Summary: A Seven Part Sermon on How What We Know Today Has Degraded From The Original Pt 2

1 The proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel; 2 To know wisdom and instruction; to perceive the words of understanding; 3 To receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, and judgment, and equity; 4 To give subtilty to the simple, to the young man knowledge and discretion. 5 A wise man will hear and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels: 6 To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise, and their dark sayings. 7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

2. Have you ever had a discussion with someone whom you notice doesn’t know information about what they are talking about, but they are very sure they know everything? For example, talking about where to eat, I might mention that my wife is from Bolivia, and a person might say as several have in the past, “Oh, she must love tortillas!” What just happened with this statement is what some call ‘an apples to oranges’ comparison. The person presumed that tortillas are made in all Latin American countries. Their logic and reasoning failed them by presumption, they should have simply asked what is her favorite food. We forgive these little mistakes, but flawed thinking may create a conflict.

The logic and knowledge of this person did not help them perceive that the foods, music, culture, politics, and customs are different in every single Latina American country! Certain similarities exist, but the history, ancient native roots, attitudes, race mixes, language dialects, and religious innuendos make up each country be noticeably varied. Presumptions and our limited human logic, unless educated by God, will always fail us, so we must live and learn in life and accept humbly much correction about many things.

Spanish is spoken in all the Latin countries, 21 of them, so does that mean if we want to know how many people speak Spanish in the world, we should just add up all those populations? Yes, no, maybe so? Did you know what you will get? Around 300 million! But here is the problem, I just taught you a lesson on flawed logic, which failed a few of you. To know the total amount of Spanish speakers in the world you must include all the immigrants in all the countries worldwide and when you do that then that number is, according to approximate statistics, around 500 million! 600 million if you include bi-lingual ones! In the U.S. there is 42 million Spanish speakers alone!

3. Why do I choose to preach on logical reasoning? Because there is a crisis in the world right now of people who cannot reason logically! The Bible inferably teaches practicality and logic! We observe ungodly people today insisting on calling evil good and good evil. An example in the Bible of someone taking an illogical decision was King Saul when he lost the last battle and decided to fall on his sword. He knew He needed to get right with God, but when a person is not right with God, they do illogical decisions as he did going into battle when he knew he could not win. His troubled spirit was a red flag he was not right with God, but he acted anyway.

Definition: Logic is a method of reasoning that involves a series of statements, each of which must be true if the statement before it is true, for more information see Wikipedia which states it is the study of the laws of thought and correct reasoning.

Definition of logic 1 : a proper or reasonable way of thinking about something : sound reasoning 2 : a science that deals with the rules and processes used in sound thinking and reasoning.

How is it we observe that we have an educated society, somewhat functional in thinking in order to carry out complex tasks in a job, calculate bills, and survive, but these masses of millions of people conclusively seem to be taking life decisions that are illogical?! Would you not agree we see people more and more delusional, dysfunctional, impaired, stressed, medicated, and basically devoid of intelligent logic? People when it comes to discerning what is good, wholesome, and constructive seem to have lost their marbles, right? We must address this problem. Some call it mental illness, but it is an erroneously learned thought process.

4. The answer to obtaining clear logical thinking is simple, it must be practiced at what we are focusing in on today Proverbs 1: 7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction. The people of the world are being educated against logic, that a male may be a female if he calls himself that and you have no right to contradict it, and if you bring up Biblical instruction as the basis for consistency in truth and for evidence, then you are mocked and attacked by a crowd that uses insulting speech, anger and intimidation to override common sense. Logic, the facts, and the truth is getting trampled on by the idiocy of fools. Don’t get fooled to appease illogical lost souls. 2 + 2 will always be 4 in a logical world!

Logic does not come automatic as a product of having been born with a healthy mind that has the ability to think things through; it is a mind that has the ability to associate correctly the standards of God (moral & social associations) which make sense in all cultures throughout time. Respect, or a fear of God, means you understand that if you do not obey God’s guidelines, wisdom, or logic then there will be a reaping of negative consequences, and this could mean the loss of one’s soul. One cannot play with fire and not get burned! God’s logic is basic: to love Him and others as yourself! Obeying this, good judgement, good thinking, and logic follow.

A person with a logical reasoning, according to the definitions of logic, is one who has sound thinking and reasoning, and how can a person have these qualities unless they are connected to the mind of the Creator? People are like computers and Satan has installed malware viruses on everyone and it takes a planned effort and a consistent applying of God’s truth to clean out all the confusing inconsistencies programmed in us by our parents, the media, the so-called education systems, by certain erroneous religious teachings, and by our own limited flawed deductions. Most everyone possesses a certain degree of tainted filtering of perceptions.

5. Basically, what verse 7 states is that a person is a fool to reject God’s wisdom and instruction, and the results are a person who will haphazardly function without reasoning logic ability and they will go from mistake to more mistakes! They will live in a chaotic confused nonsensical reality. 2 Timothy 3:7 Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.

Illogical, unspiritual, unwise and rebellious people are carnally driven, not spiritually driven, and they prepare for their selves a bad future because they reap the sum of their consequent thoughts and actions. This person becomes unable to see what the reaping of his or her actions will bring. They are blinded by sin as The Pharisees were in Jesus’ day.

In effect those who reject God and His Word are condemned to become illogical, imprudent, irresponsible, and impulse driven becoming a destructive force to their own selves and to others they come in contact with. Here is a harsh reality, wise logical people do not desire to be in the company of people who are unreasoning fools. Your heart and mind warns you that these kinds of darkened individuals are ticking time bombs. You might get stuck to pay their bills just for being associated with them!

6. Sin blinds people to the consequences of their bad actions, but the light of Jesus opens eyes to see their flawed ways clearly so they can correct them by repenting of them not repeating them. A person with a healthy reasoning and logical mind will conclude that this is the only way out of ignorance and self-destruction. All enlightened Christians that I know study many things and become highly knowledgeable in the Bible, the sciences, and in a whole gamut of things.

With logic you have several angles at which to confirm truth, you have a processing clear mind which proceeds from God. There exists informal logic, which is the study of natural language arguments, or a study of the fallacies occurring within the outcomes of discussions. There exists formal logic, which is the study of inference with a purely formal content. Symbolic logic is the study of symbolic abstractions that capture the formal features of logical inference. Symbolic logic is often divided into two main branches: propositional logic and predicate logic.

Mathematical logic is a subfield of mathematics exploring the applications of formal logic to mathematics. It bears close connections to metamathematics, the foundations of mathematics, and theoretical computer science. The unifying themes in mathematical logic include the study of the expressive power of formal systems and the deductive power of formal proof systems. We often fear things we do not understand, but God wants us strong prepared in all things. 2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

7. In the world’s education several standard models of logic exist. As Christians we should include in our knowledge the basic studies of philosophers, but only to a limited degree as the Greeks being wise in their own eyes became fools. Sometimes in the world we will need to debate or teach deep thinkers, those who have studied these types of concepts. Not all concepts are evil, some are good but discernment from God is the key factor. Consider these details of what logic should include as defined by past scholars:

Consistency, which means that no theorem of the system contradicts another.

Validity, which means that the system's rules of proof never allow a false inference from true premises.

Completeness, which means that if a formula is true, it can be proven, i.e. is a theorem of the system.

Soundness, meaning that if any formula is a theorem of the system, it is true. This is the converse of completeness.

Expressivity means one can express concepts within the system which has no errors.

All of these filters or concepts can lead you to sound deductive truths, and obviously all truth will coincide with everything God’s Word has taught us. John 16:13 However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.

Christians must do their best to influence others out of darkness, confusion, stupidly, illogicalness, and falsehoods. In our current climate the Bible, Jesus, and the truth (& the truth on any matter) is usually mocked, considered dumb or unintelligent, persecuted, and silenced. But the truth will stand on its own and we must speak it in order for it to be a part of the narrative amongst our families, friends, and the community. Jesus did not remain silent when contradicted, neither should we concerning God’s standards. Jesus often answered with questions that got a person to think deeper and see through their own hypocrisy.

8. I am concerned about sound thinking as today quite a few people have lost much of their reasoning abilities, and we see some people living their lives as a cork on the water being tossed everywhere by evil influencers with no direction or understanding of consequences. Ephesians 4:14 that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting,

There is in effect evil plots to destroy young and old minds, and these subversive plans have been effective, just look at the illogical logic in society today! Minds are dazed and confused why? Because self-serving brutish infiltrators, often belonging to secret societies, have purposefully corrupted and made contradictory or illogical practical local laws, education (Common Core), and even corrupted some church systems! The influence of subversive media, drugs, and conflicting, mental fuse blowing signals prevail in today’s realm to the point many people live confused, stymied, silenced, frustrated, and angry. When speaking the truth incites hate and drama you can conclusively deduct that we are too far isolated from the Truth, which is in the Word of God. Stupidity reigns amongst rebellious demons who often lead the narrative. With nonsense they shout down others because their logic cannot hold water!

A recent article I posted pointed this out.

9. There is a time for everything, a time to fight for the truth, for logic, and for sanity, but with some people that have their minds fried from demons, those who reject Christ, you have to let it go. Proverbs 26:12 Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? there is more hope of a fool than of him. Romans 1:28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which are not fitting. Many stubborn mind crippling demons will not exit except by prayer & fasting on the part of those involved.

Romans 12 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service. 2 And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 12:16 Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits.

With true children of God there is a unity, a love, a logicalness, a consistency, and a simplicity that makes sense and it brings peace.

With God there is order, consistency, understanding, wisdom, and logic! Don’t try to argue, entertain, or get emotionally charged over those who insist on things being their way when you see clearly that they adhere to illogical demonic insanity! Stick with the Holy Scriptures as the time proven wisdom we must live by. Logical sense, common sense, God’s sense are all the same! Try the spirits; ignore, mock, or condemn falsehoods because God’s Word is the only thing that makes logical sense in this evil world full of false illogical news, false illogical doctrines, and false illogical people. Let’s pray for discernment…