Summary: In a world that glorifies strength and perfection, many quietly suffer with their own brokenness behind smiling faces and perfect images. Brokenness—whether through loss, broken relationships, unmet expectations, or deep wounds—is part of the human experience.

Title: Broken But Loved

Scripture: "The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit." - Psalm 34:18 (KJV)


Brothers and sisters, I want to talk to some hearts today. There are times when life just doesn’t make sense, times when we find ourselves standing in the middle of a mess, holding the broken pieces of dreams, shattered hopes, and battered faith. But I want you to hear me this morning: the message of Psalm 34:18 reminds us that we are not alone in our brokenness! It tells us that the Lord, our God, is near—yes, nigh—to those whose hearts have been torn apart. And He saves those who are crushed in spirit.

We live in a world that celebrates perfection. We scroll through social media and all we see is the highlight reel of other people’s lives. We hear about success and victories, but nobody talks about the pain that comes when the cameras are off and the lights are dim. But today, we’re not here to hide our brokenness. We’re here to bring it into the light of God’s love. Because in the hands of God, brokenness is not a barrier—it’s an invitation for Him to come close and work His healing power in our lives.

I. The Reality of Brokenness

First, we need to acknowledge something that many of us struggle to admit. We are broken. Yes, you and me. Everyone under the sound of my voice has faced brokenness in one form or another. It’s part of the human experience. We live in a fallen world, a world marked by sin, suffering, and sorrow. And if we’re honest with ourselves, we know that brokenness doesn’t just exist out there—it exists right here inside us.

A. Recognizing our brokenness

It takes courage, family, to recognize that we’re not perfect, to admit that we have areas in our lives that are fractured, that are falling apart. Too many of us walk around pretending like everything is fine. We wear the mask of strength, but inside we’re barely holding it together. Let me tell you this: pretending to be whole doesn’t make you whole. Ignoring your brokenness doesn’t heal it. We have to be real with ourselves, real with God, and even real with each other. Until we can say, “Lord, I’m broken,” we can’t receive the healing that God wants to pour into us.

B. The sources of brokenness

But where does this brokenness come from? Oh, I know, it’s not all our fault. Sometimes we are broken by circumstances beyond our control—by illness, by betrayal, by the loss of a loved one. Sometimes we are broken by the sins of others, by people who walked into our lives and left us worse than they found us. And sometimes, yes, sometimes we are broken by our own choices, our own mistakes, our own sins. But here’s the good news: no matter where the brokenness comes from, God’s response is the same. He doesn’t turn His back on us because we’ve made mistakes. He doesn’t walk away when life breaks us down. Instead, He draws closer. He’s not afraid of our mess.

C. The impact of brokenness on our lives

But oh, how brokenness can affect us, church. Brokenness can change the way we see ourselves. It can make us feel less than, unworthy, unlovable. Brokenness can isolate us, making us feel like nobody understands what we’re going through, like nobody can really help. It can lead to depression, to anxiety, to fear. And for some of us, it’s led to bitterness. But I’m here to tell you that even in the midst of all that, God is near.

II. God's Love for the Broken-hearted

Now, here’s the beauty of this scripture. It says, "The Lord is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart." He’s not far away, waiting for you to get yourself together. He’s nigh—right there with you, sitting in your pain, walking with you through the fire, standing beside you in the storm. God doesn’t abandon the broken; He loves the broken-hearted with a fierce, unfailing love.

A. God's compassion for the broken

When we look at the Bible, we see God’s heart of compassion for the broken. Look at how He met the woman at the well—alone, ashamed, rejected by her community. Jesus didn’t avoid her; He sought her out. He sat down right beside her and spoke to her heart. Look at how He touched the lepers, those who were cast out by society. Jesus wasn’t afraid of their disease, their broken bodies—He healed them. Family, that’s the God we serve! He’s not intimidated by our brokenness, He’s moved with compassion toward us.

B. The transformative power of God's love

And let me tell you something about the love of God. His love doesn’t just comfort us in our brokenness; His love transforms us. Hallelujah! When we let God into the broken places, His love goes to work. He begins to heal the wounds that we thought would never close. He begins to restore the joy that we thought was gone forever. And where there was once only brokenness, God begins to build something beautiful. His love has the power to make all things new.

And I feel God speaking right now... to someone who has felt abandoned, someone who feels like they’ve been left out in the wilderness. "I see you," says the Lord. "I have seen your tears. I have heard your cries in the midnight hour. You are not alone. I am with you, even in this. My child, I am healing you from the inside out. I will restore what has been taken from you. I will bind up your wounds and give you beauty for ashes, the oil of joy for mourning." Hallelujah, somebody ought to praise Him right there!

C. Experiencing God's presence in our brokenness

It’s in our brokenness that we can experience God’s presence in a way that we never have before. When we are strong, we rely on our own strength. But when we are broken, we become fully dependent on the strength of God. And that’s where intimacy is born, in the moments when we have nothing left to give, and we simply say, “Lord, I need You.” When you are broken, you are in the perfect position to experience the closeness of God like never before.

III. Finding Healing and Restoration

But God doesn’t just come close to us in our brokenness—He heals us. He restores us. He lifts us up from the ashes and makes us whole again. Aren’t you glad we serve a God who doesn’t leave us in pieces? Aren’t you glad He’s the kind of God who picks up every shattered fragment of our lives and puts us back together again?

A. The role of faith in healing

Healing requires faith, church. Faith to believe that even though I’m broken right now, God is able to put me back together. Faith to trust that even though I don’t understand why I had to go through this pain, God has a purpose in it. Faith to say, “Lord, I don’t know how You’re going to do it, but I believe You’re going to heal me.” Faith is the key that unlocks the door to healing.

B. The importance of community

And let me say this: healing doesn’t happen in isolation. We need each other. God designed us to walk this journey together. You need people in your life who will pray for you, who will encourage you, who will remind you of God’s promises when you’re too weak to hold onto them yourself. That’s why the enemy wants to isolate you in your brokenness—because he knows there’s power in community. Don’t isolate yourself; connect with people who will stand with you.

C. Embracing the process of restoration

Now, sometimes healing is a process. Sometimes God doesn’t heal us overnight. Sometimes He takes us on a journey of restoration, step by step, day by day. And in that process, God is teaching us. He’s strengthening our faith. He’s building our character. Don’t rush the process, because there are lessons in the valley that you’ll need when you get to the mountaintop.

And the Lord is speaking even now... "Do not despise the process. I am working in you, even when you don’t see it. I am shaping you, refining you, preparing you for what I have ahead. This season of brokenness is not your end—it’s your preparation for greater things. Trust Me in this season, for I am making all things new. What was broken, I am restoring. What was lost, I am returning. And you will come out of this stronger, more anointed, and more powerful than ever before." Hallelujah! Somebody give God glory!


Family, as we come to a close, I want you to know that your brokenness does not define you. Your pain does not have the final word. God is near to you, right in the middle of your brokenness. And He is not only near—He is healing, He is restoring, and He is making all things new.

So, I invite you today—bring your brokenness to the Lord. Don’t hide it, don’t run from it. Bring it to the One who can heal every wound, the One who can turn your brokenness into beauty. Come to the One who is near to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. Hallelujah!

Call to Discipleship:

If you're here today and you're feeling broken, don’t leave this place the same way you came. God is ready to heal you, restore you, and give you a new beginning. Bring your pain to Him. Bring your broken heart to the One who is near. Trust Him with your brokenness, and watch Him work a miracle in your life. Hallelujah! Amen.