. Where all sons and daughters are winners.

Let us pray now for overrides for ourselves and situations. May the Lord answer your prayers. Amen!

Oh Lord let your mercy override every evilly congregated judgment over me and my family in the name of Jesus!

Oh Lord let your mercy reverse every concluded negative diagnosis over my health and that of my family members in the name of Jesus!

Oh Lord let your mercy override evil spells, incantations and curses activated against my family and me in the name of Jesus!

Let the mercy of God and the Blood of Jesus turn around every legal proceedings against me in the physical and spiritual in Jesus name!

Oh Lord, let your mercy cancel evil projections from evil altars and evil priests over my life and finances in the name of Jesus!

Oh Lord, Let your mercy triumph over the afflictions affecting me because of any faults affecting my bloodline and foundation in the name of Jesus!

Oh Lord let your mercy open doorways of grace for abundance to do your will and fulfill all destiny in the name of Jesus!

Oh Lord you are the God of all flesh, and nothing is too difficult for you. By your mercy, reverse the irreversible for me in the name of Jesus!

