Summary: Jesus had every right and authority to throw the first stone, but he never chose to throw the first throne. It was a decision he chose to take – never to throw the stone or the first stone. Love was the decision he chose to take.

But Jesus stooped down and wrote on the ground with His finger, as though He did not hear. So when they continued asking Him, He raised Himself up and said to them, “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.” John 8:6-7

When the woman was caught in the act of adultery and was about to be stoned, Jesus found a way or method to save her by asking the Pharisees a question or way to throw the stone – “The person without sin throw the first stone”. It was a query or question or conundrum, or riddle. This question had a very deeper meaning: everyone is with sin, and only God could throw the first stone. If anyone throws the first stone, they will break the law (everyone was born with sin). Jesus saved her by using the same law that the pharisees used to throw the stone. Jesus convicted the Pharisees in a theological way which they understood very well. Jesus convicted the Pharisees in a theological sense. Jesus knows how to bring conviction as per their theological standard.

This question convicted the Pharisees. Jesus convicted the Pharisees who felt justified in their own eyes for following the law. This was the best and only question that could save the women from being stoned to death. His wisdom was so awesome that with one perfect question, he convinced and changed the mind of the pharisees to leave the place without throwing a stone.

Without any stress, panic and with perfect calm he saved her. He appeared cool and, with one question, saved her. If there was a superhero, it was Jesus, and one of his abilities was wisdom. If we lack wisdom, we should come to this Jesus, who is wiser than Solomon, and seek his counsel and wisdom. His wisdom can solve the most complex problems and create a brighter future.

With one question from Jesus, the Pharisees were so convicted and left the place slowly. Jesus convicted the Pharisees while safeguarding ( and standing up for) that women at the same time. He convicted Pharisees but safeguarded the women. He was covering/shielding the women in the shelter of His love and compassion from the acquisitions and condemnations of the pharisees. In order to save one, he convicted many Pharisees. What a wonderful Jesus we have that with one question, he saved one person from a dangerous position.

Jesus had every right and authority to throw the first stone, but he never chose to throw the first throne. It was a decision he chose to take – never to throw the stone or the first stone. Love was the decision he chose to take. If Jesus has thrown the first stone, in the garden of Eden itself he would have thrown the first stone. Jesus always finds a way to love and save his children in spite of their sins. His love and mercy are so abundant and great that he offers his people many opportunities to repent before passing judgement.

He was only person among the people (or entire universe)who was without sin and was worthy to throw the first stone. He never wanted to throw a stone. It was love at the time of judgement. It was His Love taking precedence over everything else, including the law. According to the law, she should be stoned, but Jesus found a unique or only way to save her. The unique way he found justified the law and also found a way to save her. The unique way he found saved her at the same time justified the law. He met the conditions of the law (without breaking it) while also saving her life. One question that meets both the standards of law and God’s love. It was one the best questions to ask. Pharisees might be astonished or surprised by the question. Jesus posed an intriguing question that left everyone puzzled. Jesus' words or questions acted as a shield to save her.

The Pharisee can throw a stone, but not the first one. It seemed as if she was in the hands of Pharisees, but Pharisees could do nothing to harm her. The Pharisees were powerless and could do nothing to hurt her. Jesus kept them in that position, bound and unable to throw a stone. Jesus used the same law that the Pharisees used to convict them. So, feeling convicted, they stopped all their acquisitions and gently left the place. It was like being in the middle of a war in which our enemy(though powerful) was powerless and couldn't use any weapons to destroy us. Pharisees were not in a position to throw a stone. Instead of women, the Pharisees were convicted first. Many times, we are also at war, but the enemy cannot do anything because of God's protection.

We do not know what Jesus wrote on the ground with his finger. However, the women may have seen what Jesus had written on the ground when everyone left. Jesus might have written something that would be a blessing to her.

The entire crowd was judging and condemning her, but Jesus showed his love and compassion. To avoid making the women uncomfortable, Jesus even pretended not to hear their accusations and charges. Jesus pretended not to hear the charges so that women can feel at home with him and experience His love. People were criticising her, but Jesus pretended he didn't hear their accusations because he wanted to save her.

He did not even judge or condemn her. By not condemning her, she welcomed her into his love, and by telling her not to sin anymore, he gave a guideline for a better future. Jesus was in the right place and right time in order to save the women. By showing love instead of condemning her, Jesus made a way for the women to experience God's love.

When we sin, Satan accuses us (according to the law) and brings us before God. He emphasises our sins (according to the law) and mentions the punishment we deserve before God. He asks for God to pass instant judgement. But God finds a way to save us. Every time we sin, Satan accuses us and brings us before God and God finds a way to save us every time. At the cross, God made a permanent way to save you and me. God made a way permanently to stop the accusations and condemnations of Satan. On the Cross, Jesus bore all of our accusations and condemnations because of our sins.

The Cross is God's way of saving you from the punishment of your past, present, and future sins. Jesus shed his blood to wash away all our sins, and Satan can no longer accuse or condemn you. The Cross and blood of Jesus shielded us from Satan's condemnation and accusations. Come to Jesus, repent of your sins, and stop living in condemnation. Jesus bore all your sins and paid the price for your redemption. Start living in the freedom that is available at the Cross.

The Pharisees were accusing and condemning the women for one sin of adultery. If you look at it spiritually, Satan and His millions of forces are accusing us of all our sins before God. The woman had maybe 20 people condemning her, but if you look at spiritually, Satan and millions of forces are behind us accusing us for not just one sin, but many. It was as if there was one man followed by thousands of accusing voices. The cross shields and protects us from thousands of accusing voices and promises a better future.

The Cross is God's way of questioning, answering and responding Satan's charges and condemnations levelled against us. Jesus was the light that shone so brightly that the women could come out of her darkness. Perhaps darkness didn't understand or realise why so much light was blazing on her path. Jesus led her from her darkness to the vast light and brighter future he had planned for her.