Summary: Today, we’ll discover that true strength comes from within, rooted in our faith in God. Through the examples of Moses, David, and Jesus, we’ll learn to overcome doubt and embrace the power He has placed in us.

Opening Bible Verse

“For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man.” – Ephesians 3:14-16

Prayer and Opening Illustration

In a dense forest, a group of frogs set out to scale a towering cliff. Though locals claimed it was impossible, they gathered to watch. As the frogs climbed, discouraging words rained down from the crowd: “It’s impossible!” “You’ll never make it!” Most frogs grew weary and gave up, burdened by these doubts. But one frog climbed on, undeterred, finally reaching the top. Only then did the others realize that this frog was deaf; it hadn’t heard a single word of doubt, only the call of its goal.

This story echoes our own spiritual journey. When we shut out voices of discouragement and focus on God’s call, we’re equipped to accomplish incredible things.

2 Corinthians 4:16

“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”


The Apostle Paul often speaks of the "inner man" and "outer man" in his writings, distinguishing between physical strength and the spiritual resilience within us. Outward appearances can be misleading—someone who seems strong may be weak inside, while those who seem frail may have powerful inner strength. We see this in examples like Samson, who, though physically mighty, was internally vulnerable, and Paul himself, who was physically limited yet achieved great things through God’s power. Today, let’s reflect on the journey of discovering inner strength and becoming resilient from within.

Turn to the person next to you and say, “You are stronger than you think.”

What Makes You Strong?

True strength comes from a threefold foundation:

Your Faith in Jesus

He is the source of all strength, the foundation that upholds us.

Belief in Yourself

God created you uniquely. With His guidance, you know yourself best.

Focus and Determination

Grounded in God’s will, determination helps us stay on the path He has set for us.

Examples of Inner Strength in Scripture


Moses was an elderly shepherd when God called him to lead Israel out of Egypt. Though others saw only an old man with a stutter and a walking stick, Moses demonstrated unwavering faith. Daily, he faced complaints and doubts, yet he remained focused, drawing strength from his faith, his self-belief, and his focus on God’s purpose.


David, a young shepherd, stood before Goliath with no armor and only a slingshot. Despite appearances, David’s faith made him a warrior. He trusted in God, believed in his abilities, and stayed focused on his mission. David’s words in Psalm 28:6-7 remind us of this inner strength:

“Blessed be the LORD, because He has heard the voice of my supplications! The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped…”

What We Learn from Jesus’ Strength

Jesus embodies the greatest example of inner strength. He came as a humble man, mingling with common people, and yet, His resolve was unbreakable. On His way to the cross, Jesus endured unimaginable suffering, yet He remained steadfast, focused on God’s purpose. Isaiah 50:7 describes His resolve:

“For the Lord GOD will help Me; therefore I will not be disgraced; therefore I have set My face like a flint, and I know that I will not be ashamed.”

Through His sacrifice, Jesus showed that strength comes from a higher purpose and an unyielding focus on God’s mission.

Personal Testimony: Finding My Strength

Growing up, I faced challenges that made me feel small and discouraged. My classmates mocked me, calling me names, and I struggled to find confidence. But as I grew older, I discovered a gift that set me apart—my love for music, nurtured in church. With encouragement from my family and teachers, I found strength in myself that I hadn’t seen before. I went on to lead in school activities, transforming the way I saw myself. That inner strength, rooted in God’s guidance and my unique gifts, led me forward. Today, I see that what once seemed like weaknesses became points of growth.

Discovering Your True Strength

Psalm 121:2 – “My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.”

Just as ships are surrounded by water yet stay afloat until water enters, so must we guard our hearts from the doubts around us. Remember, you are created in God’s image (Genesis 1:27), renewed in His knowledge (Colossians 3:10), and deeply loved.


When surrounded by voices of negativity, look inward, toward the strength God has placed within you. In moments of doubt, remember 2 Corinthians 4:16:

“Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.”

Let’s hold onto these three pillars:

Faith in Jesus – He is your strength.

Belief in Yourself – You are unique, designed by God.

Focus and Determination – Persevere in God’s purpose for your life.

May you be blessed as you discover the strength that God has placed within you. Amen.