Summary: An innocent believer who knows his place in God can never be defeated.

Apostle Paul suffered so many oppositions and persecutions from wicked men as he propagated the kingdom of God on earth; yet he

remained unruffled and finished his course on earth (2 Cor I1:23-

30, 2 Timothy 4.6-8).

"And there come thither certain Jews from Antioch and iconium

who persuaded the people and having stoned Paul drew him out

of the city, supposing he had been dead".

"Howbeit as the disciples stood round about him, he rose up and came into the city.- (Acts 14:19-20).

Even when he was stoned to "death", he revived and continued his ministry to completion. He could not be defeated until he finished his course on earth.

Paul was no doubt Innocent. He completely exemplified what serving God in the New Testament means. He practiced what he preached (2 Cor 10:11). He was strong and finished well.

There is no telling the power an innocent believer can wield on

earth. God will gladly manifest himself through him to bless

mankind tremendously. Let our INNOCENCY BEFORE GOD and

Men be maintained and we will effectively propagate the kingdom of God on earth more effectively.

_Be Innocent!_