Summary: God is sending His end-time Nehemiah’s to remove and clear the rubble, rebuild the church, and prepare for His end-time work. If you want to become an end-time Nehemiah, ask God to open your eyes to see the spiritual condition of the land and lead you to pray for it.

Meanwhile, the people in Judah said, “The strength of the labourers is giving out, and there is so much rubble that we cannot rebuild the wall.” Nehemiah 4:10

When the labourers tried to rebuild the wall of Jerusalem, they found that there was so much rubble that they cannot rebuild the wall. The strength of the labourers is failing because of the rubble. This rubble cannot be used to build the wall of Jerusalem and must be cleared out or removed. Today, we can compare the wall of Jerusalem to the Church. There is so much rubble that has accumulated in the church. This rubble cannot be used to build God's kingdom and carry out His plan. This rubble has accumulated over the years. Though there are many labourers trying to expand God's kingdom, this rubble is stopping God’s plans and work.

This rubble consists of beliefs, doctrines, denominations, and theologies that are not led by the Holy Spirit and lack the nature, character, power, and authority of Jesus. Anything that is not led by the Holy Spirit is rubble. Even though when a sermon is very good but if it not led by Holy Spirit it is rubble. All motivational sermons, good preaching, and theology that are not led by the Holy Spirit is also rubble. This rubble cannot be used to build and expand God’s Kingdom. This rubble is powerless and worthless, but consumes space and wastes time. This rubble cannot be used to prepare the church for God's end-time work. This rubble has to be removed from the church. The Holy Spirit builds God’s kingdom through us.

If we are not involving (or led by) the Holy Spirit, we are building our own kingdom rather than God's.

God is sending His end-time Nehemiah’s to remove and clear the rubble, rebuild the church, and prepare for His end-time work. If you want to become an end-time Nehemiah, ask God to open your eyes to see the spiritual condition of the land and lead you to pray for it. It all starts in prayer and a burden for God's honour and Glory. When God's name is mocked and dishonoured, his chosen servants are caught in scandals, and any news that dishonours God and His church, are you led to pray for God's name to be honoured and restored, or are you led to gossip and discuss the situation?

When Nehemiah heard the news, he had an opportunity to discuss or gossip about the people and wall of Jerusalem, but he was immediately moved to pray and weep for the state of Jerusalem. What's your reaction when you hear such news? Instead of criticising or gossiping, start praying with a burden for that situation. If you are already praying, then you are the person God will choose to become the end-time Nehemiah.