Summary: A Seven Part Sermon on How What We Know Today Has Degraded From The Original Pt. 1

2. Have you ever been informed about something, or seen something, and when you get more information, the facts don’t add up? There is the simple trick of showing a person a front view and a side view of an object. From one view the object looks like a rectangle, and from another angle the object looks like a circle. Instantly a majority conclude, this is not the same object! But when someone shows them more dimension, it comes to light that the object is a cylinder!

In order to appreciate the Word of God, which reveals all truth you have to start with a blank page, you must be ready to rewire it all. This is very hard for most people, and I think it is next to impossible to over-write what has been engraved in the mind unless you begin with Jesus. Jesus in one of His first messages stated that, “You must be born again” (John 3). Have you been born again? Have you repented to the point you know you are an absolute idiot and weak sinner without the guidance of Jesus’ Word? If so, then God has a chance to remake you, to smash your clay vessel shaped by the world and remold it into a useful vessel for Him.

I am inspired to instruct on these historically named sciences because I see heresy everywhere in most of the world’s textbooks. Fake information has been around for a long time! Many Christians reveal by their support for unbiblical stances that they are either very recently born babies in the Lord and ignorant of His Word, that they are people who have been groomed by pastors with false information and doctrines, or they are rebellious to grow up and accept the new wine or way to live the Lord is trying to speak into them. The Holy Spirit will bear witness in you if you ask for discernment over all words.

3. The issue is most people do not perceive their own mental cultural filters. When you filter coffee, does the water in your machine go through little holes in metal, through a cloth sock as in Brazil, or through a paper filter? Differences or customs are everywhere. No one can be exempt from the culture him or her was raised in which shapes how you think and perceive the world, but most people never even question if there is more than one way to understand or filter something unless they have been immersed into another culture for quite some time or prayed to have the gift of discernment. The tragedy is all cultures have degraded from God’s word into a delusion of the worship of nonsensical things. Only a few churches get it right.

What should you do anytime you are hearing preaching, teaching, or reading the Word (or any material)? You must pray for the Holy Spirit to talk to you, to reveal to you if the information you are receiving is the truth of God or not. Ephesians 1:17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:

Here is another verse from Ephesians 2:2 ‘Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience.’ In your life with Jesus, you draw a timeline of when you were controlled by the world, by your own stubborn self or even demonic forces, which divides when your life in Christ began. It is Jesus that must make us into a totally a new creature! (I Cor, 5:17) It is the written Word that reshapes us, this why knowing reading and grammar is necessary.

4. Of the seven science topics, today we begin with the knowledge of grammar. Let’s read the Wikipedia definition of it. “In linguistics, grammar (from Greek: ??aµµat???) is the set of structural rules governing the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural language. The term refers also to the study of such rules, and this field includes phonology, morphology, and syntax, often complemented by phonetics, semantics, and pragmatics.

When you think of language, what is the first Biblical account of language being used? Genesis 2:19 “And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.” Adam could talk! Adam spoke words and structured them in sentences. Notice that animals only make sounds even though many, such as apes, sheep, or horses, have a nasal cavity, a tongue, and a vibrating throat box as we do, but none of them have a unique ability to speak within a grammar construct. It’s God gift to us!

If you want to find out how many complexities are in language, you should teach a deaf child as I did. Our son Paul learned to pronounce many words (even though he could not hear them!) and he learned how to compose phrases and thus learned to read. But grammar is extremely complex and by teaching English as a second language, I learned just how many irregularities and exceptions to the rules there are. Most of us speak automatic and have a hard time explaining why you say things in a certain way. But language is not just something learned on paper, it includes the ability to understand variations and accents, interpret additional connotations to words, perceive sarcasms or exaggerations, and associate mental pictures with actions and objects linking them with pronouns, adjectives, and other qualifiers. Like when Southerners say, “Well, bless your little heart”, it actually means the opposite!

5. What I would like to point out in these seven sermons is the fact that Adam was created and taught by God himself in all knowledge matters. Adam learned everything about how the mind works, about how life and genetics work, about sacred math and geometry, about the earth and the magnetic and electrical fields, and even about the universe and the stars. Adam must have been the most intelligent human being ever created because God taught him everything about everything.

So here is the first test of accepting the truth of God, will you believe the contradictory science of today, that claims man evolved from millions of years of evolution (with dubious carbon dating and many contradictory discrepancies), or believe that God created man already evolved and intelligent? The first men were only a little lower than the angels in ability and more evolved than what we are capable of today. (Psalm 8:5) The first men were not cave dwellers making grunting sounds like an ape as shown on cartoons, people were eloquent and developed nations and unexplainable complex, still-standing, structures that people cannot even repeat today! We have devolved, not evolved!

What is ironic is the pyramids and thousands of complex structures worldwide coinciding on parallel grid lines, ancient texts, and many anomalies do not fit the picture of the first man being a brute beast living in a cave. Some people today want to explain it away, that aliens gave man the knowledge to advance in technology, but as Christians do we believe in aliens? If you do, then you must explain who created them! Christians believe in angels and demons, and both were involved with people from the beginning. Man built complex structures by what God had revealed, but some men applied this knowledge for good, while others applied it for their own pride to create a pantheon of Gods, not worshiping the true God, Yahweh. The first downgrade was sin, the sin of disobedience, pride and the rejection of God.

6. Adam taught his children all the things he learned from God. In the same manner that God created Adam with a mind that could handle extremely complex information, and in the same manner this guided him to name the animals, God also gave him and his children the creative ability to communicate in many fashions. Consider the following taken from ancient texts,

“Enoch was credited with the invention of sacred symbols and hieroglyphics; hieroglyph is translated by the Craft as “sacred carvings.” Enoch (and all ancient people) invented hieroglyphics as a means to both preserve and transmit the sacred truths in a manner safer, more accurate, and more efficient than the verbal manner, which was employed before.”

Wayne, Gary. The Genesis 6 Conspiracy: How Secret Societies and the Descendants of Giants Plan to Enslave Humankind (Kindle Locations 483-485). Trusted Books. Kindle Edition.

Why is grammar important? Because without a developed vocabulary, without an agility in communicating with others and being able to record it, without being able to understand and make yourself understood, you would live disabled to accomplish anything! In another country when you can’t speak the language you learn how hard it is quick to not know or be able to control language or grammar! You are helpless and must start as a baby to learn speech.

7. Did you know that some linguists today think that hieroglyphs are easier to communicate with than regular spelled words? Think about the dash lights in cars, or road signs, it is true, a simple little image can communicate a lot very quickly so ancient man in Samaria and Egypt was not limited or ignorant in grammar expression by icons. The Nag Hammurabi Codex is believed to be one of the most ancient writings of Sumer and it has complicated laws and is very large in volume. I have a book of it whenever you want to read it, but it is like a law book, not so exciting. But historians agree, humans have always had a complex developed language.

Early man’s error was that he started following the recorded instructions of the sons of Cain which appear for the establishment of the worship of the pantheon of gods in Egypt. Do you know which language dominated most people in the beginning? Most scholars trace the roots all the way back to the Semitic people (Sumer region), and this includes the Hebrews, Arabs and all the people from around the world originating from the area form where Noah’s ark landed.

Moses brought down the Commandments of God from Mt. Sinai and I believe, as a few Bible scholars do, that this is where the Paleo Hebrew language originated (a more complex grammar that the hieroglyphs). Moses was raised in Egypt and knew their language of hieroglyphics. It seems from Moses we have the origins of first alphabet (from God Himself). Consider this, Alef is the first letter of Hebrew, Alpha is in Greek, Latin has A (same as ours), so do you see a pattern? It is A ! So, grammar has common ancestral roots. Nimrod, a descendant of evil Cain, wrote on 2 pillars much of the sacred knowledge of God but he corrupted it. Enoch was a pre-flood being, and Nimrod was post-flood one who may have read these columns, but the point is that never have people been without a written highly developed language. (Contrary to the teaching that cave dwellers had no grammar language but could only draw stick figures).

8. How do you develop vocabulary and learn to speak with phrases beyond simple survival words? At first from your parents, then from the school, but later it comes from reading. My mother made me read the Bible when I was about age 8 and I didn’t understand everything, but I was challenged to learn more. The Bible is the best education for everything! I was fascinated by the Bible stories. Church activities for kids is extremely important so they can get interested in reading and learning more about God. If they don’t learn to worship God, the world will teach them to worship other things as we read in Romans 1.

The schools are not even teaching kids how to read anymore! And grammar is ignored! That is Satan robbing you and me and our children of our God given right to be able to read, communicate, and be understood! Satan does not want anyone to be able to read God’s Word! Demonic social engineers want to create dumb, almost illiterate, worker ants! One of the most successful ways is to dumb kids down is with new confusing grammar systems so that it makes no sense, so the kids never learn language correctly or efficiently. Ibonics and vulgar speech is glorified in movies and music, so that for a teen to speak language correctly amongst peers is a ‘not cool’ thing. As a teen my language got corrupted by vulgarity and slang, but I cleaned it up after getting close to Jesus! Movies and songs today have so much vulgarity is repulsive!

If you consider the entire world, I think possibly half or more of the world is bi or tri lingual! It takes work but most of us are capable of learning grammar and languages on a higher level, from more than one system as well. Why do I care about you being studious in language? Because without it you will not be able to lead others in the Bible to God’s truth. You are going to be limited to God unless you learn to grammatically communicate the Bible with others! I love it when we read the Word out loud as faith comes ‘by hearing the Word’ and we can hear by seeing and then by pronunciation.

9. After the Korean war ended in 1953, the country was in a total disaster. The Americans did help South Korea a bit to rebuild but do you know what was the first thing they did? The Koreans wanted the missionaries to teach them the Bible so guess what the missionaries had to do first? They had to teach an entire generation to read! And they learned! And almost instantly they progressed from out of the dark ages into an industrial age competing with Japan and China! Korea is one of the most Christian countries in Asia too! But not the North, they are still in the dark ages mainly because the Bible is forbidden! Their despot leader who murders opponents is their god. This is an example of the devolution of man worshipping a brute beast.

Another issue I have is there are certain culture groups of people in society that think they do not need all of what the schools offer. And it is true, many schools are wasting the time of our youth on subjects that they will never need, and they never teach the practical things like doing taxes or changing the oil in your car. And the High School drop-out rate is disturbing! Again, all is under Satan’ s administration to alienate us from learning about worshipping and obeying God. Schools have killed the kid’s appetites for learning.

Do you know how many young people I have known who have dropped out so they could work and help pay the rent? Way too many! A study was done on the economic levels of people, and do you know what the main factor was that led to a life of poverty? Either dropping out of school or getting pregnant! Education, and in particular language development, is key to success in life! To read, understand, and have wisdom go hand and hand. Ecclesiastes 1:13

And I set my heart to seek and search out by wisdom concerning all that is done under heaven; this burdensome task God has given to the sons of man, by which they may be exercised.

10. Don’t fall for Satan’s trick of keeping you in ignorance, embittered over your poverty, angry at others who are not the ones to blame over the injustices in the world. The greatest injustice is that people do not worship their creator, God, learning all they can about everything.

Ignorant people have invoked the degeneration of all people by worshipping the wrong people or the wrong things. How ignorant and arrogantly do people worship pop idols, politicians, musicians and millionaires forgetting that it was God who gave them intelligence and a consciousness to know that this is wrong. By not worshipping God they are fools! Hosea 4:6

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Because you have rejected knowledge, I also will reject you from being priest for Me; Because you have forgotten the law of your God, I also will forget your children.

Grammar and how we have the power of expression to turn it into sound waves in the air coming from our versatile voices, automatically recorded in our brains, is a miracle! The Word of God (brought to us in the flesh by Jesus) comforts us, instructs us and our repetition of it for millennia is what has helped societies achieve intelligence. Thank God for our ability to hear and speak! Speak His Word to others! Our own words might harm or discourage but God’s Word saves, uplifts, and enlightens!