Summary: This message is about walking like David in faith regardless of what is transpiring in life.

Stand with me and lift your Bible and repeat after me.

This is my Bible.

I am what it says I am.

I can do what it says I can do.

I am going to learn how to be what it says I can be.

Today I will learn more of the living God.

The indestructible, never ending, living word of God.

I will never be the same.

I will never be the same.

In Jesus name.

"With God We Will Do Things Valiantly"

Today's message is from the Psalms.

Psalm 108 is a unique psalm composed from earlier sections of David’s writings (Psalm 57 and 60). It reflects David’s steadfast trust in God and his confidence in divine deliverance.

The message of Psalm 108 is clear—our hearts must remain steadfast in worship and trust because God alone grants us victory. This is a call for each of us to trust fully in God, even in the face of challenges, and to acknowledge that His love and faithfulness never fail.

1. A Steadfast Heart in Worship (Verses 1–2)

"My heart is steadfast, O God! I will sing and make melody with all my being! Awake, O harp and lyre! I will awake the dawn!"*

There is an Unwavering Commitment to Praise:

Despite difficulties, David’s heart is steadfast in worship. This means that no matter the circumstances, his first response is to exalt God.

We, too, should cultivate a heart of worship that doesn’t waver with circumstances. Sometimes, we face trials, and the temptation is to retreat or stop praising God, but it’s in those moments that our steadfast heart must rise.

Worship changes our perspective and prepares us for God’s intervention.

I want to share a personal story about a well-known example of someone who worshipped God in adversity, leading to a breakthrough.

My favorite is song is "Amazing Grace." I felt it the song after I accepted Christ.

2. God’s Glory Above All (Verses 3–5)

God’s Faithfulness and Love: David moves from personal worship to recognizing the greatness of God’s steadfast love. This love isn’t limited by human circumstances—it’s vast, reaching beyond the heavens.

No matter what we go through, God’s faithfulness is unshakable. His love covers us, sustains us, and carries us through. We may feel overwhelmed, but we can always trust that God’s love is greater than any situation.

The sun rises every morning regardless of the weather, symbolizing how God’s love and faithfulness are constants in our lives. Even when clouds (our problems) cover the sky, the sun (God's love) is still shining.

3. Prayer for Deliverance (Verses 6–9)

"That your beloved ones may be delivered, give salvation by your right hand and answer me.

David’s Prayer for Help: Here, David earnestly prays for God’s intervention and deliverance. His confidence isn’t in his ability but in God’s power to save.

We can come to God in prayer with the same confidence. When we face battles—whether spiritual, emotional, or physical—we can cry out to God, knowing He is our deliverer.

I was sharing a message at a church in Florida about healing prayer and as people came forward in prayer a young woman came forward but before she could ask for anything, the Lord touched her and allowed her to begin hearing out of her right ear. She had never been able to hear out of that ear. I had nothing to do with it, but she said, "Thank You." At the end of the service, I told her that I had nothing to do with it and she said, " you talked about faith and told us that needed prayer to come forward." If you had not done that it may not have happened. "

4. Victory Through God Alone (Verses 10–13)

Psalm 108:12–13

"Oh, grant us help against the foe, for vain is the salvation of man! With God we shall do valiantly; it is he who will tread down our foes."

Trust in God, Not in Man.

David acknowledges that human efforts alone are not enough. True victory comes from God’s power, not human strength.

This is a call to depend fully on God. Often, we try to fix things ourselves or lean on others for help, but David reminds us that only God can bring us victory. Whether you’re facing an internal struggle, a family issue, or a spiritual battle, trust in God alone.

Psalm 108 calls us to a life of steadfast worship, deep trust in God’s love, and confidence in His victory. David’s example teaches us that with God, we can overcome any obstacle. Our battles are real, but God’s power is greater.

Call to Trust: If you are facing a situation today where you need God’s deliverance, remember that “with God, we shall do valiantly.” The key is a steadfast heart that trusts in His faithfulness.

As we close, I want to invite you to respond to this message in a personal way. Psalm 108 speaks of a God who is faithful, who loves us with a love that reaches beyond the heavens, and who delivers His people.

Is your heart steadfast in worship today?

Perhaps you’ve been going through a difficult season, and you’ve struggled to keep your eyes on God. Maybe fear, anxiety, or circumstances have caused you to waver in your faith. If that’s you, God is inviting you to refocus your heart on Him.

Do you need deliverance in some area of your life?

Like David, are you crying out to God for help? Whether it’s a personal struggle, a family issue, a health concern, or something else—you can come to God in prayer today, trusting Him for deliverance.

As we enter a time of prayer, I want to invite you to come forward to the altar. This is your moment to meet with God, to declare that you trust Him, and to receive His help and victory.

1. For those who need a steadfast heart: Come forward if you desire a renewed heart of worship, a heart that remains fixed on God despite life’s challenges.

2. For those who need deliverance: If you are facing battles, if you need God's intervention and help, come forward and let’s seek His salvation together.

3. For those who need victory in their lives: If you’ve been relying on your strength, this is your time to surrender fully to God and trust Him to fight your battles.

Let us pray together.

“Father, we thank You for Your steadfast love that reaches beyond the heavens and for Your faithfulness that never fails. We come before You with hearts of worship, trusting in You alone for deliverance and victory. As we come to this altar today, we ask that You meet each person here. Strengthen hearts that need encouragement, bring breakthrough to those seeking deliverance, and grant victory to all who are trusting in You. We surrender all to You, knowing that with You, we will do valiantly. In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen.”