Summary: We are entrusted to take what we know, and share it with the same confidence that Paul demonstrates before the Roman court. This is why we come to church – to get ready to tell others what Jesus has done!

To the Ends of the Earth, Part 38

The Trial and Defense of Paul

Acts 26:1-18


- Welcome to Seasons Church & 2024 sermon series, “To the Ends of the Earth”

-- Last week: 2-part message began with 7 diff. types of people we may encounter

-- This morning, we conclude this message with a focus on the why this matters

-- SEE: This is Paul’s testimony of why he does what he does; this is his “WHY”

-- He knows who he is witnessing to … so his message is clearly presented!

-- Prayerfully it will impact you in the same way it did me (and thousands before)

- Read Acts 26:1-18 / Pray

Point 1 – The Life and Testimony of Paul

- Paul was called to testify to the charges against him – note his attitude

1. Paul is courteous in his defense (vv1-2) (none won to Jesus with bitterness)

2. Paul acknowledges that Herod Agrippa is familiar with Jewish customs (v2)

3. Paul asks for patience as he explains why he is this way (v3)

- Paul quickly sums up his life for Herod Agrippa:

• He led a very strict life with a strict (Jewish) upbringing (v4)

• He was taken to Jerusalem at a very young age for his schooling

• He was immersed and thoroughly educated in Jewish Law

• RE: He was under the greatest of teachers (Gamaliel, ref Acts 22:3)

- He was raised/accepted as a Pharisee - A strict religionist (see v5)

-- Greek: Pharisaios; member of a Jewish religious sect

• Word is that he was “one of the separated ones”

• They were the Orthodox – organized solely for preserving the Law

• The were stern literalists (RE: Law broken down into 1,000s of laws)

• As a group: Self-righteous, hypocritical, & tolerant of no exceptions!

- Don’t miss: Pharisees were the main opponents of Jesus Christ (why?)

• He was not one of them (Jesus did not come from their “schools”)

• He confronted their rituals (Jesus taught about the fulfillment of the Law)

- Paul’s own words testifies in Philippians 3:4-6, “… though I could have confidence in my own effort if anyone could. Indeed, if others have reason for confidence in their own efforts, I have even more! I was circumcised when I was eight days old. I am a pure-blooded citizen of Israel and a member of the tribe of Benjamin - a real Hebrew if there ever was one! I was a member of the Pharisees, who demand the strictest obedience to the Jewish law. I was so zealous that I harshly persecuted the church. And as for righteousness, I obeyed the law without fault.”

- Paul led a very demanding observance of the Law (vv9-11)

• He gave his voice – or his vote – to the persecutions of the Christians

• As a Pharisee, Paul was also a member of the highest court of the Land

• He was a member of the Sanhedrin – only most deserving were allowed

• RE: This was the group who approved the hunting down of Christians:

o Acts 4: The Sanhedrin is concerned that the Romans will take their power and destroy Jerusalem; they forbid Peter and John from teaching about Jesus

o Acts 5: The Sanhedrin questioned the apostles after a miraculous jailbreak; the priests want the apostles killed, but Gamaliel, a respected teacher of the law (Paul’s), calms the situation

o Acts 6: Stephen is brought before the Sanhedrin to face charges

- TR: Paul starts off this way to give a full back story to Herod Agrippa …

Point 2 – The Justification of Paul

- KNOW: One of the main beliefs for the Jews was for a Messiah to come (v6)

-- This was a promise God had given their ancestors when He established the Law

- The primary charge against Paul was that he spoke of the Messiah having come

• WOW: The ones accusing him were ones who believed the same thing!

• Only difference being that the Messiah was found in the person of Jesus!

- Compounded, this same Messiah had resurrected and raised to life

• SEE: Paul even asks why this is so hard to believe? See v8

• They believed God had this power and authority – yet they refute it!

- Jesus promised this very thing in John 6:40, “For it is my Father’s will that all who see his Son and believe in him should have eternal life. I will raise them up at the last day.”

- APP: If God is truly able to do all things, why could He not have done this, too?

• Examine their thinking; the reason is quite obvious (also what we see today)

• If Jesus is the Messiah, then they have refused Him out

• This would mean all their “earthly” wisdom/training is wrong

• They would have to admit that they have missed Him (and repent)

• Repentance would mean their religious sect (their power) falls apart

• And with that – so does their comfortable seat of authority among people!

- TJ: Not slamming personal accomplishments at all … but we see this today

• People love their place in society FAR more than submission to Jesus!

• Why? Because we’ve wanted to be in charge since Genesis, Chapter 3 …

• EX: Millionaire pastors with their own private jet and mansions … really?

• EX: Church attenders who want to control how people live, dress, think, etc.

• BIG: The Pharisees would have to submit and repent of their pride to Jesus

- TR: Everything Paul did would have been focused on faithfulness to religion

-- However, something obviously happened to Paul that changed all of this

-- This leads us to Paul recounting his testimony with the court …

Point 3 – The Mission and Ministry of Paul

- Paul tells about his conversion, and does so with complete boldness (vv12-17)

-- Note the four things he relays to the court and their importance:

1. There was an astounding light that blinded him

2. There was a strange voice that spoke to him from this powerful light

3. There was an appearance by the Lord Jesus directly to Paul

4. BIG: He received an incredible commission to go and teach/preach

- IMP: Paul prob did not expect to be struck down and made blind

-- But bigger: he certainly did not expect to be saved and called to minister!!

- Paul’s task was to be a witness of God’s incredible grace to the Gentiles

-- Just consider the calling that Paul has and the impact even today!

- We see five specific tasks given to Paul in his ministry …

1. To open the eyes of men (to help them see the truth)

a. 2 Corinthians 4:6, “For God, who said, “Let there be light in the darkness,” has made this light shine in our hearts so we could know the glory of God that is seen in the face of Jesus Christ.”

2. To turn men from darkness to light (to keep us from fumbling about)

a. Romans 13:12, “The night is almost gone; the day of salvation will soon be here. So remove your dark deeds like dirty clothes, and put on the shining armor of right living.”

3. To turn men from the power of Satan to God (turn us from slavery of sins)

a. 1 John 3:8, “But when people keep on sinning, it shows that they belong to the devil, who has been sinning since the beginning. But the Son of God came to destroy the works of the devil.”

4. To forgive men their sins (to show us what grace truly is)

a. Ephesians 1:7, “He is so rich in kindness and grace that he purchased our freedom with the blood of his Son and forgave our sins.”

5. To give men a spiritual inheritance (to focus us on a future and hope)

a. Colossians 1:12, “always thanking the Father. He has enabled you to share in the inheritance that belongs to his people, who live in the light.”


-Why does this matter (why is it imp to retell this same story again)?

-- This is the very same calling that you have today! BIG: It is not just for Paul!

-- It is the story of truth of what Jesus has done, and what we must learn & do

- If you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, this is our commission on 10/20/24

-- We are entrusted to take what we know, and share it with the same confidence

-- TIP: This is why we come to church – to get ready to tell what Jesus has done!

- What is keeping you from telling others what Jesus has done for you?

-- Do you really want to stand before Him and give an excuse for why you didn’t?

-- Paul’s boldness allows for no doubt/pause … will we do the same?

- This morning, maybe you can decide to do the same – to stop making excuses …

-- Pray